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Iran: Human Rights Watch.

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Postby Paphitis » Sat Dec 05, 2009 9:36 am

Get Real! wrote:Iran's navy launches supersonic fighter jets

“Iran's Navy has employed two home-made supersonic fighter jets named Saeqeh and two gunships named Tiztak in a bid to bolster its defense naval capabilities.” ... =351020101

Nothing to do with Human Rights but I didn't know where to put this... :)

This is off topic, but regression is a nasty beast...Image

The Iranians use to have these....

but now they have built these.... ... 6tohlj.asp

The Sa'eqeh is based almost entirely on the old Northrop F-5 fighter aircraft, the chief U.S. export fighter of the 1960s and 70s, 166 of which were sold to Iran before the revolution. After the embargo was initiated the Iranian armed forces were able to purchase spares through illegal channels and on the arms black market since the F-5 had been widely exported to numerous nations friendly to the United States and there were any number of parts depots around the world.


Hardly a match for these...


Life's a bitch aint it? :lol:
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