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Britain's Free reign to Torture EOKA Persons

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Britain's Free reign to Torture EOKA Persons

Postby B25 » Tue Nov 20, 2018 8:00 pm

Here read this. ... -suspects/

But more so read the comments by that Turkish Cunt MrH. Makes me wanna puke.
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Re: Britain's Free reign to Torture EOKA Persons

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Nov 20, 2018 8:34 pm

...he has an adoring audience.
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Re: Britain's Free reign to Torture EOKA Persons

Postby Maximus » Tue Nov 20, 2018 11:23 pm

There are many commentators on there that have nothing better to do but to slag the country and the GC's off. MrH is one of them.

For many of them, their opinion is as good as an umbrella in a tornado. No morals, no ethics, no values, no wisdom. Just hypocrisy and falsified information.

Whenever I do so happen to click on that site, I see those same commentators from years gone by saying the same things like a broken record, with no end in sight.

Unfortunately, many of the pro Turkish, anti Cypriot brigade that comment there have a third world mentality.

There really is no point wasting your time engaging them in debate. I figured a long time ago what a waste of time it was trying to communicate with them. More importantly, I understood why the TC's should never, ever have a veto at government level should the country ever be reunified and they become a part of it.

That rag is also low level journalism. Their 'view' is terrible.
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Re: Britain's Free reign to Torture EOKA Persons

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Nov 20, 2018 11:54 pm any case, it is he readers that are important; i still write.

Freedom for Cyprus.
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Re: Britain's Free reign to Torture EOKA Persons

Postby Lordo » Wed Nov 21, 2018 3:47 pm

Maximus wrote:There are many commentators on there that have nothing better to do but to slag the country and the GC's off. MrH is one of them.

For many of them, their opinion is as good as an umbrella in a tornado. No morals, no ethics, no values, no wisdom. Just hypocrisy and falsified information.

Whenever I do so happen to click on that site, I see those same commentators from years gone by saying the same things like a broken record, with no end in sight.

Unfortunately, many of the pro Turkish, anti Cypriot brigade that comment there have a third world mentality.

There really is no point wasting your time engaging them in debate. I figured a long time ago what a waste of time it was trying to communicate with them. More importantly, I understood why the TC's should never, ever have a veto at government level should the country ever be reunified and they become a part of it.

That rag is also low level journalism. Their 'view' is terrible.

only a fascist would see a criticism of a government of a country as an attack on the country. a bit like what trump does when he accuses the media who are criticising him as the enemy of the people. and you call yourself democratic right may be on the planet uranus that may be but here on this hell called earth:

it aint so joe
say it aint so
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Re: Britain's Free reign to Torture EOKA Persons

Postby Maximus » Wed Nov 21, 2018 7:10 pm

They can say what they want,

It doesn't mean I have to read or listen to it and it doesn't mean that the content of what they write is right or accurate. \or write in a way to deliberately provoke people. I dont want to waste my finite time on garbage.

But you and people like you, as we see here and in the comments section of that rag, indirectly act like the recruiting agents for ELAM and show what limited brain power you have.

You have some front by calling me a fascist when you belong to a side that is the definition of it....
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Re: Britain's Free reign to Torture EOKA Persons

Postby Mustiejodu » Wed Jan 16, 2019 11:58 pm

Maximus wrote:There are many commentators on there that have nothing better to do but to slag the country and the GC's off. MrH is one of them.

For many of them, their opinion is as good as an umbrella in a tornado. No morals, no ethics, no values, no wisdom. Just hypocrisy and falsified information.

Whenever I do so happen to click on that site, I see those same commentators from years gone by saying the same things like a broken record, with no end in sight.

Unfortunately, many of the pro Turkish, anti Cypriot brigade that comment there have a third world mentality.

There really is no point wasting your time engaging them in debate. I figured a long time ago what a waste of time it was trying to communicate with them. More importantly, I understood why the TC's should never, ever have a veto at government level should the country ever be reunified and they become a part of it.

That rag is also low level journalism. Their 'view' is terrible.

To openly stereotype every person and then state that you don’t want to even engage in debate and further more go on about not giving TC veto shows me and I am a person looking at this whole Cyprus problem from a birds eye view perspective is one of the biggest obstacle that looks to me like dejavu. Meaning that when both communities did once upon a time work together to govern Cyprus history has shown it never worked and what it led to. Maybe turkey causing partition was the best thing that happened because it stopped Greeks killing each other and focusing more on a bigger enemy the Turks. It stopped those nut job Eoka b lot murdering more innocent civilians and by propping up a border keeping the Turkish army from further committing further atrocities on gc civilians so in my opinion this invasion stopped all you pair of monkeys from killing each other be it TC or GC.
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Re: Britain's Free reign to Torture EOKA Persons

Postby Maximus » Thu Jan 17, 2019 6:56 pm

I said many commentators on there are a waste of time. I did not stereo type everyone. But you are one such person, who is a waste of time debating with.

Debating with someone who welcomes being vetoed by the GC's (who you despise so much) is absurd.

What is even more absurd is that you see your community as second class citizens because you reject the notion of a TC being president of the republic.

Why waste time debating with people who prove time and time again that they are just hypocritical dense idiots that have no morals, ethics, values or wisdom?

The TC community will win first place in the Darwin awards (extinction).
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