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The truth about what's happing in Ukraine.

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The truth about what's happing in Ukraine.

Postby yialousa1971 » Sun Mar 02, 2014 10:56 pm

Ex-Israeli soldier led militia unit in Ukraine: Reports

Media reports say several former Israeli army soldiers have played a key role in organizing violent street clashes with government forces in the Ukrainian capital Kiev.

According to reports published by Haaretz and the Times of Israel on Friday, an Israeli army veteran identified as ‘Delta’ headed a street-fighting unit in Kiev.

The unit, called the ‘Blue Helmets of the Maidan’, was made up of a force of 40 men and women, including several Israeli army veterans. The reports added that the unit was linked to ultra-nationalist groups.

The reports said that Delta, a Ukraine-born former Israeli soldier, used combat skills he acquired in Israel’s Shu’alei Shimshon reconnaissance battalion of the Givati infantry brigade to rise through the ranks of Kiev’s street fighters.

According to Delta, the Blue Helmets comprise 35 men and women, who are led by five ex-Israeli soldiers.

Unrest erupted in Ukraine in November 2013, when the ousted president, Viktor Yanukovych, refrained from signing an Association Agreement with the European Union in favor of closer ties with Russia.

Russia has repeatedly accused the West of meddling in the internal affairs of Ukraine and fueling the crisis in the country.

In early February, a four-minute video was posted on YouTube by an anonymous user, in which US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and US Ambassador to Kiev Geoffrey Pyatt discussed which of Ukraine’s opposition leaders they would like to see in government.

On February 23, the Ukrainian parliament ousted Yanukovych and named Oleksandr Turchynov, the legislature’s newly-elected speaker, as interim president. ... itia-unit/
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Re: The truth about what's happing in Ukraine.

Postby yialousa1971 » Sun Mar 02, 2014 11:11 pm

The neocon Undersecretary of State for Europe, Victoria Nuland, said US has spent $5 billion promoting anti-Russian groups in Ukraine.

The Road to War
By Eric Margolis
February 28, 2014

The surging crisis in Ukraine is a dramatic example of how wars begin. Take arrogance, toxic nationalism, tribalism, moral outrage and profound miscalculation, mix thoroughly, and, voilà !, another great leap forward in the march of human folly.

Russia just mobilized its western regions armed forces, an inevitable response to the growing turmoil in Ukraine. Most westerners are unaware that Ukraine is the cradle of Russian civilization and, when properly run, one of the world’s great producers of grains.

Now that western Ukraine has fallen to anti-Russian, nationalist groups, Russia-oriented eastern Ukraine is also threatening to explode. This nation of 44 million is already de facto split into two parts. How Ukraine’s armed forces respond remains an important question. On Thursday their command vowed to resist any incursion by Russian troops, but loyalties remain uncertain.

Unrest and some violence have now erupted in Crimea. Though 80% ethnic Russian, this highly strategic peninsula was given by the Soviet leadership to the Soviet Ukrainian Republic in 1954. The result, some say, of a grandiose, [b]drunken gesture by Kremlin leader Nikita Khrushchev, a former Ukraine party boss. Back then it mattered little.[/b]

Today, Khrushchev’s gift has become a poisoned chalice. On my last assignment in Crimea, it was clear that most of its people desired reunification with Russia.

Equally important, Sevastopol is Russia’s second most important naval base, and its gateway to the Mediterranean.

Adding complexity, Crimea’s remaining Muslim Tatar population is now calling for their own state independent of Russia. Crimea was once primarily Tatar, the descendants of the 13th century Golden Horde of primarily Kipchak Turkic nomads. The Khanate of Crimea lasted five hundred years until crushed by the expanding Russian Empire.

In the 1940’s, under Stalin’s orders, southern Russia’s Muslim peoples suffered a holocaust in which 3 million were murdered by NKVD secret police firing squads or from starvation and disease in the gulag.

Tatars who survived Stalin’s murderous reign, filtered back to Crimea, only to find their homes and land had been seized by ethnic Russians. Tatars remain a partly homeless internal refugee population calling for redress from the uncaring Russian state. Many Tatars want no part of Russia – like their fellow victims of Stalin, the Chechen.

For Russians, Crimea is not only the principal base of the Black Sea Fleet, the peninsula also was the scene of the epic 250-day siege siege of Sevastopol in 1941.

In a brutal battle for the port and rest of Crimea, the Germans employed monster 800mm and 600mm guns against Sevastopol’s forts that fired 6-7 ton shells that had been built to destroy France’s Maginot Line forts. Sailors of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet played a notable role in the defense. Sevastopol was rightly proclaimed a Hero City of the Soviet Union.

Sebastopol has been Russia’s gateway to the south since the days of Catherine the Great. Crimea is renowned for its sweet wines and the historic resort of Yalta where the doddering fool Franklin Roosevelt, surrounded by Soviet spies and hidden microphones, gave half of Europe to the gleeful Stalin.

Crimea was the epicenter of the 1853-1856 Crimean War in which Britain, France and Turkey combined to block Russian expansion into the Balkans. Most famous, of course, was the disastrous charge into the face of massed Russia guns of the British Light Brigade near Balaclava. Just to the south is a remarkable former Cold War Soviet submarine base hewn into a mountain large enough to hold six-eight u-boats.

