repulsewarrior wrote:Klik, sustaining our identities as Persons is extremely important. google, ethnosphere. understand that more than the ecosphere, culture, the diversity that is "Mankind" dwindles at an even faster rate.
because Cyprus, or at least its Statesmen, have chosen to define the Principal of Bicommunality for all Mankind, new thinking is needed about the meaning of "State" and the meaning of "Nation". the debate in Cyprus as it is framed presently has led to stagnation; the same stagnation that exists in Turkey.
...think about that.
something is terribly wrong about our views, as Humans, because the world has changed; Nations are no longer States...
...within all modern states, there are (plural) Nations. indeed we are a tiny little island compared to the size, in land mass and population, of other countries. but our Intolerance is the same, if we divide ourselves as Blacks or Whites by any other name. indeed, our Problem needs a solution which is "Perfect", that is to say repeatable, providing a result which others can emulate toward their own betterment.
...furthermore, our demographics will not stay the same. we are members of the EU now, a very fluid population. we are the gateway to three continents, and our survival depends on our ability to facilitate social-exchange as a global partner. it is no joke when i remind us that the population of Cyprus is something a little over twelve million (although conservatively this will take two hundred years, if it does not happen sooner). if we resist these changes, they will overwhelm us, especially since desertification and ocean acidification are likely in a future which looms much closer still.
Did you copy-paste-translate that from SY.RIZ.A?

Nations do not exist but states do? What world do you live in? The world of Hollywood making the rules??
Multiculturism DOES NOT WORK. It was tried in many places. Doesn't work. Not unless you wipe out the indigenous population. If you want Cyprus to become a multicultural STATE, then you have to wipe out all the Greeks, which includes the likes of "Bananiot" and "Get Real!" even if they don't like to admit it or feel that way.
And before going on about the Armenians, Latins and Maronites, they are as much Cypriots. Why? Because they murdered nobody to get here and most have roots from the antiquity here. This is the Cypriot STATE. The NATION lies within Greece and Armenians, Maronites and Latins say that as well, at least to their vast majority. Maronites and Latins (Catholics basically) also have Greek names and speak the Greek language. Armenians have kept their Armenian names but speak Greek as well. The other entity, will bring that "multicultural" aspect in Cyprus. Epic failure in 1960. People who cannot communicate cannot live together. Either everyone learns the Greek language and speaks that and it's the language that everyone is taught at a young age(I don't see Armenians, Maronites and Latins complaining that they are "forced" to speak Greek as they know that it's a Greek island after all they live in) or have an ethnic cleansing, wipe out everyone and force the newcoming immigrants to speak English, Turkish or whatever...
There is only one country that is losing its NATION status in Europe. That is England. Mass immigration and TOLERANCE has wiped out anything English about England. The burka is more common that the average blond English girls you saw here 15 years ago. And England is going through an identity crisis and they brainwash the people so that they don't care about it. England's fault really for stealing all that money from the colonies. Now the colonies are in England and they get their money back in a different way!
Similar thing is happening to France. French are more awake than the English though. They will riot soon and we seen them in the streets rioting.
Germany is going through this as well, with the vast majority of immigrants being from Turkey and lots from central Africa.
Italy and Spain have extremely strict immigration laws.
In Spain if you rent a house/flat to an illegal immigrant the government will confiscate it. You will be fined and put to jail for a year at least in some cases. If you aid illegal immigration, you get put to jail for 3 years max.
You are not allowed to rent a place if you do not have a RESIDENCE VISA. That applies to EU CITIZENS as well. No free movement in Spain. Are they "racists" because they are not "human enough" to accept the miserables?
Italy has similar laws. 100.000 euro fine to anyone who gives roof to illegal immigrants.
In Greece there is treason ongoing. There are at least 1.5 milion illegal immigrants SENT BY TURKEY and there is chaos. There is SYRIZA and KKE that promote "human rights" and immigration of so called "asylum seekers". There was treason with Dublin 2 Treaty that sends everyone back to Greece from any other EU country. Greece will eventually explode with all that crime that comes with the illegal immigrants.
What 12 milion?

