http://politis.com.cy/article/gramma-ap ... xomologite
Google translation:
38-year-old Nicholas Kyriacou, from Nicosia, was arrested in September 2016 at the airport of Istanbul transferring 2.5 kg of cocaine to his luggage. Since then he has been in the Maltepe prisons of Turkey and he still does not know how long he will stay there.
Letter from prisons
Through a friend he wanted to communicate with "P" to explain the reasons that led him to Turkish prisons, without trying to justify his actions. He wants to return to Cyprus and, as he writes, expects that he may be given a favor. Under other circumstances, he could apply to serve his sentence in Cyprus, but the fact that Turkey does not recognize the Republic of Cyprus makes this unlikely. The manuscripts sent with the final recipient of the "P" have seals of the Maltepe prisons and are obviously censored.
It's my fault
Nikolas Kyriacou says he wants to make his name and its details public and can help. His letter begins with the description: "I am almost in a miserable situation with everything that has happened to me in the last two years in Istanbull ... Even the name of the city I can not digest. For encyclopaedic reasons, Istambul is coming out of Constantinople, and because they were saying 'In the City', the name 'In + + Inland + T + + Bulle' was left.
Nikolas Kyriakou initially describes how he found himself in Constantinople in his luggage: "About two years ago, for pure economics and personal greed, I decided to transfer drugs from Brazil to Cyprus ...".
So they caught me
Nicolas Kyriacos continues in his letter: "Now how I found myself in Turkey, in Maltep prison, very simply! After a ruffian, my Brazilian ticket to Cyprus was transit from Istanbull and I stress it 'transit' because I never had the intention of visiting Turkey. I would just change an airplane in Istanbull for Cyprus (it means occupied). My flight would take 45 minutes. From the moment I reached my leg at the airport in Turkey, I did not have a cigarette. As I walked to the Gate for my flight to Cyprus, I saw two people pointing to their identity and one of them telling me in English that they are of the Police and will give me a formal check. "
Nicolas Kyriacou says he told him he was hurried not to lose his flight and the police officers assured him he would not miss the flight because they would not delay him. "He took me to an office and I got a strong physical control. The same thing happened in my suitcase that I had my money, my cell phone and my passport. After 20 minutes, take me from the place we were, in front of the offices where they make a visa to enter the country. We stop in front and the same English-speaking policeman tells me that I have to pay 25 euros to take a visa to enter the country and give me better control. I told him that I do not want to go into the country and that I do not want to miss my flight. The other one, angry, grabbed my purse, gnawing money and giving it to my girlfriend alongside my passport.
My feelings are choking
The letter (censored) states: "I feel unjust because Turkey is a democratic state ... I never wanted to get out of transit. I never wanted to go from the 'international airport area' to Turkey. And I never wanted to do any offense in Turkey. All this at the moment, to know how my miserable story begins and my introduction to the City ... Now, after two years, I decided to tell my story to get rid of my feelings, because the strength I have, feelings are unbearable and it chokes me upright ... "