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August 14, 1974 ΔEN ΞEXNΩ!!!

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August 14, 1974 ΔEN ΞEXNΩ!!!

Postby wyoming cowboy » Tue Aug 14, 2012 7:50 am

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Re: August 14, 1974 ΔEN ΞEXNΩ!!!

Postby bill cobbett » Thu Aug 16, 2012 5:04 pm

ΔEN ΞEXNΩ... !!!
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Re: August 14, 1974 ΔEN ΞEXNΩ!!!

Postby Lordo » Sat Sep 08, 2012 6:44 pm

bill cobbett wrote:ΔEN ΞEXNΩ... !!!

is this some sort of a code like ayse or was it fatma can go on holiday.
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Re: August 14, 1974 ΔEN ΞEXNΩ!!!

Postby Mapko » Sat Sep 08, 2012 6:51 pm

What the Hell is a 'fatma'?

Anyway, Turkic, I will school you on the ancient art of languages (which we brought to you) - it means 'I won't forget' and it usually written next to a map of the island. The top third of the island is coloured red and there is bllod dripping from it. It's a way of showing the world our own holocaust is still alive in our hearts and will never go away. We will always remember what you did to us, Turkic. Always.
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Re: August 14, 1974 ΔEN ΞEXNΩ!!!

Postby kurupetos » Sat Sep 08, 2012 7:46 pm

Lordo wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:ΔEN ΞEXNΩ... !!!

is this some sort of a code like ayse or was it fatma can go on holiday.

Phase 3: Lordo can go to the Red Apple Tree. :wink:
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Re: August 14, 1974 ΔEN ΞEXNΩ!!!

Postby wyoming cowboy » Sun Sep 09, 2012 8:05 am

Lordo wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:ΔEN ΞEXNΩ... !!!

is this some sort of a code like ayse or was it fatma can go on holiday.

keep playing with where we have the most pain, Lordo, and you'll soon get some sympathy from the GC....good luck
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Re: August 14, 1974 ΔEN ΞEXNΩ!!!

Postby Lordo » Sun Sep 09, 2012 9:51 pm

wyoming cowboy wrote:
Lordo wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:ΔEN ΞEXNΩ... !!!

is this some sort of a code like ayse or was it fatma can go on holiday.

keep playing with where we have the most pain, Lordo, and you'll soon get some sympathy from the GC....good luck

the pain felt is mutual particular for those of us who were there between 63 and 74 my friend. we drag you into the 21st century whether you like it or not otherwise there can be no unification.
Last edited by Lordo on Sun Sep 09, 2012 10:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: August 14, 1974 ΔEN ΞEXNΩ!!!

Postby Mapko » Sun Sep 09, 2012 10:06 pm

Lordo wrote:
wyoming cowboy wrote:
Lordo wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:ΔEN ΞEXNΩ... !!!

is this some sort of a code like ayse or was it fatma can go on holiday.

keep playing with where we have the most pain, Lordo, and you'll soon get some sympathy from the GC....good luck

the pain felt is mutual particular for those of us who were between 63 and 74 my friend. we drag you into the 21st century whether you like it or not otherwise there can be no unification.

What about the pain felt by Greek Cypriots between 1571 and 1748? Or don't they count because it's so long ago?
You seem to think that you can dangle unification or no unification over us lie the Sword of Damocles - if you give in to all our wishes and give us what we want, you can have unification, if you don't, you will not have unification.
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Re: August 14, 1974 ΔEN ΞEXNΩ!!!

Postby Lordo » Sun Sep 09, 2012 10:09 pm

your problem is more srious then i first thought. if you feel the pain from the 15 hundreds you have no hope my friend. may i remind you what the latin commander of lefkosa did when the lefkara greek cypriots did not fight the ottomans. they put to the sword every single person in the village women and children an all. it seems this wiping out of whole villages is a christan after all.
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Re: August 14, 1974 ΔEN ΞEXNΩ!!!

Postby Mapko » Sun Sep 09, 2012 10:22 pm

No, read it carefully - I stated the pain felt by Greek Cypriots for nearly 300 years. So it seems it doesn't count because it's so long ago. When exactly then do we stop getting blamed for 1963-1974 - is it another 200 years before Greek Cypriots can say 'Who cares - you weren't alive'?

Ok, you want to go down that route. Look at what the Muslims did in Bosnia. Look what the Muslims have done in India. Look at what the Muslims have done in Turkey (to Greeks). Look what the Muslims have done in Africa. Ask yourself what Muslim atrocities provoked the Crusades over 1,000 years ago.

By the way, what did we do between those dates? All I know is that you lot sided with the British Army to kill Greek Cypriots.
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