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Euro in Cyprus?

Benefits and problems from the EU membership.

Do you want the adoption of Euro in Cyprus?

I don't care
Total votes : 27

Postby VEX8 » Thu Jan 26, 2006 11:29 am

It, you're a star.

Good site. There is always a difficulty with any population when a currency is changed, just look at us in Britain in 1971 when we went decimal but now we have to accept total controll by the ECB. Giving over controll of anything is never easy but to hand over the economic future of your country to a faceless group of Euro Bankers and Eurocrats doesn't sit easy with me. Of course i can see the advantage of having money in my pocket that i can spend all over Europe but at what price (pardon the pun)?
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Postby Sotos » Thu Jan 26, 2006 10:02 pm

Is Britsain going to join the Euro finally?
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Postby icetea » Sat Jan 28, 2006 12:23 am

I feel like Maria. Neither I am sure if the Euro is a good thing or not for Cyprus.

On the one side, if they would have Euro, I wouldn't have to think of changing my money now when I come for holiday. It is already some while ago that i was changing currencies. :)

But on the other side it might happen like in Germany or Austria for example, that the prices rapidly increase. Now we are living already 4 years with Euro and still we can feel the higher prices due to the change of currency.
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Postby Strahd » Tue Feb 21, 2006 12:37 pm

VEX8 wrote:It, you're a star.

Good site. There is always a difficulty with any population when a currency is changed, just look at us in Britain in 1971 when we went decimal but now we have to accept total controll by the ECB. Giving over controll of anything is never easy but to hand over the economic future of your country to a faceless group of Euro Bankers and Eurocrats doesn't sit easy with me. Of course i can see the advantage of having money in my pocket that i can spend all over Europe but at what price (pardon the pun)?

VEX this is not true, because if britain joined the Europe then a part of these Euro Bankers would be English, so not only you have no danger but you could also bring forward your ideas and policies to the rest of the union.
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