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FBME Bank troubles

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FBME Bank troubles

Postby Happycamper » Wed Oct 01, 2014 9:19 pm

I really hope that someone can help us. We’ve been planning to move to Cyprus for some time now and unfortunately, we have a good part of our savings deposited with FBME bank.
I’m sure that most of you are aware of the problems with FBME and the bank recently issued a statement saying that it would be possible for their customers to remove up to €10K per day, by way of a cheque being issued from the branch, but it would have to be made out in the name of the account holder.
We’ve been looking into the possibility of having these cheques cleared by a UK bank, but have now been told that this won’t be possible, so it looks as if we will have to open a new bank account with another bank on Cyprus. I have two questions where I would really appreciate some advice:
1) Does anyone know of someone who has an account with FBME and another Cyprus Bank, where they were able to pay in a cheque from FBME, over the last few weeks? I ask this, because I’ve heard that FBME are not making it easy for their customers to remove funds and I just don’t want to go to the trouble of opening another bank account in Cyprus, if I can’t pay in an FBME cheque.
2) Can anyone recommend a good ‘solid’ and safe bank in Cyprus (not that anything is really safe these days!)
Thanks very much

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Re: FBME Bank troubles

Postby Nils » Tue Oct 07, 2014 1:48 pm

Hi Happycamper,

I have exactly the same task to solve and the same questions!
Have you any further conclusions?

I might have some idé of how to move forward. Please contact me at: deep.2.mind (at)
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