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Ice from Denmark for Turkeys E.U. bid

Benefits and problems from the EU membership.

Postby cannedmoose » Wed Aug 10, 2005 5:38 pm

In our world, trade and national security are increasingly one and the same. Let's hope for a more peaceful outcome nonetheless.
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Postby magikthrill » Wed Aug 10, 2005 5:54 pm

cannedmoose wrote:
You do find that in countries threatened by forces within or without that human rights are curtailed, so I'm not surprised at Turkey's pretty woeful record as there are numerous threats within and outside the country. However, that shouldn't excuse some of the brutality that does take place.

right because living in the US (and now the UK) is so much safer and these countries have no threats. that is why their human rights records are (relatively of course) well ?

moose i understand your reasoning but im assuming you understand that violation of human rights to the extent of Turkey's cannot be justified for any reason and they should not be overseen just because...
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Postby magikthrill » Wed Aug 10, 2005 5:58 pm

cannedmoose wrote:, pointing out the massive transition required by the Turkish state to accord with European norms. I think of any country, past and present that has desired to join the EU, Turkey will face the toughest task.

i agree with this statement 100% and i also deem it equivalent to "Turkey is "un-European" "
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Postby cannedmoose » Wed Aug 10, 2005 6:04 pm

magikthrill wrote:i agree with this statement 100% and i also deem it equivalent to "Turkey is "un-European" "

You could do, however I don't think it proves that. Others such as Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia-Montenegro and Ukraine would have similarly tough paths. It's more about local conditions that 'European-ness'
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Postby Turkey (( * » Wed Aug 10, 2005 6:08 pm

magikthrill wrote:
cannedmoose wrote:
You do find that in countries threatened by forces within or without that human rights are curtailed, so I'm not surprised at Turkey's pretty woeful record as there are numerous threats within and outside the country. However, that shouldn't excuse some of the brutality that does take place.

right because living in the US (and now the UK) is so much safer and these countries have no threats. that is why their human rights records are (relatively of course) well ?

moose i understand your reasoning but im assuming you understand that violation of human rights to the extent of Turkey's cannot be justified for any reason and they should not be overseen just because...

I never said it should or could be overseen.What I said is that EU is just using it, and exaggerating it.

i agree with this statement 100% and i also deem it equivalent to "Turkey is "un-European"

And how do you know if it is European or not?? How do you get to the conclusion if it is European or not??
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Postby magikthrill » Thu Aug 11, 2005 1:38 am

Turkey (( * wrote:
i agree with this statement 100% and i also deem it equivalent to "Turkey is "un-European"

And how do you know if it is European or not?? How do you get to the conclusion if it is European or not??

um by agreeing to the statement i came to this conclusion actually. a statement which i believe you also agreed to 9too lazy/tired to check if you did)
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Postby Turkey (( * » Thu Aug 11, 2005 11:05 am

mmmm, may be, I disagree about Turkey joining to the EU but I don't think I commented if Turkey was European or not...
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Postby Murtaza » Thu Aug 11, 2005 11:10 am

Turkey is not European, we came from middle asia and we are asian.
If greeks lived at anatolia, then Anatolia would be European, but Turks live anatolia, and all of us easy can see, Turks are asian.
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Postby theg » Thu Aug 11, 2005 11:16 am

Murtaza wrote:Turkey is not European, we came from middle asia and we are asian.
If greeks lived at anatolia, then Anatolia would be European, but Turks live anatolia, and all of us easy can see, Turks are asian.

yes u r right
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Postby Turkey (( * » Thu Aug 11, 2005 11:21 am

Look the thing with the Turks is that we combine the European culture with Asian culture. My opinion on Turkey is that we may not be European but we are not Asian also, I don't say this geographically but as culture and living style.
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