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Italian Minister: Islam is not a Civilization

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Postby akiner » Sat Sep 24, 2005 4:19 pm

ok...her guilty was being a woman living in a muslim world.

and our guilty is not bombing iran and/or making a regime change on every country that has muslim law,sharia or whatever is called.

and guilt of these ladies is being a human in a cristian world

Fisrt clean your own shit then start blaming on others
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Postby cmantas_liberal » Sun Sep 25, 2005 10:36 am

yeah, the last execution in virginia was 90 years ago....

think that USA is one of the few civilized countries that implements the death penalty and only on some states.

You cant compare the western world with islam. Do not forget that after nazi china, saudi arabia is no2 in the number of executions, then is usa and it is followed from a number of muslim countries.

In this point i am talking for executing women bcoz they did not wear their bourga or they had sex with someonelse and not for murdering a number of ppl. Do not forget the pride crimes. they are still popular in Islam.

Can you remind me which countries in EU are executing ppl and then which muslim countries do not execut ppl. Dont refer to Turkey bcoz it changed the law in order to join EU and not bcoz it really want it.
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Postby Alexis » Mon Sep 26, 2005 2:51 pm

The US is certainly anomalous when it comes to the death penalty among western states in the present day. The majority of offending countries are in Asia.

However, Turkey has a relatively good record (on the global scale) when it comes to the death penalty. Whilst the death penalty existed it was not used in practice (I believe the last execution was in the 1980s). Turkey was not the only country to completely abolish the death penalty in recent years, many European countries (including Cyprus and Greece) did so relatively recently even though in practice it was not being used. I believe the last executions in Greece were during the time of the Junta, whilst in Cyprus you have to go back to the first years of independence.
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Postby akiner » Tue Sep 27, 2005 4:57 pm

In this point i am talking for executing women bcoz they did not wear their bourga or they had sex with someonelse and not for murdering a number of ppl. Do not forget the pride crimes. they are still popular in Islam.

cmantas_liberal, how could u expect me to defend that kinda moronic actions from moronic states of ideology

Eitherway, I feel no responsibilities to give an hand to stop was France if i am not wrong protected and showed hospitality to Humeyni the Molla against Shah Rıza Pehlevi in Iran, Also it was West again who created Taliban and El-Kaide to use against USSR. And Vehabi view of islam(Saudi Arabia) is nothing but another invention of English intelligency...

If you want to curse on ppl go and do it on your society, their guilt is much more on this issue
For myself i am taking the examples of -Mevlana,Pir Sultan Abdal and Yunus Emre- another view of islam also brought up by real muslims not from "foreigners"
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Postby cmantas_liberal » Tue Sep 27, 2005 7:18 pm

usa funded the mujahedins but you cant say that it created a.q. westerners did many wrongs starting from the british intervention in iran in 1952, that it was the beginning of this mess, but still islami ppl do NOTHING to get rid of the lunatics and it seems that many muslims fancy terrorism
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Postby akiner » Tue Sep 27, 2005 9:46 pm

usa funded the mujahedins but you cant say that it created a.q. westerners did many wrongs starting from the british intervention in iran in 1952, that it was the beginning of this mess, but still islami ppl do NOTHING to get rid of the lunatics* and it seems that many muslims fancy terrorism

what is the difference between mujahedin=jihadist,Taliban or El-Kaide infect they are same ppl of ideology.

*8.22 For the worst of beasts in the sight of Allah are the deaf, the dumb, who do not understand(how to use their wisdom).

That is why most of the islamic world suffers in all aspects, they even dont obey the word of the one they call as LORD
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Postby garbitsch » Thu Sep 29, 2005 1:15 am

Guys, did you know that modern, civilised, European France had been using "Guillotine" for the application of the death penalty until late 1970s? Here's the story:

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The last public execution was of Eugene Weidmann, who was convicted for five murders. His head was chopped off on June 17, 1939 at 4:32 in the afternoon outside the prison Saint-Pierre rue Georges Clemenceau 5 at Versailles, which is now the Palais de Justice. The scandalous behaviour of some of the onlookers on this occasion, as well as the fact it was secretly filmed, caused the authorities to decide that executions in the future were to take place in the prison courtyard. [b]The last execution was of Hamida Djandoubi and took place on September 10, 1977 in Marseille[/b]

Stop this debate that Muslims cannot be civilised!!!
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Postby cmantas_liberal » Thu Sep 29, 2005 2:03 pm

we are talking about NOW and NOW there is not such thing as executions in EU.
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