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Greece+Cyprus will eventually save the Euro+the EU

Benefits and problems from the EU membership.

Re: Greece+Cyprus will eventually save the Euro+the EU

Postby Pyrpolizer » Thu Jan 20, 2022 12:56 am

Lordo wrote:Of course they were drugged upm how else could they climb the mountain where they did. Fuckin hell man you stull believe the myths.

It's you who believes in myths. I believe in facts. The fact is the Airplanes first bombed the mountain turning everything into dust and then the infantry got in. From what you are saying it seems the planes missed the ones on top, and let them fire at your heroes. Someone told you your heroes were on drugs. I didn't tel you THOSE were on drugs because I haven't heard anything about it. I described you what GC soldiers who fought in 1974 witnessed in other places. And it was not just from my cousins it was from many others too.And their drug didn't turn them into heroes. It turned them into sleeping monkies on the trees- most probably is was hash.

Back to Kofinu, how may highways went through Kofinu was neither here nor there.
Kofinou was the cross point connecting Nicosia - Limassol - Larnaca. It still is. TCs were stationed on hills shooting at people.

There was not that many villages that allowed GC to drive through and to attack the whole village and even burn a disabled man alive was a war crime for which has never been insetigated, never mind face the consequences.

What was thit the Greek Major shouted to his soldiers before the final assult.

Not even a single TC chicken must remain alive

Should I start filling pages upon pages of the atrocities of the TCs and Turks against the GCs?

What you are saying does not tally with what happened and your cousins are feeding you bullshit.

Just ask them how the fuck did these soldiers climb the mauntain at the most diffciult location being fired upon from the top.

No, you just ask the pilots of the Turkish jets how on earth did the forget to turn those on top into dust like they did for the whole mountain? You know nothing of how tactical wars are done, you just believe in fantasy stories. Your ignorance is such that you don't even know each group has a wireless radio contact with the base. All the heroes had to do was just a call, and within 5 minutes a Turkish jet would wipe off all those on top.

Fuck sake man we are living 2022 and we hear the same fuckin shit we heard back in 74.
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Re: Greece+Cyprus will eventually save the Euro+the EU

Postby Pyrpolizer » Thu Jan 20, 2022 1:04 am

I would bet you don't even know how many Turkish soldiers died in 1974.
Come on Lordo I am all ears, tell me a fantasy number :lol: :lol:
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Re: Greece+Cyprus will eventually save the Euro+the EU

Postby Lordo » Thu Jan 20, 2022 2:27 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:I would bet you don't even know how many Turkish soldiers died in 1974.
Come on Lordo I am all ears, tell me a fantasy number :lol: :lol:
Lets see now the question is how to answer the question appropriately. You are almost like a fuckin tennager/. Laughing the figure of how many people were killed whether it was TC, GC or Turks or Greeks.

Now of memory it was about the same number of Turkish soldiers killed as GCs (Civilian and soldier). TCs were around about 300, about 80 of which were Mujahid and the rest women children and old folk. Some burnt alive. What was harrowing was having fopund the civilains murdered in a mass grave GRoC claim that the dead were GCs killed by Turkish soldiers and then hanging on their next crescent stars to make them look like they were TCs.

What I do not understand about the mentaolity of an avearage GCs, despite everything that have been learnt since then they still hang on to the old myths.
1. The Cyprus Problem started with Turkish Invasion.
2. The enclaves were forced on the TCs by TMT and GC Eoka had no part in it because apparently Eoka had disbaned by then. Like fuck it was the fuckin deputy head of eoka was running the fucking police force.
3. GCs having started the fighting and using fuckin tanks to attack defenseless villages, were pushing the myth that this was a rebellion and was being put down. Tanks which they were allowed to import despite the UN resolutions saying weapons shoud not be imported into Cyprus. F For fuck sake. Fuckin wise up. If you do not wise up at this age, when will you fuckin wise up when you fucking meed your god?

You actually convinced yourself that I see the Turkish Soldiers as heroes. What ever gave you that idea, I have no idea. But facts are facts. Knowing what I know about Turkish soldiers and I have seen them train as I was doing my little bit of training as they were in the next camp, they are the envy of the war mongers. I do not admire them because I am not a war monger, but I call a spade a spade whether you like it or not. I actually heard that from the Major in the British Army. Because I saw a picture of him with another major in his office and the other officer was Turkish, so I had to ask him about it.
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Re: Greece+Cyprus will eventually save the Euro+the EU

Postby Lordo » Thu Jan 20, 2022 4:23 pm

Interesting bit of news circulating today is the the GRoC has allowed the PKK and PYD to open offices. if they use their place as a base to attack the north in anyway GRoC will be held accountable and will pay consequences.

Is it true? have these two organisations opened up an office in GRoC.
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Re: Greece+Cyprus will eventually save the Euro+the EU

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Jan 20, 2022 10:03 pm

...indeed, the "Greeks" are not unlike the "Turks". At their extremes they are the same with the same hateful commitment against "others" not them.

...isn't it about time that those not "Them" came to realise that to rid themselves of their menace, they too, must present themselves as a Constituency, as well?

Cypriots exist, despite the fact that "They" insist their numbers are small and insignificant; they are Greek and Turkish, as Cypriots a force larger than anyone of their usurpers: it is something to think about.
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Re: Greece+Cyprus will eventually save the Euro+the EU

Postby Lordo » Fri Jan 21, 2022 7:03 pm

For those who understand Terggish. Enjoy.

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Re: Greece+Cyprus will eventually save the Euro+the EU

Postby Mustiejodu » Sun Feb 27, 2022 12:16 am

Yes you save your EU (communist organisation) I am so glad we brexited. The feeling of self determination and own identity is a great feeling. Look at the strength the Ukrainians have because they have pride in their identity unlike you communist lot. All have the same flag , same money. It is the differences In humanity that make us human. Take that away and you become like robots.
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Re: Greece+Cyprus will eventually save the Euro+the EU

Postby Lordo » Mon Feb 28, 2022 11:46 am

Mustiejodu wrote:Yes you save your EU (communist organisation) I am so glad we brexited. The feeling of self determination and own identity is a great feeling. Look at the strength the Ukrainians have because they have pride in their identity unlike you communist lot. All have the same flag , same money. It is the differences In humanity that make us human. Take that away and you become like robots.

I guess you belong to Mrs Thatcher's wing of there is no society and everybody has to fend for themselves right? Well, not even the caveman operated that way. They looked after their sick and cooperated with other cave men and even modern humans too which is why we have up to 5% our DNA coming from the Neanderthals.

Just for you my friend.
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Re: Greece+Cyprus will eventually save the Euro+the EU

Postby Mustiejodu » Wed Mar 02, 2022 5:35 pm

Did you not have that feeling after becoming a republic getting rid of British rule????????? You surely know your history font you
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Re: Greece+Cyprus will eventually save the Euro+the EU

Postby Mustiejodu » Wed Mar 02, 2022 5:41 pm

Thatcher ??? What drugs are you on. Look at ex soviet union now with independent countries. Just look around the world historically countries forming into democracies and Identities. What the hell has thatcher got to do with self determination. I bet you support Putin because he claims Ukraine are nazi because they are an independent sovereign country. Your implying I am right wing which usually comes out of the mouth of far left communist Putin lovers
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