Get real ,
Read above.
dancingbear wrote:Get real ,
Read above.
Simon wrote:Nobody is talking about a mandate for invading Iraq. Re-read the above posts and don't comment until you know the facts.
Get Real! wrote:miltiades wrote:dancingbear wrote:All this crazy notion that Iraq never attacked us, well All my reading of History is that prior to 1939 I cannot find one statement that said Germany Bombed Britain, so whats different.
I am not saying that we should attack Iran, but they should be made to squirm.
Taking out their Nuclear sites would be a start , but I guess Israel is planning to do this sooner or later. These idiots will never progress in the 21 st century , they will take one step forward and 100 backwards, but then that is the M East ! Just as long that they remain brainwashed by their system and their culture they will always be backward.
Are you implying that countries that are "backwards" should be bombed to smithereens? What on earth are you implying anyway?
the_snake_and_the_crane wrote:Some of the English people in this country are too thick. They didnt learn when Tony Blair lied to them about Iraq's 'WMD'...and know they are saying that the British army should invade Iran and free the hostages. Something very fishy is going on.
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