webbo wrote:denizaksulu wrote:BOF wrote:8) suprisingly it is superior to the female kind!!
Back home in Blighty where garden waste is composted it is recommended that after putting the garden waste plus newpapers etc into the compost bin the enzimes needed to start the process off are to be found in male urine.....and it works! everything rots down to a really good compost.
Recycling garden/plant waste is something the E.U. is quite hot on so expect it to happen here sometime in the future
Must be better than a wormery. What a waste of money they turn out to be.

Should sign a petition for cruelty to worms.

Take it yours did not work then Deniz?
Bubbles x

Because of the unpredictable weather, we attempted to put it in the shade, so ended up in the shed. Next day we had a heat wave, and I think that killed them off. Not before we got a litre of liquid manure and a great stink. It was a birthday present for my wife (not from me, I must add), I think the instructions were translated from Chines. It was all Greek to me, too.