Re: New Comedy

Lordo wrote:I am afraid this one is for the Terggggish speakers. Murat is equivalent to a Robin Reliant
Temel saves for years to buy a Murat
As he is returning to his town, he his car breaks down.
A Ferrari driver stops and offers him to pull him to the next garage.
He warns him that he does like to drive fast but if it is too fast just to indicate he wants to over take and he will understand.
They reach 100 km and hour and Temel indicates so Ferrari slows down.
A Lamborghini approaches the Ferrari and challenges him to a race to the nearest garage and who ever wins will fill up the other's tank.
So off they go and reach 300 km an hour. Temel indicates again to slow them down.
In a police helicopter above an observer reports back to base saying there is a Ferrari and a Lamborghini racing at dangerous speeds on the north highway and a Murat trying to over take them.
This joke is as old as I am!