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Islam gets a bad rep every time

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Re: Islam gets a bad rep every time

Postby Maximus » Thu Aug 29, 2024 12:47 am

Lordo wrote:So what did the Muslim Osmali did for us.

When they arrived in Cyprus, the resident population had no rights to own property. The Venetians were very strict on this which is why when the Osmanli actually set foot on Cyprus soil, not one GC joined the Venetians to fight them. So much so that the commander of Nicosia sent soldiers into Lefkara who refused to send in fighters to Nicosia when it was attacked and killed all the GC living there.

But best of all, Osmanli did not convert the population by force and allowed the residents to continue with their religion as before and their culture too. Perhaps that was the mistake on their part. They also allowed the residents to run their own affairs so long as they paid their taxes. How much fairer could they have been?
Look what the SwineCunts did in Australia, America, India, South America, etc etc.

What planet do you live on?

Your family were probably converted by the sword at worse or forced to convert to Islam to save themselves from the jizya (which was as much as 50% income tax for the privilege of being a non believer).

You might even be the descendent of a stolen child that was forced to become a janissary. :roll:

500 years later, you have become the great great great great great grandchild of a Greek Christian sceptic tank cleaner that has become completely brainwashed to support the Osmanli.

What a mong.
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Re: Islam gets a bad rep every time

Postby Lordo » Thu Aug 29, 2024 4:59 pm

So this is what Greeks used to get up to.

Hypatia the Greek Philosopher Skinned Alive with Seashells
Knowledge can be a wonderful thing, but in the case of the ancient philosopher and mathematician Hypatia of Alexandria, it also lead to her doom.
Hypatia was one of the most important intellectuals of Byzantine Empire in the 4th Century, and she was also a woman.
Her story is both inspiring and terrifying.
Hypatia was born around 355, when the Roman empire had just split, leaving Alexandria in a disconnected state of religious and social unrest.
Members of all religions - Christians, Jews, and pagans - were now living together in perpetual strife.
Over the next few decades, their constant clashes would wipe out even more of the library's contents as they struggled to define their new boundaries.
The Egyptian city of Alexandria was founded by Alexander the Great in 331 BC - about 600 years before Hypatia was born.
Alexandria became a culturally sophisticated region of the world in a rather short amount of time.
It was not only a beautiful city, but it held the Library of Alexandria, which contained more than half a million ancient scrolls.
The city overflowed with artifacts and became a place where intellectualism could thrive, despite the ever-present degree of ignorance, slavery, violence, and religious strife.
Alexandria offered man the opportunity to pull himself from the muck of fear, and embrace something larger than himself through the power of thought.
And in the case of Hypatia, women as well.
Hypatia was a thinker of the highest order, a teacher, and an inventor - but she was also a pagan and was not afraid to speak her mind in a landscape of religious separatism, conflict, and fear.
Being a woman of intelligence, beauty, and strength could not save her from the shocking end she would meet at the hands of her own people.
During a dangerous time when science and religion were often pitted against one another, it was precisely her knowledge and fearlessness that would place a target on her back.
Her life of excellence would come to mean nothing, as a clash of powerful men rendered her one of the most tragic scapegoats in history.
Hypatia had many admirers, one of whom was the civil governor of the city, Orestes .
He was mostly a pagan and often in league with the Jewish community, who did not want to give all of Alexandria over to the Christian church.
Despite his complicated beliefs, he supported the separation of church and state, and defended both Hypatia and her father Theon.
Of course, Cyril and Orestes clashed, specifically around the time when the Jews began a violent conflict with the Christians.
As a result, Cyril turned aggressively on the Jews and expelled them from the city, looting their homes and temples.
Orestes was appalled and complained to the Roman government in Constantinople.
Cyril tried to apologize for his rash decision, but Orestes refused the reconciliation and was subsequently targeted for assassination by 500 of Cyril’s pernicious monks.
Even though Hypatia was not involved directly in these proceedings, she was a friend of Orestes and pontificated in the realm of non-Christian theology - two things that made her an easy target for an increasingly angry sect.
In such a male-dominant political struggle, it made sense to target the woman who did not accept the ways of the dominant paradigm, but used her intelligence to cast doubt upon their devotions.
Hypatia was a woman of intelligence and accomplishment - something quite unusual for women of the time.
A woman like Hypatia was greatly feared by many in Alexandria.
Because of this - and the fact she believed in paganism - many accused her of worshiping Satan. She had to be silenced for good.
A magistrate named Peter the Lector gathered his fellow religious zealots, and hunted her down as she made her way from giving a lecture at the university.
They ripped her from her carriage and proceeded to tear her clothes, pulling her along by her hair through the streets of the city.
The group then dragged her into a nearby church where they stripped her and grabbed whatever they could find to destroy her.
In this case it was the roofing tiles and oyster shells that laid around the freshly constructed building.
With them, they tore her flesh from her body, skinning her alive in the name of all Christiandom.
Her remains were then ripped apart and burned at the altar.
The University of Alexandria, where she and her father Theon had taught, was burned to the ground as a sign of intolerance.
In the aftermath of her slaying, there was a mass exodus of intellectuals and artists who feared for their own safety.
A newly-minted sense of Christian power was installed in the great city......
Sometimes death is a symbol that survives the test of time.
Hundreds of years after her assassination, Hypatia - a Renaissance-style intellectual who defended the separation of church and state - lives on, associated with the struggle for freedom.
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Re: Islam gets a bad rep every time

