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Postby brother » Thu Aug 11, 2005 6:17 pm

My name should not bother anyone dont judge a book by its cover.

This is not judging but an observation, if i called myself 'crazyturk' how seriousley do you think i would be taken, not at all imo.

But its your choice and yet again welcome to the forum.
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Re: turkish flag

Postby Greekmaniac » Thu Aug 11, 2005 6:17 pm

theg wrote:
cannedmoose wrote:
Greekmaniac wrote:That picture confirms to me what ive always said ,the only contribution Turks have given to this world is genocide.

I believe the dead people represented in that picture are Turks...

yes they are turkish for they were be 'shehit' for their country, for turks, for us. u cant understand this. they are our father. i can die now for turks future too. they draw our flag with their blood. we can draw again with our blood and our lifes. is there anybody wants to tear our flag? we are on duty.

look they tried to tear our flag.....





look maybe u can see ur future....

I would have made sure I took a couple of you Turks with me to your 90 virgins in heaven.
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Re: turkish flag

Postby ChomskyFan » Thu Aug 11, 2005 6:18 pm

Greekmaniac wrote:
cannedmoose wrote:
Greekmaniac wrote:That picture confirms to me what ive always said ,the only contribution Turks have given to this world is genocide.

I believe the dead people represented in that picture are Turks...

Well at least there something positive about the picture

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Greekmaniac » Thu Aug 11, 2005 6:18 pm

brother wrote:
My name should not bother anyone dont judge a book by its cover.

This is not judging but an observation, if i called myself 'crazyturk' how seriousley do you think i would be taken, not at all imo.

But its your choice and yet again welcome to the forum.

Thank you
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Re: turkish flag

Postby Turkey (( * » Thu Aug 11, 2005 6:18 pm

theg wrote:
cannedmoose wrote:
Greekmaniac wrote:That picture confirms to me what ive always said ,the only contribution Turks have given to this world is genocide.

I believe the dead people represented in that picture are Turks...

yes they are turkish for they were be 'shehit' for their country, for turks, for us. u cant understand this. they are our father. i can die now for turks future too. they draw our flag with their blood. we can draw again with our blood and our lifes. is there anybody wants to tear our flag? we are on duty.

look they tried to tear our flag.....





look maybe u can see ur future....

I second that!! We don't hate anybody but we will hunt those who disrespect our nation and our flag
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Postby theg » Thu Aug 11, 2005 6:18 pm

Image ... DJLi_w.jpg

but we shouldnt forget everytime peace.......

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Re: turkish flag

Postby ChomskyFan » Thu Aug 11, 2005 6:19 pm

Greekmaniac wrote:
theg wrote:
cannedmoose wrote:
Greekmaniac wrote:That picture confirms to me what ive always said ,the only contribution Turks have given to this world is genocide.

I believe the dead people represented in that picture are Turks...

yes they are turkish for they were be 'shehit' for their country, for turks, for us. u cant understand this. they are our father. i can die now for turks future too. they draw our flag with their blood. we can draw again with our blood and our lifes. is there anybody wants to tear our flag? we are on duty.

look they tried to tear our flag.....





look maybe u can see ur future....

I would have made sure I took a couple of you Turks with me to your 90 virgins in heaven.

I believe that is '104' virgins actually, what a stupid idea of heaven, Mohammed was the most deranged man in Arabia.... Ever.
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Postby ChomskyFan » Thu Aug 11, 2005 6:21 pm

Turkey (( * wrote:
cannedmoose wrote:Not knowing what the banner says, I'd imagine that it's a group of Turkish soldiers who have been overrun and massacred. The riders are a support column who arrived too late. Upon arriving, they witness the pool of blood with the crescent and star reflected in it and take this as a symbol of their resistance.

It says "God, how many suns go down for a crescent"

Turkey ((*, I don't wish to intrude, but in the Quran it says that Mohammed 'split the moon asunder', this must have been the greatest event in the World, let alone Arabia, why are there no recorded instances of this happening in any history book?
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Postby Greekmaniac » Thu Aug 11, 2005 6:21 pm

Your guess is as good as mine on the virgins good luck with a religion that straps bombs on their citizens and sends them to kill innocent people.
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Re: turkish flag

Postby ChomskyFan » Thu Aug 11, 2005 6:22 pm

theg wrote:look maybe u can see ur future....

Turkey is full of Barbarian Ultranationalists?

We knew that already.
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