First of all, you think that by "CREATING CYPRIOTS" and a fake Cypriot ethnicity, you will control the demographics? By importing "Cypriots"?
Or by handing passports to every Turk in the North?
Our problem is that we have become too "friendly"! Anyone who thinks like a serious government is now considered 'fascist, racist' etc
Globalisation is going to ruin the world and we are witnessing the first steps in some countries.
There's a reason why in the last 7000 years people were seperating themselves from other kingdoms/states/races... The human race CANNOT COEXIST with every single race that lives here!
We've seen how merciful the Arabs were who wiped out the entire white population of northern Africa and almost all the Middle East (yes, people there were the so-called "Caucasian" type in their majority)
Why? Mostly because the whites would not convert to Islam (are you aware of Sharia and what every sect believes about it?)
I'm not going to trade MY IDENTITY for a lost cause that will eventually lead to my loss.
As for NATIONS. Let's see how many STATES are actual NATIONS (over 75% of the population) I'm only gonna go with Europe since the rest were either ethnically cleansed (like Australia, USA, Canada etc) or are mixtures of immigrants and natives(like Brazil, Peru, Chile, South Africa)
Indochina is mostly "pure" but I don't have that much time

Ireland : 87%
Spain: 88% (Spain consists of Castillans, Catalans, Basques etc actually)
Portugal: 97%
Poland: 97%
Russia: 80% (barely)
Ukraine: 78% (with some 17% being Russians...)
Germany: 90% (don't really believe this as it counts black immigrants as Germans, people from Ghana, Nigeria, Cameroon etc)
Italy: 99% (some are mixed with other European countries like Germans in the north, Greeks in the south and French on the west.)
Sweden: 81%
Iceland: 93% (not sure if they count as indigenous)
Denmark: 90%
Norway: 89%
Finland: 93%
Albania: 95%
Belarus: 81%
Romania: 90%
Malta: 95%
Slovakia: 86%
Czech Republic: 94%
Lithuania: 84%
Bulgaria: 85%
Slovenia: 83%
Hungary: 95%
Serbia: 83%
Croatia: 90%
Then we have.
FYROM: They don't even know what they are

Andorra: 43% Castillan Spanish, 33% Catalan, 11% Portuguese some French and other populations. Nation is supposed to be Catalan and they are not the majority...
Cyprus: 77% Greeks, 18% Turks 5% other (should be much different now with the legalisation of more Turks

Moldova: They are actually Romanian... consisting of 70% of the population
France: Messed up. It was illegal to have demographic research on people''s ethnic group until some 50 years ago. 6 milion North Africans(Arabs) and 2.5m sub-Saharan Africans(blacks). Just estimations though. There are a lot of Basques in France as well (south & south-east)
Belgium: Flemmish(6m) vs Wallonians(3m) + immigrants
Netherlands: Very very very messed up. Has 4 similar nations within the state.
Austria: Austrians are Germans.. everyone knows that. 91% 'purity'
Latvia: They are 60% with over 1/4 of the country being Russians
Estonia: 68% and most of the others are Russians
Bosnia-Herzegovina: 48% Bosnian, 37% Serb, 14% Croat (I think Serbs still want part of Bosnia and Croats want part as well)
Luxembourg: Mixture of French and Germans. Lots of immigrants as well now
Switzerland: Germans, French, Helvetii(the indigenous people, minority), Italians... very messed up. Only actual "multicultural" country that works. But the mixture occured over 1000 years ago and from similar types. Indigenous people were Latinised.
Kosovo(?): Albanians stole this land from Serbia leaving 5% Serbs in the land, while there are 88% Albanians. Expect a "merger" soon.
Montenegro: Not 100% sure, but it's like almost half are Montenegrin, almost half are Serbs and the rest are from other former Yugoslav nations.
Liechtenstein: Germans...
Monaco: 47% French, 16% Italian... 16% Monegasque(mixture of Italians, Germans and French so doesn't really count)
San Marino: Italians.... only genuine part of Italy that didn't participate in the unification!
United Kingdom: English, Scottish, Irish, Welsh... along with Indochinese(India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, China...), Arabs and other immigrants from Europe and Central-South America. 10 years ago it was 90% "white". I say after the count this year it will fall to 80% at least.
As we, FYROM "should" be given to Serbia, Bulgaria and Albania for sharing. Cyprus "should" be given to Greece. San Marino "should" be given to Italy. Liechtenstein and Austria "should" be given to Germany, Moldova "should" be given to Romania.
Belgium, Switzerland and Montenegro "should" be split into 2 or more parts or have parts given to other nations.
What I'm trying to show is, that THERE'S ONLY A HANDFUL of non-nation states! I can talk about border reform and use 2-3 lines ONLY! And that's about Europe which has so many races.
Check nation-states on google

I am of the opinion that every state should be a nation and every nation should have ONE state. Simple logic. If you wanna live elsewhere APPLY. Otherwise work hard for your own place to be worth living in...