Postby Lordo » Thu Aug 29, 2024 5:03 pm

So this is what Grivas meant when he was asked why were they stoning people to death tied to the tree. Apparently only Muslims did that or so they believed. He was correct when he told them Greeks were doing it since before the Muslim religion was even born.

Savages I say, absolute Savages. Because they were doing it in the late 50s and 60s too in Cyprus.

The Christian zealots did that to the most intelligent lady of antiquity during that time. Hypatia was the librarian of the library of Alexandria before it was burned down by the Christians.

Not to mention a more recent event where Greek Coast Guard sunk the boat and drownd hundreds of refugees.
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Re: Islam gets a bad rep every time

Postby Maximus » Thu Aug 29, 2024 5:52 pm

Western civilization is the best civilization history has ever seen re Bordo.

The Greeks played a crucial role in shaping that.

Now go and cry in the corner somewhere and contemplate why you didn't immigrate to a Muslim country..
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Re: Islam gets a bad rep every time

Postby Lordo » Fri Aug 30, 2024 10:42 am

Now here is another lovely story about those brave boys which the church selected specially for this purpose, to clean up the country.

Ο Κύπριος αγωνιστής και ποιητής Δώρος Λοΐζου, δολοφονήθηκε από τους φασίστες της ΕΟΚΑ Β στις 30 του Αυγούστου 1974 στη Λευκωσία. Ήταν σοσιαλιστής, οργανωτικός γραμματέας της ΕΔΕΝ, νεολαία τότε της ΕΔΕΚ.

Ένας «επικίνδυνος ποιητής για όλους τους φορείς της αδικίας που έπρεπε, όπως έλεγαν προφητικά οι στίχοι του, «να πυροβοληθεί χωρίς προειδοποίηση».

...Πρωτοστατεί στην αντίσταση στο πραξικόπημα της χούντας και της ΕΟΚΑ Β στις 15 Ιουλίου 1974. Οργανώνει πυρήνες αντίστασης στο Καϊμακλί και αλλού, δίνοντας σφοδρές αλλά και άνισες μάχες απέναντι στους πάνοπλους φασίστες και τα τανκς.

Την περίοδο μετά την τουρκική εισβολή, αλλάζει συνεχώς τόπο διαμονής αφού συνεχίζει να κινδυνεύει από τους παρακρατικούς φασίστες. Την 1η Αυγούστου 1974, μεταξύ της πρώτης και της δεύτερης εισβολής, αστυνομικοί κτύπησαν την πόρτα του σπιτιού του στον Άγιο Δομέτιο. Σκοπός τους ήταν να κάνουν έρευνες για όπλα. Οι πραξικοπηματίες πήραν τον Δώρο Λοΐζου για ανάκριση στον αστυνομικό σταθμό Στροβόλου και τον είχαν δύο μέρες υπό κράτηση.

Το πρωί της 30ης Αυγούστου 1974, στις 8:30 το πρωί, ο Δώρος Λοϊζου ανέλαβε να μεταφέρει τον Βάσο Λυσσαρίδη στο γραφείο του στην οδό Κων/νου Παλαιολόγου, στο κέντρο της Λευκωσίας. Καθώς το αυτοκίνητο με οδηγό τον Δώρο, συνοδηγό τη σύζυγό του Βαρβάρα και στο πίσω κάθισμα τον Βάσο Λυσσαρίδη, περνούσε από τη γέφυρα της οδού Κάννιγκος (σήμερα οδός Δώρου Λοΐζου), έπεσε σε ενέδρα μελών της ΕΟΚΑ Β και δέχτηκε καταιγισμό πυρών. Ο Δώρος διαισθάνθηκε το κακό και τους είπε: «Πίσω μας έχει ένα αμάξι χωρίς νούμερα, θα είναι μέλη της ΕΟΚΑ Β’, σκύψτε». Από τους τέσσερις οπλοφόρους, ο ένας κατέβηκε και πυροβολούσε πεζός εναντίον του αυτοκινήτου. Οι άλλοι τρεις γάζωσαν το αυτοκίνητο από κάθε πλευρά.

