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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Piratis » Fri Nov 26, 2004 7:12 pm

Here is what MicAtCyp wrote in that forum:

Καπου βρηκα αυτο το κειμενο.Παραθετει τα θετικα στοιχεια του σχεδιου Αναν5.Νομιζω ειναι ενδιαφερον αν βρει καποιος και ενα κειμενο με τα αρνητικα να τα παραθεσει εδω για να παρουμε μια πληρη εικονα.


I found somewhere this document. It presents the positive points of Annan plan 5. I believe it would be interesting if somebody found a document with the negative points to present them here to get the whole picture.

Its clearly to me that those views were not his views. He never said that he supported what was written in that document.

Apparently this was a time that MicAtCyp had not formed an opinion yet.
This is a plus for him and not a negative us Bananiot wanted to present it, because it shows that his choice was not predetermined, but it came after he studied the plan carefully without any prejudice.
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Postby MicAtCyp » Fri Nov 26, 2004 8:04 pm

Bananiot the Greatest,

I asked you to present your arithmetic regarding your modified number of settlers that would stay according to the Anan Plan.Your original number was 41,000 while later, in your inability to refute my documented arguments you increased the number to 70,000 ...

Instead of presenting us your aritmetic you took a newspaper clipping that I posted in another forum, and presented it in this forum as if it was written by me , and as if that was my own position. If you were to do the same in this forum you would quote the post of Brother titled "KKTC celebrates founding anniversary" to support a totally distorted view at another forum that Brother wants division! What you did was gossip of the kahvene !

And instead of apologizing, or at least deleting your post, you continue your dancing here, with various verbal acrobatisms, trying to convince us that "you did not mean that the post was written by MicAtCyp", blah blah blah.....Who you think you are kitting re?

You even went further along your "gossiping" to say that I changed my oppinion to the exact opposite. You are so naive, you did not realise yet, that what I was doing there, was just trying to shake the beleifs of those nationalists, extremists and divisionists. Do you disagree that forum was full with such people? And that by doing so, on some very specific issues of the Anan Plan I could perhaps be misjudged as a blind supporter of the plan as it was? Irrespective of how many times I repeated my reservations in there, and how many times I repeated that we must wait for the outcome of the negotiations before we judge the plan.

This way you thought that "we were together"! The fact is that I never realised you were a blind supporter of the Anan Plan because there like you do here, never presented anything other than statements. Unfortunately Bananiot, much to my regret I eventually realised that you have exactly the same mentality, and use exactly the same methods of distorting the truth like those people.You are the other side of exactly the same coin. That on one side has the nationalists, fanatics,extremists and divisionists and on the other side, the defeatists like you!


Bananiot wrote: I did not say that only 41000 will stay. I know very well the provisions of the A plan on this matter. I was referring to those that will stay in excess of those provided by the first 2 clauses who I thought their stay was not questioned by anyone.

Oh really? Is that why you went on straight to other forums searching for ready answers, and analyses made by others? Well if you really do know the Anan Plan so well like you say, then tell me in which page the Anan Plan of 31 March 2004 does talk of the other 2 clauses?

Finally thanks to Mikkie and Piratis for their support is this so low level act of Bananiot.
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