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UN declares Hamas to be War Criminals

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UN declares Hamas to be War Criminals

Postby Free Spirit » Tue Feb 02, 2010 2:28 am

UN declares Hamas to be War Criminals, instead of just blaming the Israelis the UN has had the guts to reprimand Hamas for the hundreds of rockets fired into Israel (Gods Chosen People).
Get Real has taken to Sack Cloth and Ashes and ordered 7 days of mourning in sympathy with his terrorist (Hamas) heroes for the way that the naughty UN have treat them.
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Postby Linichka » Tue Feb 02, 2010 11:28 am

Better late than never, FS. During all those years the rockets were raining on Sderot and Ashkelon and the Western Negev, not a word of reproach from the UN...just pissing, moaning and hand-wringing about how difficult Israel was making it for the pond scum to smuggle in their explosives.
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Postby Free Spirit » Tue Feb 23, 2010 2:09 pm

Linichka wrote:Better late than never, FS. During all those years the rockets were raining on Sderot and Ashkelon and the Western Negev, not a word of reproach from the UN...just pissing, moaning and hand-wringing about how difficult Israel was making it for the pond scum to smuggle in their explosives.

Amazing how they manage to get so many rockets and explosives into Gaza whilst unable to get in food and medical supplies.
Maybe 'Rebel without a clue' "Great Heel" :P can tell us.
BTW I've found out how thay con suicide bombers, they teach them to throw the pin and keep hold of the grenade. :lol:
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