There are some really deluded posters/channels on TrashTube and the reason I don’t have much respect for the countless junk tubes available, for it seems that every American basement idiot has a YT channel and is pumping out bollocks 24/7!
One such seriously deluded American; in the video below, is super-excited that Russia and/or China will soon invade and occupy America to “heal the nation”, praise the Lord!
It’s interesting that many Americans feel their country needs healing and I do agree with that, but it’s the way the healing is going to happen where they start to get pretty funny such as…
“A navy of thousands of Russian ships will reach American shores to attack early next year!”
The Russian navy only has around 265 fleet units so even if they were to start building new ships now they wouldn’t reach the 1,000 to satisfy this guy’s delusions. It takes years to build ships.

“Obama flew in 450K Russian troops in America and put them all under all these bunkers!”
What can one say here? I hope Obama didn’t forget to feed them troops down there or they will have all starved to death by now!

“A Russian-Chinese invasion of America is gonna happen soon while Americans are busy at civil war!”
Well get that civil war started and I’m sure the rest of the delusion will all fall into place!

If you’ve got 8 minutes this guy is worth a good laugh and what makes such people funny is that they are deadly serious!