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Is communism ideology dead?

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Postby Piratis » Sun Apr 22, 2007 11:27 pm

I will agree with seleucus Nicator.

Communism is good in theory but can not be applied by the far too imperfect humans. Communism and human nature simply do not match.

What they had in Soviet Union was not a real communism. But even if it was real, I don't think it would last for long anyways. At some point the authority would inevitably corrupt the leaders, and the citizens would get bored of being just equal and they would want to be allowed to take risks to gain for themselves as much power and money as possible.

The best system available today is a socialist democracy, where the leaders are elected democratically, the people are allowed to accumulate property, but at the same time the state is able to provide to all citizens some degree of equal opportunities, and some welfare exists to assist the less fortunate.
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Postby humanist » Mon Apr 23, 2007 12:05 am

I personally support the communist ideology. I would welcome a communist world in its TRUEST meaning, I also acknowledge that there is no pure communist state in todays world.
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Postby Sotos » Mon Apr 23, 2007 7:33 am

When china will become the worlds superpower your dream will come true :lol:
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Postby humanist » Mon Apr 23, 2007 7:47 am

I've given on that one a few years back Sotos. So if you can't beat them join them so I decided to become an entrepaneur instead.
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Postby mem101 » Wed Apr 25, 2007 3:50 am

I think Piratis makes a very good point here. The state will inevitably become corrupt. In the unlikely event that the state acheives its goal of becoming an ideal communist/marx society, will they give up their positions in "government?" Would anyone?

A true communist or marxist society may be ideal and I support such theoretical models for society but that is all they can be - theoretical models. Human nature would simply not allow for such a harmonious society.

Also, I thought that socialism was originally designed as a stepping stone from capitalism to communism. With this in mind, I'm not sure whether it would be sustainable indefinately.

What I believe is that humanity requires new ideologies for its society. Capitalism is not the way the world should be run in my opinion, but communism is quite simply, too perfect for our species.
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Postby mem101 » Wed Apr 25, 2007 4:01 am

People who believe strongly in human rights for all would not support a communist regime. In the quest for utopia the state makes decisions which must be followed. China executes its criminals en masse sometimes without much of anything that can resemble a trial as we know it. Why is this? Perhaps the state decided that the population of China had to be reduced or its growth stunted? Or maybe the great numbers of organs which are a result of the executions are essential for the advancement of science/surgery?

What is judged to be good for a communist state as a whole is not necessarily good for the individual. Hence "human rights" will suffer.
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Postby shahmaran » Wed Apr 25, 2007 9:58 am

Well we might not have the consciousness needed just yet but who knows about the future, i think communism can be a lot closer to our nature than capitalism, plus who is to say that the states are not corrupted at the moment?
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Postby mem101 » Wed Apr 25, 2007 1:17 pm

"Well we might not have the consciousness needed just yet but who knows about the future, i think communism can be a lot closer to our nature than capitalism, plus who is to say that the states are not corrupted at the moment?"

Who knows, thats one of the problems with that system. The people have to put their complete trust in the state. As for whether communism or capitalism is closer to our nature, I dare not debate that - all I have ever known is life in a capitalist world.
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Postby shahmaran » Wed Apr 25, 2007 11:36 pm

Me too, but i have never for once failed to feel that it definately is not right, but who knows, maybe there is no perfect system...:?
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Postby mem101 » Thu Apr 26, 2007 10:48 pm

I agree that capitalism doesn't feel right and that eventually it will be replaced.
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