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Erdocunts Coup myths busted

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Re: Erdocunts Coup myths busted

Postby Lordo » Mon Jul 22, 2019 1:59 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:
Turkey is no longer a country governed by the rule of law and democratic principles. It is now a state ruled by the government decrees under constant state of emergency. The judiciary is under full control of the government, freedom of press and expression are under hold, the parliamentary is no longer functioning and opposition politicians are behind bars.

More than 150,000 government employees were dismissed from their positions on the basis of their critical views without an effective judicial and administrative probes. The purges in the military, judiciary, foreign service and security apparatus have reached to alarming levels. 51,889 people were put behind bars, without an evidence, a trial and conviction, mostly housewives, teachers, students, doctors, merchants, journalists who were affiliated with the Hizmet movement.

...who argues with these facts Lordo?

Why apologise for Erdogan? Don't you think that it is no coincidence his undoing at Gezi was the internet, and his saving grace in the coup was the very same? Indeed, who can forget his son's plaint with too many shoeboxes, never mind the truck filled with arms, as Humanitarian aid?

...and while Istanbul was won by the opposition, it is three years to the next election. And while Erdogan does not hold a clear majority of Turkey's People, he still has the support of about half.

Will he sacrifice (more) Turkish lives, for ''Turkishness''?

who is apologising for erdogan rw. the guy could not organise a piss up in a brewery. it is possible he arranged it but also it is possible it was a very unorganised coup and he decided to use it to his advantage.
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Re: Erdocunts Coup myths busted

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Jul 17, 2020 12:28 am

...worth reading, an update.

Her husband, Erol, worked closely with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Olcok, however, reflecting on the fourth anniversary of the failed putsch, said she believes the government has misrepresented the legacy of those who died that night, using the event to limit the democratic rights they fought for while infringing on rule-of-law principles in the post-coup purges that followed.

“I did not just lose my husband and son that night,” Olcok told Al-Monitor. “Turkey, as a nation, lost its sense of hope and trust on July 15.”

Read more: ... z6SOpbj1kz
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Re: Erdocunts Coup myths busted

Postby Oceanside50 » Tue Aug 11, 2020 1:21 pm

Turkey will eventually explode or implode.. too much repression too much corruption too many fault lines, when the time comes people will be out in the streets shooting each other ...
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Re: Erdocunts Coup myths busted

Postby Lordo » Wed Jan 19, 2022 6:53 pm

Oceanside50 wrote:Turkey will eventually explode or implode.. too much repression too much corruption too many fault lines, when the time comes people will be out in the streets shooting each other ...

Of course it will, and pigs will fucki fly. Now there there there. That will feel better.
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Re: Erdocunts Coup myths busted

Postby Londonrake » Wed Jan 19, 2022 7:17 pm

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Re: Erdocunts Coup myths busted

Postby Lordo » Thu Jan 20, 2022 12:31 am

naa this is what Ihad in mind

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