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La La Land (The real one)

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La La Land (The real one)

Postby Maximus » Wed Feb 14, 2024 11:44 pm

A Reality Check for the "TRNC"

With an economic budget supplemented by Turkey and significantly bolstered by the influx of tourists, there has been an air of optimism about the region’s growing popularity as a travel destination. For a short while, this optimism was further fueled by the Russian Federation's announcement to establish a consular office in the "TRNC", which some viewed as a gateway for wider international recognition.

However, the geopolitical intricacies surrounding Cyprus cannot be brushed away by wishful thinking and some tourist's Rubles. Because a striking development has surfaced: The Russians advise against any travel to the northern part of Cyprus. ... the-north/

A statement that may well provide a sobering reality check on any aspirations for increased wider acceptance. This warning, coupled with recent similar advice from the giant global travel platform -, lays bare the complexities of a region mired in illegality.

Russia's stance is a stark reminder that the political and legal status of the "TRNC" remains a significant barrier to its integration with the international community. Despite its appeal as a tourist spot to some, sovereign disputes and lack of recognition as an independent state by the United Nations continue to overshadow the "TRNC's" efforts at normalization.

This warning from Russia and should serve as a sobering caution to travelers enticed by the area’s charm and perhaps swayed by cheap travel packages. Who might not be fully aware of the delicacy surrounding their choice of destination. For Russian tourists, as well as others, the risks highlighted include no support in a foreign territory they do not recognize, turning dream vacations into potential problems.

The dissonance between surface-level tourism and the complex realities of the legal standing of the "TRNC" offers a vivid case study of the interplay between tourism development and international law. It's a truth that de facto control does not equate to de jure acceptance.

For the north's 'tourism ministry,' the reaction has been predictably defensive, with plans to contest the warnings of and no doubt the Russian Foreign ministry's, which they perceive as damaging to their economy. However, these push backs against international caution will not result in the desired legitimacy and recognition that "the TRNC" seeks above a fistful of tourism dollars.

This incident underlines a broader issue, the domain of international travel is not immune to political dynamics. As global citizens, there is an onus on individual awareness, to recognize that the destinations we choose are not merely static backdrops for leisure, but living landscapes where the consequences of our presence resonates far beyond our temporary stay.

The latest advisories from Russia and exemplify the understanding of the international implications and responsibilities that come with promoting a stolen territory under illegal occupation as a holiday destination.
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Re: La La Land (The real one)

Postby Lordo » Thu Feb 15, 2024 2:40 am

A good friend of mine has told me what this is about so I feel obliged to introduce a bit of an atmosphere into the matter. After all every time a spend some time in Paradise Island, I get woken up by Erdogan's fuckers 5 o'clock in the morning. Admittedly after a couple of days, I seem to be ok and not wake up to it.

So I am sure this is familiar to our ass-holing toilet brush scrubber and it will sooth his pain some. After all the fuckers invited Terggy to Cyprus and kept them here since. I am sure Erdogan is thankful for all their help for letting him have 37% of Paradise Island. Abd I may add that if they want to hand over any more, he is ready able and willing to oblige.

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Re: La La Land (The real one)

Postby Maximus » Thu Feb 15, 2024 8:49 pm

Thank you for checking in Bordo and for sharing your feelings regarding the situation in Cyprus.

Your sentiments echo the frustrations of many, and it's clear that the tensions surrounding the division of the island are a cause of major concern.

Looking at it from the perspective of Turkey and the "TRNC", there are several steps that could potentially be taken to aid in the resolution of this conflict.

Firstly, engaging in substantial and sincere dialogue with the Republic of Cyprus and the international community now with the appointment of the UN envoy is absolutely necessary. Aiming for a compromise that respects the rights and autonomy of Cypriots in all of Cyprus can pave the way for sustainable peace.

Secondly, an assurance of reducing Turkey's military presence could help alleviate some of the fears and mistrust the Greek Cypriots have, instead of veiled threats of military action against a small peaceful nation.

Thirdly, there should be commitment to human rights for all individuals. I know you are a champion of this but you need to be a champion for all Cypriots first and foremost before third country nationals. Greek Cypriots are not second class citizens in Cyprus like you have tried to make them be. Those displaced during the conflict in 1974 should have the right to return to their homes or have rightful ownership transferred back to them wherever possible and be compensated for their losses.

The island’s future lies in good neighborly relations, cooperation and mutual economic benefit. The Republic was and does demonstrate this often.

You know it's a complex issue with a long history, and neither side is entirely innocent but the vast majority were and are and some had a more legitimate cause than others. The blame game wont resolve anything though.

So ultimately, what needs to happen is for Turkey to take everything that belongs to Turkey back to Turkey. While Cyprus takes back everything in Cyprus that belongs to Cyprus.
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Re: La La Land (The real one)

Postby Lordo » Fri Feb 16, 2024 12:52 am

Now here is a little bit more news that fills me with hope. When Erdogan increased the minimum wage in Turkey to 17,000 TL which is a living wage the Swine in the north also raised the minimum wage to 15,750 TL. Now that's not bad at least people can survive.

All we need is now for our SwineCunt friends in the south to stop suffocating us and perhaps we can stand on our own two feet without needing help from Terggy. It would also help to open a few more crossings to make access easier. My friends from the south to visit me have to make a 2 hour journey instead of 2 minute journey.
Enough of the fascism.

Lets to a little prayer to see if we can work on our SwineCunt friend's conscience shall we.

We shall sing the Fatiha Sure.

May my SwineCunt friends in the south be protected by their god and guided to be better people and not be cunts all their lives.
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Re: La La Land (The real one)

Postby Maximus » Fri Feb 16, 2024 1:29 am

All we need is now for our SwineCunt friends in the south to stop suffocating us and perhaps we can stand on our own two feet without needing help from Terggy.

Attributing the economic struggles of the "TRNC" to the actions of the Republic of Cyprus is an over-simplification of a more complex geopolitical problem.

I too can over-simplify the solution for you by saying that Erdogan should increase the minimum wage to 50,000 TL so the swine in the north can also raise the minimum wage to 45,000 TL.

Now you are rich and you don't need any tourism or anything from your swine cunt friends in the south.

Much better for you innit?
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Re: La La Land (The real one)

Postby Lordo » Fri Feb 16, 2024 2:01 am

Clearly the above verses from the Kuran have not done enough, what my SwineCunt friends in the south need is more.

Ironically Fatiha is the only one I remember from 12 months of religious education in Cyprus in primary school. Its good for your troubled soul.

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