Με τον πρώτο πυροβολισμό ο Δώρος Λοΐζου ανέπτυξε ταχύτητα για να ξεφύγουν, όμως δέχθηκε μεγάλο αριθμό σφαιρών στο κεφάλι και τραυματίστηκε θανάσιμα, ενώ ο Λυσσαρίδης τραυματίστηκε από τα σπασμένα γυαλιά. Η Βαρβάρα Λοΐζου έπαθε νευρικό κλονισμό. Ουσιαστικά με τον θάνατο του ο Δώρος έσωσε τις ζωές των συντρόφων του. Από την ένοπλη επίθεση τραυματίστηκαν και τρεις περαστικοί, ένας εκ των οποίων, ο Χρυσήλιος Μαυρομάτης υπέκυψε στα τραύματά του λίγες μέρες αργότερα.

Η κηδεία του που έγινε την επόμενη μέρα εξελίχτηκε σε ένα μεγάλο συλλαλητήριο κατά του φασισμού. Ο κόσμος συνόδευε το φέρετρο του Δώρου Λοΐζου, κρατώντας πλακάτ «Κάθε νέος και Λοΐζου».

Την ημέρα που κλήθηκαν στο τμήμα άτομα να καταθέσουν, μια κοπέλα είχε δηλώσει πως ήξερε και είχε δει τους δολοφόνους. Την ίδια μέρα πέθανε στο σπίτι της από ηλεκτροπληξία. Για την δολοφονία δεν τιμωρήθηκε ποτέ κανείς.

“Κι όμως…
Κάπου στην άκρη των χειλιών σου
θα ενεδρεύει πάντα μια ιδέα χαμόγελο…”

(Από ποίημα του Δώρου Λοΐζου)
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Re: Islam gets a bad rep every time

Postby Lordo » Fri Aug 30, 2024 10:45 am

And here is the English version. Instead of fighting the Turkish Army, they were chasing socialists to murder them.

Cypriot fighter and poet Doros Loizou, was assassinated by the fascists of EOKA B on August 30, 1974 in Nicosia. He was a socialist, organizational secretary of EDEN, then youth of EDEK.
A "dangerous poet for all injustice who should, as his lyrics prophetically said, "be shot without warning."
... Protests in the resistance to the coup of the junta and EOKA B on July 15, 1974. He organizes resistance cores in Kaimakli and elsewhere, giving fierce but unequal battles against fascists armored and tanks.
In the period after the Turkish invasion, he is constantly changing his place of residence since he continues to be threatened by par-democratic fascists. On August 1, 1974, between the first and second invasion, police officers knocked on the door of his house in Agios Dometio. Their purpose was to conduct research on weapons. The assailants took Doros Loizou for questioning at the Strovolos police station and had him in custody for two days.
On the morning of August 30, 1974, at 8:30 in the morning, Doros Loizou undertook transporting Vassos Lissaridis to his office on Kon/Nos Paleologou Street, in the center of Nicosia. As the car driven by Doros, with Varvara's wife and in the back seat Vassos Lissaridis, passed the bridge on Canningos Street (now Doros Loizou Street), it was ambushed by members of EOKA B and was hit by a gunfire. Doros sensed the evil and told them: "There is a car behind us without numbers, they will be members of EOKA B", bend." Of the four gunmen, one got down and fired on the pedestrian fire. The other three drove the car from every direction.
With the first shot, Doros Loizou developed speed to escape, but he was received a large number of bullets to the head and was fatally wounded, while Lissaridis was injured by the broken glasses. Barbara Loizou had a nervous breakdown. Essentially with his death, Doros saved the lives of his comrades. The armed attack also injured three passers-by, one of whom, the Black-eyed Golden Chrysanthemum succumbed to his injuries a few days later.
His funeral the next day turned into a large anti-fascism rally. People accompanied the coffin of the Gift of Loizou, holding a poster "Every young and Loizou".
On the day people were called to the department to testify, a girl had declared that she knew and had seen the killers. The same day she died at her home from electrocution. No one was ever punished for murder.
“And yet...
Somewhere at the end of your lips
there will always be an idea of smile... ”
(From a poem by Doros Loizos)
From the comrades of Vandiera
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Re: Islam gets a bad rep every time

Postby Lordo » Fri Aug 30, 2024 12:42 pm

One of the worst offenders in the Islamic worlds is Saudi Arabia. And of course the SwineCunts use this for an excuse to attack Islam. But if they used the single brain cell they have, they would soon see that the Saudi political system which is a dictatorship, was set up by Britain and of course once America took over the reins run by America. And now it is run for the benefit of the West. That's the way they like it. As Biden admitted if Israel did not exist we would have created it to protect our interests in the Middle East.

Don't you love the unselfishness of the Western establishment. They love Democracy just the way it is. It gives the impression of being a democracy and that is enough to fool people to believe the bullshit they are fed daily by the media.

Of course there world is full of these examples where even Democracies are toppled to be replaced by the Dictatorships that serve the West's interests.

Don't you just love it?
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