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Postby Robin Hood » Wed Mar 01, 2023 11:28 am

Does anyone have a recommendation for a REAL LAWYER in Limassol? Law Firm, telephone number and Name if possible?

I am fed up with self opinionated dolly birds in posh offices with attitude and opinions on things they know little (nothing) about. I want a proper lawyer.

Probably an older man ..... even a retired lawyer would do .....provided he was familiar with NEGLIGENCE/Civil rights legislation, the related Litigation process and procedures and with experience in dealing with the Police/Govt Dpts at higher levels.
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Re: Lawyers

Postby Londonrake » Wed Mar 01, 2023 11:45 am

If you look in CEO under “Cyprus Legal and Financial issues” there are 2 sections “Legal questions and issues” + “Advocates” which might prove helpful.
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Re: Lawyers

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Mar 02, 2023 10:00 am

Londonrake wrote:If you look in CEO under “Cyprus Legal and Financial issues” there are 2 sections “Legal questions and issues” + “Advocates” which might prove helpful.

Thanks for the reply but Iv'e been there right at the beginning in 2011 and it was a disaster. Remind me to tell you all about it one day!

There are dozens of sites where these lawyer extoll their expertise ........ the reality is a different story. As I said, most of them are 25+ year old's just out of Law School ....... they know no more than you or I if you take the trouble to look up The Law. They are convinced they know it all! They don't! All you need to do is ask a relevant question you already know the answer to and then listen to the reply .......

I am going to chat to a young lady lawyer in Limassol on Wednesday ....... she is the sister of the secretary to the Mukhta. She sounded quite bright on the phone ..... Wednesday will show me just how bright she is at soaking up the facts! :roll:
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Re: Lawyers

Postby Londonrake » Thu Mar 02, 2023 10:14 am

When we first bought - back in 2004 - we had an excellent lady lawyer in Limassol. I know her name was Areti something or other. Friends had extolled her service and they were right.

As is sometimes the case though we sort of became victims of her success. On returning a few years later we found she had moved into a new, very grandiose practice and was surrounded by lawyer acolytes. You couldn't get through them to actually see the lady herself.

Much the same as good builders/workmen here in my experience. Although, I appreciate you personally have no use for such people. :D :wink:
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Re: Lawyers

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Mar 02, 2023 12:46 pm

Londonrake wrote:When we first bought - back in 2004 - we had an excellent lady lawyer in Limassol. I know her name was Areti something or other. Friends had extolled her service and they were right.

As is sometimes the case though we sort of became victims of her success. On returning a few years later we found she had moved into a new, very grandiose practice and was surrounded by lawyer acolytes. You couldn't get through them to actually see the lady herself.

Much the same as good builders/workmen here in my experience. Although, I appreciate you personally have no use for such people. :D :wink:

I do NOW! I am on crutches and waiting for a new right knee and then key-hole surgery on the left knee. I have the both MRI's on Tuesday.

I think this GESY system is fantastic! My knees got bad about six months ago, so he tried physio and exercises. Didn't work so he put me on crutches to take the weight off! Still didn't work so I saw him a week ago and everything is now in progress ........ and all it costs me is Eu.10 for each knee!!! I am told then four weeks to get mobile again and then four months to more-or-less get back to normal.

So what I could do all day withut a problem, I can now only think about! A bit like sex? :) :wink:
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Re: Lawyers

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Oct 17, 2024 4:52 pm

Council of Europe: Cyprus swamped with lawyers, tardy on justice …… and it’s taken them all this time to find out?


"Cyprus recorded the highest number of lawyers per capita but one of the longest delays in resolving cases according to a new Council of Europe (CoE) report released on Wednesday.

The ‘European judicial systems’ report on the efficiency and quality of justice in Europe, studied 44 countries and said Cyprus had 505 lawyers per 100,000 residents in 2022.

According to the report, which also included data for two observer states, Israel and Morocco, the average number of lawyers per 100,000 residents across Europe in 2022 was 180, with a median of 156.

In the last few year’ in my dealings with these assholes I have found the same applies to the Police and The Judiciary.

A lawyer recently quoted me his fees as being Eu.500 per hour, for the Senior Partner, Eu.400 per hour for a Partner and Eu.200 per hour for a kid just out of law school and it would take 6-8 years to resolve! I then found out I could do the same thing for NOTHING by just going to the local Police Chief in the Episkopi unit and having a chat. But even he as an inspector has difficulty getting the right senior officers to respond but has been very cooperative and helpful. But even He can only do so much!

The level of incompetence In both these ‘professions’ is beyond comprehension ........... an intelligent fifteen year old could do better. The sooner AI takes over and judges on facts rather than legal protocols and limitations, the sooner the people in Cyprus will see some justice!

It made me wonder how many people there are locked up in Nicosia prison for crimes they didn’t commit? It was just a case of the other side just had more money!
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