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greek pontians

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Postby BirKibrisli » Fri Feb 10, 2006 2:35 am

Sorry, wrong.I thought you mentioned your primary motivation as being to unite with your motherland.
Good luck with your work.Enjoy Cyprus,and if you ever leave make sure she is in better shape than when you came.I say that because Cyprus is my beloved motherland.Cheers.
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Postby Pontious » Fri Feb 10, 2006 7:31 am

thanks a lot
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Postby Saulute » Sun Nov 16, 2008 12:25 am

Pontious wrote:
the cristians despite assimilating a number of
2)This language is Caucasian near Migrelian and Kartvelian dialect (Caucasian dialects). This languege is called Lazuri and the people are called "Laz" and they are Georgians.

Those laz living in Turkey they are thinking of themselves as kinda turks.. When kurdish were trying to provoke them against Turkey, laz have kicked them out of Trabzon..
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Postby Nikitas » Sun Nov 16, 2008 12:42 am

"Are they going to succeed to become assimilated within greek cypriot community"

Considering that Pontians have been in Greece for decades and they still maintain their unique culture, I would say no, they will not be assimilated into Greek Cypriot culture. Why should they? The Pontos culture has unique characteristics they have kept alive over centuries.

I have many Pontian friends here in Greece and find them a lot easier to get on with than mainlanders. And Pontian music is magic!

Pontious Kalosorises meteron!
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Nov 16, 2008 12:59 am

Most have been assimilated in a Cypriot prison anyway… :lol:
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Postby miss x » Wed Mar 25, 2009 11:44 am

I can tell why some greek pontians speaks turkish.
My grandpa was telling that in some place of Pondus they lived turks gave a compulsory choice to adopt islamic religion or to stop speaking the pontiac language.
Of course most of people had chosen to remain cristians and started to speak turkish. My people as well.

I would suggest to read a very interesting book of greek- armenian american writer based on the real story and facts. It provides an answers for many of questions like who are the pontian greeks an so on. ... 0312262116
The history of Pontus had 3000 years and was very glorious, and the exodus was a real tragedy and drama.
And well, each nation has its educated side and its villagers, pontians or cypriots. And everybody is free to decide where to live as well.
It is very dissapointing to me to read some very narrow-minded statements like above. Hey people, do not say me you are educated!!!
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