Robin Hood wrote:Lordo wrote:Its ok folks according the yanks have approved killing of children, women and civilians but they must be good boys and kill less than last time. So expect about 10,000 murders in this phase.
Isn't it strange how quiet those that 'Stand with Israel' have become over time? Obviously they must have realised they are supporting a Zionist war of genocide to grab land and exterminate those living on it.
Latest ...... the Zionist have now told those living in Gaza to leave the Southern areas! It was just a couple of weeks ago that these same Zionists were telling those in the North the same story and to go South, but murdered them anyway.
IF the Zionists are insistent on fighting HAMAS .... why not make it a level playing field and ban the heavy weapons that ONLY Israel has in this conflict. Let it be man-to-man battle of the wiling and we will see how well the Zionists do then?
Let the US and the UK inform the Israelis that if they don't stop using these heavy weapons in the conflict immediately, including tanks, heavy artillery, missiles and aerial bombing, then under the direction of the UN General Assembly after a vote of approval, that the Russians/Chinese/Iranians will use THEIR heavy weapons and eliminate THEM and they will get no protection from the Western Allies! If the Zionists want to play the tough guys ........ let's see how they fair against real fighters as as opposed to their usual targets over the last 70 odd years ...... the old, women, teenagers and children!
A Cloud cuckoo land idea I know ..... but it would work after the first strike when they ignore the advice/instruction and all their military sites get blown to pieces. They are cowards and would then start pleading to the World to save them. Then arrest on International charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity, Netanyahu and all his cabinet and ALL the US/UK/Eu Politicians that allowed the supply of heavy weapons and gave material support to the Zionist regime.![]()
They were claiming they need to destroy the buildings to wipe out Hamas. Well has Hamas been wiped out in the north? Nope. The intention was all along to flatten Gaza and drive 2.3 million people into Egypt and Western countries have helped them. Incredible Azrael France and UK tried the same thing in Egypt 1956 and America stoped them.This time they joined them.