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Is it over for Turkey?

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Re: Is it over for Turkey?

Postby Maximus » Mon Jul 04, 2016 3:46 pm

B25 wrote:Turkey now licking Russian ass! ... mir-putin/

It had to happen, poor old NATO is going to be well and truly fucked off. So much for allies.

Note to the TCs: Your motherland is going to sell you down the shitter as soon as she is finished with you.

I doubt everything is completely forgiven and forgotten with Putin after shooting down the Russian jet. He has further militarized Armenias border since then and even though Russia's tourism and other sanctions on Turkey may have been tentatively lifted, who thinks that Russians will flock to Turkish resorts?

Only a few weeks ago, Turkish officials denied German (A NATO member) MP's access to incirlik airbase who have 250 soldiors stationed there. This is the thanks they get for stationing their military personel and patriot missiles in the country to contribute to their protection.

Many commentators think that Turkeys thaw in relations with both Russia and Israel is to the detriment of Cyprus. I think the opposite. I think both Israel and Russia are engaging in asymmetric politcs to divert the Turks attention to believe all is well. They wont ever fully trust them in the short term. Who trust the Turks anyway? The Turks are just looking for money.

Im telling you, Turkey and the "TRNC" is going to get well and truely fckd.
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Re: Is it over for Turkey?

Postby B25 » Mon Jul 04, 2016 4:18 pm

Maximus wrote:
B25 wrote:Turkey now licking Russian ass! ... mir-putin/

It had to happen, poor old NATO is going to be well and truly fucked off. So much for allies.

Note to the TCs: Your motherland is going to sell you down the shitter as soon as she is finished with you.

Im telling you, Turkey and the "TRNC" is going to get well and truely fckd.

Well, I sincerely hope so, inshallah.
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Re: Is it over for Turkey?

Postby Lordo » Mon Jul 04, 2016 6:09 pm

see how fast things change. both israel and russia have made their peace with terggy and the israili gas is going via trnc and terggy into europe.
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Re: Is it over for Turkey?

Postby Maximus » Mon Jul 04, 2016 7:03 pm

Lordo wrote:see how fast things change. both israel and russia have made their peace with terggy and the israili gas is going via trnc and terggy into europe.

It will most probably go through Cyprus > Kurdistan > Greece on to Europe. Or via Syria > Kurdistan > greece then on to Europe.

Turkey will be a shell of its former self cut off from the mediterranean, if in the area at all.
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Re: Is it over for Turkey?

Postby kurupetos » Wed Jul 06, 2016 2:19 pm

Lordo wrote:see how fast things change. both israel and russia have made their peace with terggy and the israili gas is going via trnc and terggy into europe.

:lol: Not gonna happen, kuz. Russia will destroy Turkey.
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Re: Is it over for Turkey?

Postby Maximus » Wed Jul 06, 2016 10:17 pm

kurupetos wrote:
Lordo wrote:see how fast things change. both israel and russia have made their peace with terggy and the israili gas is going via trnc and terggy into europe.

:lol: Not gonna happen, kuz. Russia will destroy Turkey.

No one ever lost a bet against Turkey making enemies.
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Re: Is it over for Turkey?

Postby kurupetos » Wed Jul 06, 2016 11:31 pm

Yes, the Turks are quite good at that...
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Re: Is it over for Turkey?

Postby Lordo » Thu Jul 07, 2016 11:08 am

Maximus wrote:
Lordo wrote:see how fast things change. both israel and russia have made their peace with terggy and the israili gas is going via trnc and terggy into europe.

It will most probably go through Cyprus > Kurdistan > Greece on to Europe. Or via Syria > Kurdistan > greece then on to Europe.

Turkey will be a shell of its former self cut off from the mediterranean, if in the area at all.

you clearly are not a pipeline engineer and understand even less about politics. dont give up your day job.
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Re: Is it over for Turkey?

Postby Kikapu » Thu Jul 07, 2016 12:14 pm

Lordo wrote:see how fast things change. both israel and russia have made their peace with terggy and the israili gas is going via trnc and terggy into europe.

Well, nobody ever said that Turkey cannot dream on how they would like the gas in the Med to be transported. Turkey is kissing every ass in the Med countries to make up with them, in the hope that they will send the gas through Turkey. It's not gonna happen no matter how much butt they kiss, unless they also start kissing the Cypriot's ass big time. Turkey has proven that it cannot be trusted. The Israeli gas, Cypriot gas and the Egyptian gas will ALL meet at the most logical locations, in Egypt or in Cyprus. From these locations, it will either be piped to Europe from Cyprus via Greece, specially if Greece will also drill for gas, or it will be shipped in the form of LPG from Egypt. The only gas Turkey will get is Bio gas from Lordo. :wink:
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Re: Is it over for Turkey?

Postby Maximus » Thu Jul 07, 2016 3:10 pm

How is Israel going to get their gas to Turkey? Please dont tell me throught an undersea pipe going through the "TRNC" unless you want to become a bigger joke than you already are.

Cost will be cut when Israel, Egypt, Greece and Cyprus club together to build the infrastructure and Turkey is probably most likely not in their real plans.

Turkey is only kissing butts now because it wants money. She will never change.
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