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Postby Bananiot » Sat Nov 03, 2007 8:04 pm

It's been 12 years since the massacre at Srebrenica. The criminal Serbs were aided by Greek irregulars who fought alongside them and even hoisted the Greek flag in the tragic city. The commander of the UN units was begging NATO headquarters to bomb the Serb batteries that were destroying the city. The bombings came to late to save about 11 thousand inhabitats that were murdered in cold blood by the "victorious" Serb army. In Greece and in Cyprus we have demonstrated and condemned the bombing of the criminals but said nothing of the massacre. Many of us do not know that it even took place or typically we think it is the west propaganda that justified the bombing.

See below:

In Belgrade the Serbs have seen it. In Greece and in Cyprus we are still waiting.
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Re: Srebrenica

Postby karma » Sat Nov 03, 2007 8:26 pm

Bananiot wrote:It's been 12 years since the massacre at Srebrenica. The criminal Serbs were aided by Greek irregulars who fought alongside them and even hoisted the Greek flag in the tragic city. The commander of the UN units was begging NATO headquarters to bomb the Serb batteries that were destroying the city. The bombings came to late to save about 11 thousand inhabitats that were murdered in cold blood by the "victorious" Serb army. In Greece and in Cyprus we have demonstrated and condemned the bombing of the criminals but said nothing of the massacre. Many of us do not know that it even took place or typically we think it is the west propaganda that justified the bombing.

See below:

In Belgrade the Serbs have seen it. In Greece and in Cyprus we are still waiting.

thx for reminding.
The Orthodox Church should see it first..
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Re: Srebrenica

Postby Get Real! » Sat Nov 03, 2007 9:01 pm

Bananiot wrote:It's been 12 years since the massacre at Srebrenica. The criminal Serbs were aided by Greek irregulars who fought alongside them and even hoisted the Greek flag in the tragic city. The commander of the UN units was begging NATO headquarters to bomb the Serb batteries that were destroying the city. The bombings came to late to save about 11 thousand inhabitats that were murdered in cold blood by the "victorious" Serb army. In Greece and in Cyprus we have demonstrated and condemned the bombing of the criminals but said nothing of the massacre. Many of us do not know that it even took place or typically we think it is the west propaganda that justified the bombing.

:shock: What no correlation to Papadopoulos???

It’s a shame he wasn’t the president of Cyprus back then to aid your cause but I wonder who was… :?
Last edited by Get Real! on Sat Nov 03, 2007 9:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Piratis » Sat Nov 03, 2007 9:07 pm

Nothing against Papadopoulos, but as always anti-Greek.

The criminal Serbs

Have you ever heard Bananiot saying "criminal Turks"? The Turks killed 1000s and 10s of thousands of Cypriots but he never says this. Or what about the 1000s of innocents that his beloved NATO kills every year? Not a word about it either.
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Postby Bananiot » Sun Nov 04, 2007 12:27 am

Yes Piratis, I am anti Greek, if Greeks condone what happened in Srebrenica 12 years ago. Do you read the serious Greek newspapers? Have you seen what they wrote on the occasion? Read Paschos Mandravellis of "Kathimerini" newspaper and perhaps you will realise that there are many "anti Greeks" in Greece itself!
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Postby Bananiot » Sun Nov 04, 2007 12:30 am

GR, Papadopoulos was an active supporter of Milocevic and roumor has it he helped him steal billions of dollars from the people of Yugoslavia. These dollars found their way to Cyprus, they say, in containers.
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