repulsewarrior wrote:...i am waiting for the war with "chyna", it seems Mr. Morrison is preparing for a fight; they say if the Chinese jump up and down, all at the same time, it causes tsunamis.
...twerking, is that a National dance? And why were they there, seriously, who booked them, for an event where dignitaries are seated; tight budgets? Poor girls (read: young ladies), a great performance though, pretty tight.
No we are not preparing fir a war or for a fight with Chy-na.
We are however an important ally strategically to our friends and partners in the region - Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan, and even Vietnam as of recent. Plus many more.
All of which have an axe to grind with Chy-na over the South East China Sea delineation of territorial seas and EEZ under international law UNCLOS.
Chy-na, like Turkey, choose to make up their own rules to steal what does not belong to them. They are in fact taking it to a whole new level. The Turks are nowhere near as organised or progressed in their thievery. Turkey actually looks like a much more reasonable proposition as they actually know they are in the wrong.
As such, we prepare our military to protect our interests globally and defend Australia.
This new ship is an Air Warfare Destroyer of some 6500 tonnes. Worth about 4 billion. Capable of launching Tomahawk Cruise Missiles, Harpoon and a variety of long, medium and short range air defence missiles. Ideal escort ship for our Capital Ships Canberra abs Adelaide.
It’s a piece of art. We are very proud of our newest ship.

Built in Adelaide with the latest in stealth shipping tech as well from the Americans, and French. Initially launched next to the DCMS submarine facility where the Shortfin submarines will be built under licence from France and America’s Lockheed. Yes Lockheed. The aircraft manufacturer.
The Shortfin is a French design but unlike the French boats, the Australian ones will have American Fire Acquisition and Targeting systems, and American weapons like the sub launched Tomahawk Cruise Missile with a range of 3500 plus kms.
The French alternatives are equally state of the art but the Australian Naval Program calls for American weapons and fire control because that’s what our other ships have, including AEGIS.
And that’s why you have Frances DCMS and Lockheed teaming up.
So yeh, our new ships and subs pack quite the punch but the bursary about our subs is they could be anywhere around the globe, with extreme stealth, ready to launch their Tomahawk missiles.