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French priest murdered by.......

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Re: French priest murdered by.......

Postby miltiades » Thu Aug 04, 2016 8:56 pm

" the other two SAVAGES do not deserve any sympathy as what they did my conscience tells me was wrong!
I inserted in capitals the correct description of these Allah infected perverts . Rpbin, a day old baby if it could speak would tell you that this barbaric act was not only wrong but disgusting. Who the fuck is their god who would reward them with virgins for these nsavages to screw!!

The time surely will come when the worlds governments declare religion a menace to the human race.
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Re: French priest murdered by.......

Postby mistermax » Thu Aug 04, 2016 9:02 pm

Everybody speaking of the death of a nearly 100 yo man and close their eyes on the mass murderers from palestine to afghanistan by Western Military and puppet dictators.
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Re: French priest murdered by.......

Postby miltiades » Thu Aug 04, 2016 9:09 pm

mistermax wrote:Everybody speaking of the death of a nearly 100 yo man and close their eyes on the mass murderers from palestine to afghanistan by Western Military and puppet dictators.

Are you related to GR and his half brother Lordos or the Pervert? Because you are beginning to annoy me!!
Does Daesh and the suicide savages cause any one ones death in your knowledge?

Mate if you are a Greek Cypriot then Miltiades is a fucking Arab !
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Re: French priest murdered by.......

Postby mistermax » Thu Aug 04, 2016 9:17 pm

miltiades wrote:[youtube][/youtube]
mistermax wrote:Everybody speaking of the death of a nearly 100 yo man and close their eyes on the mass murderers from palestine to afghanistan by Western Military and puppet dictators.

Are you related to GR and his half brother Lordos or the Pervert? Because you are beginning to annoy me!!
Does Daesh and the suicide savages cause any one ones death in your knowledge?

Mate if you are a Greek Cypriot then Miltiades is a fucking Arab !

if you can not stand the arguments, don engage in a conversation. I am Greek born in Cyprus. That doesn't affect reality.

I dont know either Lordos or Pervert.

I am in love with Truth. (and my wife)
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Re: French priest murdered by.......

Postby miltiades » Thu Aug 04, 2016 9:20 pm

mistermax wrote:
miltiades wrote:[youtube][/youtube]
mistermax wrote:Everybody speaking of the death of a nearly 100 yo man and close their eyes on the mass murderers from palestine to afghanistan by Western Military and puppet dictators.

Are you related to GR and his half brother Lordos or the Pervert? Because you are beginning to annoy me!!
Does Daesh and the suicide savages cause any one ones death in your knowledge?

Mate if you are a Greek Cypriot then Miltiades is a fucking Arab !

if you can not stand the arguments, don engage in a conversation. I am Greek born in Cyprus. That doesn't affect reality.

I dont know either Lordos or Pervert.

I am in love with Truth. (and my wife)

Exis dio yinekes ?
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Re: French priest murdered by.......

Postby mistermax » Thu Aug 04, 2016 9:20 pm

miltiades wrote:Exis dio yinekes ?

ok, that's a good one. :D
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Re: French priest murdered by.......

Postby Schnauzer » Thu Aug 04, 2016 10:55 pm

As usual, Miltiades is only capable of insult and blind rage yet considers himself to be engaged in a 'Debate' whenever he explodes into his filthy blasphemous tirades.

The intention of my contribution was to direct attention to the fact that the perpetrator of the action MUST have had a 'Motive' for it.

I will put you a case which MIGHT explain that motive and possibly steer the discussion away from "Who can fart the loudest".

Suppose the perpetrator, (having viewed the atrocities committed by those who purport to be acting in accordance with their faith) decided that it would be a good "Wake up call" for the Church (in general) to exert some influence upon the leaders of their nations to desist their habits of slaughtering the innocents of so many other nations, merely to enhance their own standing, would such a motive be accepted with the same validity as that which attends the various campaigns of aggression imposed upon those other nations which resist aggression?.

The West has a 'Motive' (it MUST have) although it is obscure since the Western powers deem it necessary that it should be so..., they use the excuse that they are offering 'Democracy' to the people of nations that do not want it for a very simple reason, they can SEE what 'Democracy' means..... all they have to do is observe the behaviour of the West.

Not to excuse or uphold the action, merely to highlight that there must be a reason for it. :wink:
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Re: French priest murdered by.......

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Aug 04, 2016 11:11 pm

Schnauzer wrote:Not to excuse or uphold the action, merely to highlight that there must be a reason for it. :wink:

Never a 'reason' for such behaviour other than the lack of reason.
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Re: French priest murdered by.......

Postby Schnauzer » Thu Aug 04, 2016 11:16 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Schnauzer wrote:Not to excuse or uphold the action, merely to highlight that there must be a reason for it. :wink:

Never a 'reason' for such behaviour other than the lack of reason.

You are absolutely right of course........will we ever see the day ?. :wink:
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Re: French priest murdered by.......

Postby miltiades » Fri Aug 05, 2016 6:10 am

2015 Sana'a mosque bombings

Suicide bombers killed four Saudi security forces on Monday in an attack outside the Prophet’s Mosque in Medina,

2015 Kuwait mosque bombing .

Here are a few more:
Number of Suicide Bombings Around World Surged 94% in 2014 ...

Jan 2015 - This was especially notable in Iraq (271 attacks, up from 98), Yemen (29 attacks, up from 10), Lebanon (13 attacks, up from three) and Libya (11 attacks, up from one). The number of suicide bombings in Syria remained at 41.

I wonder who these savages are, what god they pray to. The vast majority of these barbaric attacks were indiscriminately carried out targeting public places, mosques, even funeral processions.

The perverts and psychopaths amongst us however ignore these disgusting acts while putting the blame entirely on the west.

The Pervert excused the massacre of innocent British mostly tourists on a beach in Tunisia, also excuses each and every atrocity committed by his ...courageous idols.
The new comer " Greek" considers the killing of an 84 year old priest, almost 100 he states, in a French church as, well quite normal, while Lordo and his half brother the Psycho excuse the massacre at Charlie Hebdo in France, as well as all other atrocities including the recent mowing down of 84 innocent men women and children by a crazed truck driver in Nice, France.
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