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why women cant be police officers

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why women cant be police officers

Postby growuptcs » Thu Nov 16, 2006 8:18 pm

A woman passed her police examination and her physical and the next step was a pshycological test. As she woke up the next day to go get screened, her husband wanted to go with her for good luck. As they sat in a room waiting, her name got called and she went by herself in the room that she got called. A man in charge questioned her and wrote the responses down and told her she did great, getting 50 out of 50 questions with the proper responses they were looking for.
The man in charge told her theres one more test and its the loyalty test. He placed a gun in her hand and told her they put her husband in the next room. The man says we want to know for sure that your loyal to the department so to prove that you have to go and shoot your husband. She told them thats not civil thats my husband, "I love him". The man told her its procedural and if she couldnt do it, place the gun on the table and would never be an officer. As she looked at the gun for 2 minutes with crazy thoughts going through her head, she finally agreed to do it.
She walks in the room and the man shut the door behind her. After about 3 minutes you heard a lot of yelling and screaming and then dead silence. The woman walked out of the room and the man asks her so did you shoot him?, she repled " the dam gun got jammed so I pistol whipped him to death"
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