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asylum seekers

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asylum seekers

Postby gabaston » Sun Jul 10, 2005 11:39 pm

Ex- pat

out of respect please allow me to continue on a new thread.

fair enough. i agree supporting spongers is bad news.

but i did hear that for every AS Britain takes in the govt can claim so much back from some world organisation. And with regards GB finding this new prosperity, i put one n one together. maybe i got three, i dont know.

anyway perhaps moosey can add a bit of light to this.
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Re: asylum seekers

Postby cannedmoose » Sun Jul 10, 2005 11:44 pm

gabaston wrote:anyway perhaps moosey can add a bit of light to this.

I will... tomorrow evening... :D
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Postby ex_pat » Mon Jul 11, 2005 1:04 pm

Anybody care to tell me why "Moosey" has such a warranted opinion?

Moving on to the subject:

Asylum seekers are bleeding the UK dry! FACT!

They are spongers that know every trick in the book to get more money from the government.

Let me give you an example. I have a friend who works as a caretaker in a block of flats that were designated to the asylum seekers in the Liverpool area. One family were given a brand new television. Another family called to ask for a new TV also, they were told that as they already had a TV that they would not get a new one. So, the father of this family took the TV they had and he dropped it out of the window. Thus making him eligible for a brand new TV.....which he received without delay.

Are UK taxpayers happy to know that this is how their money is being spent?

I don't think so.

This is factual information, and it is not a singular case where these beggars are cheating the system for their own gain.

There are hundreds of thousands of asylum seekers in the UK, all of whom receive free housing, medical and dental treatment, girocheques from the DSS and free education. Let us not forget the latest scam - they now get a government grant for a car! Yes they do. I have made enquiries into this matter, and it is a fact! I even called a national newspaper to report this and I was told that they were aware of the situation but were NOT allowed to print any stories about this for the fear of the uprising that it would cause against the government!

Any comments welcomed.
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Postby sk » Mon Jul 11, 2005 1:11 pm

wow....i didnt know it was that bad.....well,if it is true what you say then i suppose the uk gov has a big share(if not all)of responsibility for this.
the native citizens of a country IMO have a priority for benefits from the gov.
by the way do you know how many foreigners live in uk?what is the percentage out of the total uk population?how about their nationalities? it would be nice if we had a table posted so we could talk with actual numbers.
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Postby devil » Mon Jul 11, 2005 2:01 pm

Real asylum seekers are refugees. The word 'asylum' connotes safety.

It is immoral to turn away a single person who seeks sanctuary.

That having been said, there are people seeking "asylum" who are not entitled to it, ie, their lives are not in danger if they return to whence they came.

For someone to justify the granting of asylum, they should fulfil the following conditions:

1. their freedom or life would be in danger if they returned to their country
2. they have committed no crime, by international standards
3. they have not intentionally provoked their condition
4. they must prove that their seeking asylum is not a simple economic move.

IMHO, if all four conditions are not clearly met, they should not be allowed to enter the host country. This triage should be done within 24 hours into three categories:
A. Accepted
B. Rejected and returned to the country they came from
C. Doubtful.

In the case of A., they should be offered immediate temporary (3 months max) accommodation in a furnished and equipped flat at a moderate rent. If they have no means, a loan of up to €10,000 should be made available to them and they should be given the same rights as citizens to seek work and permanent accommodation, but the loan should be spendable only with the approval of a social worker for essential start-up needs and the means of living. Free language tuition should be available where necessary. Their residence should be logged. Any flight from their registered residence would be considered a crime. Any criminal, political or anti-social activity in the first five years would entail immediate repatriation, without appeal. The loan should become repayable after 12 months max, by monthly instalments of 10% of their earnings, with a very moderate interest rate, say, 1% p.a. This way, they could be well inserted into the life of their host country, after a year or two and any undesirable elements could be repatriated.

C is more difficult. I feel that they should be placed in a holding camp, with no rights other than reasonable lodging and reasonable food for a maximum of three months, while being assessed to category A or B. If a case is doubtful after 3 months of diligent assessment, then they should automatically be relegated to B. Tough, and a little arbitrary, but no country should be overwhelmed by refugees.

Many Cypriots have been refugees in their lifetime and should realise the problems of the status, with sympathy.
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Postby ex_pat » Mon Jul 11, 2005 8:42 pm

devil wrote:Real asylum seekers are refugees. The word 'asylum' connotes safety.

It is immoral to turn away a single person who seeks sanctuary.

Real aslyum seekers would be happy enough to be safe and alive in a country that is willing to house them and give them money for food, free medical treatment and education etc etc.

The great pity is that FAR too many asylum seekers abuse the charity shown to them to the point where they work the system for their own gain! I'll give you another example - the first group of asylum seekers in Glasgow were caught selling the furniture from their furnished flats! Yes, they sold everything from the TV to the washing machines! Then, they made claims to the government for more new furniture, and they were GRANTED it!

How much did that little scam cost the tax payer?

I am NOT making any of these examples up!

It is a disgrace!
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Postby brother » Mon Jul 11, 2005 8:48 pm

I have to say that i am with ex-pat :shock: on this one, there is radio stations in the u.k off specific ethnic groups(no names mentioned) that actually give some very questionable advice to asylum seekers.

A asylum seeker who came to the u.k sussed the system and signed on at many many job centres and also rented etc. in these different names and claimed thousands, it took years for them to catch on to his scheme and when they did get him he had skimmed so much money that he had bought 4 houses with it which he had put in his wife's name which meant the goverment could not touch them, he only got 2 years for it, this is a true story.
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Postby ex_pat » Mon Jul 11, 2005 9:00 pm

And you can bet your life that's not a 1 off scenario.

They are bleeding the UK dry!

The radio station involved should have been fined and shut down by the government.

This didn't happen because the government would then have been accused of being racist.

Talk about a no-win situation.

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Postby gabaston » Tue Jul 12, 2005 1:18 am


its your opinion and not fact that as's are bleeding britain dry.

in fact it could be said that ex-pats like you are bleeding britain dry by taking your money out of britain and spending it in cyprus.

according to the eu britain has a healthy economy, i asked if anyone has any info regarding any funds that britain may be re-embursed. i dont think the british govt are going to foot the bill for all these people and then go to the country at the next election and say vote for us again, and we'll waste even more of your money.
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Postby ex_pat » Tue Jul 12, 2005 9:51 am

gabaston wrote:ex-pat

its your opinion and not fact that as's are bleeding britain dry.

in fact it could be said that ex-pats like you are bleeding britain dry by taking your money out of britain and spending it in cyprus.

according to the eu britain has a healthy economy, i asked if anyone has any info regarding any funds that britain may be re-embursed. i dont think the british govt are going to foot the bill for all these people and then go to the country at the next election and say vote for us again, and we'll waste even more of your money.

:shock: :shock:

Do you have a brain? If you do, would you care to engage it before you make your next post!

Either that, or take your head out of the sand and open your eyes!

Jesus, it's people just like you that keep Britain in the shit that it's in! You carry on believing everything that you read in the press, it's called propaganda and you're sucking it right in!!!
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