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Is Cyprus-Mail an instrument of the British?

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Postby miltiades » Mon Apr 16, 2007 10:56 pm

Britain has been the home , and still is , for thousands of Cypriot immigrants now in the 3rd and 4th generations. The UK has been good to us , we reciprocate by respecting the country's culture and supporting Britain in the same way that the natives do. Unless you support you can not criticize. Our children born and educated in the UK have benefited enormously by the myriad of benefits available from the time they were born.
The British living in Cyprus have the same rights afforded to us in the UK AND MORE .
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Postby sweetie pie » Tue Apr 17, 2007 11:05 pm

the_snake_and_the_crane wrote:
Do you really beleive that Britons living in Cyprus still think of Cyprus as or wish it to be a Colony?

Just a question not a statement

I dont think they think of it as a colony - but with many MANY Britons, they seem to think as the British Empire as 'the good guys' and how they could do no many people in this country (I reside in north London) dont know about the many negatives the British Empire inflicted around its colonies.

Therefore to me, this is why Cyprus-Mail takes the stance that it does... to make British people happy - as people or organisations such as Papadopolous and EOKA (that have a history of standing up to the British) are often condemned by Cyprus-Mail.

Any country that has had a colonial past and I include France who was second to Britain for the amount of Colonies it had and is now Cyprus's new best friend, has things in its past that are NOT glorious

The Belgians for example killed ten million natives in the Belgian Congo

The Spanish did untold damage in South America and Mexico

France had an extremely bloody history with Algeria which is a mainly Arab country with 700,000 people dying in the 1950's in its fight for independence from France in some of the most cruel and inhumane circumstances due to Frances policy of spreading terror by deliberate torture and deforming of civilians.

Fighting the British was a doddle in Cyprus in comparison and that is not said to disparage the obvious suffering of the families of those who were killed in Cyprus.

Yet I don't see these other countries continuously having to apologise for the things that happened in the past.

Maybe it was because the UK was the biggest colonial power? I don't know, but I don't quite believe that the British have no knowledge of what happened in the past as its chucked down our throats at every opportunity

I read the Cyprus Mail and Cyprus Weekly for one reason and one reason only. They are the only papers that I can understand and I am interested in what is going on in this country as it is now my home.

What I do believe is that both sides are so entrenched in the past and so suspicious of each other that it will be extremely difficult for them to move forward

Sits back now and awaits annihilation!

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Postby free_cyprus » Tue Apr 17, 2007 11:09 pm

they control a big chunk of cyprus not to mention they have rights to trodos mauntains to train their troops also they have water rights in cyprus and it goes on and on
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Postby sweetie pie » Tue Apr 17, 2007 11:11 pm

free_cyprus wrote:they control a big chunk of cyprus not to mention they have rights to trodos mauntains to train their troops also they have water rights in cyprus and it goes on and on

Who gave them those rights? I am really interested to get the history behind this
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Postby free_cyprus » Tue Apr 17, 2007 11:21 pm

you want to know who gave them the right well here is your answer........................eoka agants of greece. tmt agents of turkey............. the many many crimes they comited against our cypriot people in the name of motherlands..............and the biggest tragedy is they were not even our mother lands we just speak their languages ,,,,,,,,,,,, you spoke in your last thread about south america algeria and so forth in south america they speak spanish they are catholics and they have spanish names................ in america there is 40 million black people with english names these people are not engligh but they are christians......................... and yet not one person in this forum can ever except the possiblitity that cyprus has suffered the same fate in history................ an island that has ever know independence in recorded history soooo why do somany cypriots never question this and they say they are greeks and turks
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Postby rotate » Sat Apr 28, 2007 12:25 am

Interesting story in the Cyprus Mail about the book launch reunion of former EOKA and IRA prisoners incarcerated in British prisons during the 1950's the other day, hardly British propaganda :roll:
Guess if you are British then you see the Cyprus Mail as being anti-British and if you are Cypriot you see it as being pro-British, proving that you can't please all of the people all of the time, maybe that's why people who read the damn paper crack their boiled breakfast eggs with a vengence :evil:
None the less the Cyprus Mail beats some of the dross my British Cypriot relatives bring with them whenever they visit, why the **** does everyone bring me the Sun the Mirror and the Mail, there are only so many furtive looks that I can take at Page 3 :wink:
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Re: Is Cyprus-Mail an instrument of the British?

Postby MM_cy » Sat Apr 28, 2007 7:01 am

Sotos wrote:There is an article in Cyprus Mail today titled "A corner of Britain preparing for the euro ". What they refer as a "corner of Britain" are the British bases in Cyprus!! Why they do this? Are the serving the British interests or they do it because many of their readers are British and they want to satisfy them?

Dear Sotos,

This headline is being IRONIC ..

Britain, as you may know, has kept Sterling .... and it's people do not want the Euro..

Many of the CY Weeekly readers are British, too .. but it hasn't stopped their editorial columns from telling it's readers that the UK was behind the Annan plan or that the SBA shouldn't have arrested Matsakis for none payment of fines ...

The CY Mail seems to be the only paper, produced in the "rump" RoC that points out that Cyprus is alienating every EU presidency country and the UN and is fast running out of "friends" re control EU money going to the TCs.

One dosn't have to be British to see that.
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Postby Bananiot » Sat Apr 28, 2007 9:09 am

The Cyprus Mail is read by many Cypriots too. I find this paper to be most refreshing and interesting. Greek Newspapers in general are very biased on most subjects due mainly to their party affiliations. Also the presentation of different stories in most Greek language newspapers is very pedantic and epidermal.

The Cyprus Mail is not an instrument of the British and making such accusations or indeed insinuations portrays an anachronistic view of today's realities, especially for the serious countries - members of the European Union - where such practices have ceased to exist for decades now.
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Postby Alexis » Sat Apr 28, 2007 11:33 am

The Cyprus Mail is not an instrument of the British and making such accusations or indeed insinuations portrays an anachronistic view of today's realities, especially for the serious countries - members of the European Union - where such practices have ceased to exist for decades now.

Maybe so Bananiot, but one only need read some of the British Tabloid Press to realise that there are some practices amongst the media of these 'serious' EU countries that are far worse than those of any Cypriot paper I have read.
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indpendence of cyprus mail

Postby laurenohara » Tue May 08, 2007 9:34 am

OK - I`m biased I write for them...but generally I think the Mail is the most independent paper on the island..I certainly have written a number of pieces critical of British policies...what is probably true in that the editorial style is to allow most columnists and writers their own voice...I think that comment was probably ironic...
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