Pyrpolizer wrote:Londonrake wrote:To reflect Milti's experiences.
When I lived in London I went to my GP with an ongoing prostate problem. I was referred to a Urologist at the Chelsea and Westminster. To cut a long story short it was about 18 months from seeing the GP, followed by 3 consultations with intervening tests at the hospital before I walked away with a prescription for regular medication.
Fast forward to here. I dropped into the hospital and asked whether I could get an appointment to see a Urologist from reception. After a phone call they basically said "He's in room 28". There, he gave me an exam, including an ultrascan then a note for blood/urine tests the next day. In less than a week I saw him again, at which point I got the cancer all clear and he offered me the option of having an operation to relieve the symptoms of my problem.
Last year I emailed the Med hospital in Limassol on a Monday and asked to see a General Surgeon regarding an umbilical hernia I had. They phoned back with an appointment to see one that following Friday. He gave me his first available slot for an op a month later. Just before that I had a blood and PCR test, plus chest Xray. The PCR cost me €60 and the others so little I wonder why they bother. I had the op, spent one night in a private room and went home the next morning. The whole thing, staff and treatment, was very slick and excellent.
Impossible to find fault.
Don't worry Paphitis will find a fault from one of his visits to Cyprus.
if not he will just buzz us with one of his never ending essays of how much better things are in Holy-Rosy Australia..

No I do t. I have never been admitted to a Cypriot Hospital - just Australian ones for surgery. I can only speak of my experiences in Australian hospitals.
Plus I don’t have any health issues to need to rely that heavily on health services.
Only one time I had to go to hospital in Cyprus when I cut my hand when I was 12. Had to go to Polis Hospital and I got some stitches. That’s it.
It’s just common sense to me that if you were reliant on the Health System, or had something seriously wrong like Cancer, then my preference would be hands down to receive the care I need in Australia because I believe the doctors to be much better, the level of care to be much better and the hospitals are literally amazing and massive complexes worth Billions of dollars with all the latest equipment abd technology. One hospital serves meals through robots ffs. Robots even bring you the meds and pain relieve with computers automatically recording dosages and what not.

Ok that’s a downside to an attractive young female nurse.

Same with America. If there was something seriously wrong, I’d rather be treated in the US because medical practices are advance, they are leaders in Cancer research, probably know what they are doing more than most countries etc etc. There is a reason why people come to America for treatment. It’s just mega expensive and they will take your house afterwards if you are not insured.