The Cold War seems to be resuming, at least in Ukraine. Unrest is also brewing in neighboring Belarus, a nasty Stalinist dictatorship closely aligned with Moscow.

The West and Moscow are trading accusation of meddling in Ukraine. In truth, both are busy stirring the pot, a dangerous game that has brought NATO and Russia to the brink of armed confrontation. The neocon Undersecretary of State for Europe, Victoria Nuland, said US has spent $5 billion promoting anti-Russian groups in Ukraine. Chances of a Ukrainian civil war are also rising.

Ukraine is flat broke. Kiev needs at least $35 billion in immediate loans. Russia has withdrawn its offer of $15 billion. Who wants to lend money to a bankrupt, chaotic Ukraine filled with restive, angry people?
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Re: The truth about what's happing in Ukraine.

Postby yialousa1971 » Sun Mar 02, 2014 11:27 pm

Украина, Киев, Майдан Victoria Nuland, a telephone conversation with Jeffrey Payette

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Re: The truth about what's happing in Ukraine.

Postby yialousa1971 » Wed Mar 05, 2014 8:51 pm

Ilias Panagiotaros on Ukranian “Nationalists” and International Zionism

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Re: The truth about what's happing in Ukraine.

Postby yialousa1971 » Wed Mar 05, 2014 8:58 pm

Kiev snipers hired by Maidan leaders - leaked EU's Ashton phone tape

Published time: March 05, 2014 12:41
Edited time: March 05, 2014 16:45 Get short URL

The snipers who shot at protesters and police in Kiev were allegedly hired by Maidan leaders, according to a leaked phone conversation between the EU foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton and Estonian foreign affairs minister, which has emerged online.

“There is now stronger and stronger understanding that behind the snipers, it was not Yanukovich, but it was somebody from the new coalition,” Urmas Paet said during the conversation.

“I think we do want to investigate. I mean, I didn’t pick that up, that’s interesting. Gosh,” Ashton answered.

The call took place after Estonia’s Foreign Minister Urmas Paet visited Kiev on February 25, following the peak of clashes between the pro-EU protesters and security forces in the Ukrainian capital.
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Re: The truth about what's happing in Ukraine.

Postby yialousa1971 » Fri Mar 07, 2014 4:58 pm

Crimean Parliament votes to become part of Russia

06.03.2014 | Source:

The Crimean Parliament has voted to join the Russian Federation prior to the referendum on the status of the autonomy. This is a logical move, as it relieves tension on the peninsula and brings certainty for the international community, Deputy Secretary of the Public Chamber of Russia, Vladislav Grib told Pravda.Ru.

"This decision may ease the situation on the peninsula. I have just returned from there. Both the Parliament and residents of the Crimea need certainty. I believe that this step will defuse the situation and give clearer understanding of what legally elected deputies want. Afterwards, this decision will be discussed at a referendum," he said.

Vladislav Grib believes that this decision will be a signal for the international community.

"This is a clear step for the international community to understand Russia. Should the results of the referendum be positive, the majority of the population support the idea, there will be adequate negotiations conducted with European partners, because it goes about the realization of people's rights to self-determination," Vladislav Grib said.

In turn, first deputy head of the Duma Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Duma representative at the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Vyatkin, believes that citizens of Crimea have the right to determine their own destiny at a referendum.

"The people of the Crimea, under the condition of uncertainty, powerlessness, the illegitimate seizure of power in Kiev, against the backdrop of destabilization of the situation on the peninsula, in order to protect citizens and ensure safety, the people have the right to independently determine their fate at a referendum and make the decision the Crimeans see fit," said Dmitry Vyatkin.
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Re: The truth about what's happing in Ukraine.

Postby yialousa1971 » Fri Mar 07, 2014 5:11 pm

Russia's Federation Council will support Crimea's decision to join Russia

07.03.2014 | Source: Pravda.Ru
Russia's Federation Council will support Crimea's decision to join Russia, if the people of the Crimea vote for this in a referendum, speaker of the upper house of the Russian parliament, Valentina Matvienko, said on March 7th at a meeting with a delegation of the Supreme Council of the Crimea, Vesti reports.

"The right of nations to self-determination has not been canceled," - she said. Matvienko emphasized that this is an international practice, referring to the referendum in Scotland.

She also expressed her belief that would never be war between Russia and Ukraine. "It is complete nonsense that they say that the people of Ukraine will go to war with Russia. There will never be any war between our nations," said Matvienko.

Earlier, representatives of the Supreme Council of Crimea held a meeting with members of the lower house of the Russian parliament. The State Duma promised to promptly take all necessary decisions to provide citizens of the Crimea with all rights of Russian citizens, if citizens of the republic vote to become a part of the Russian Federation in a referendum.

"To support the Crimea is a priority for State Duma deputies," said House Speaker Sergei Naryshkin. "Russia will support the "free and democratic choice of the people of the Crimea," he said.

"The Crimea is historically, culturally and spiritually has been and remains an inseparable part of our great Russian civilization," vice-speaker of the State Duma, deputy secretary of the General Council of United Russia, Sergei Zheleznjak said. "I can already say that the vast majority of Russian citizens are enthusiastic and proud to accept the decisions that the Supreme Council of the Crimea takes," said the parliamentarian.

On March 6, the Supreme Council of the Crimea decided to join Russia as a subject of the Russian Federation. This question will be put to a referendum on the status of the Crimea. The vote will be held on March 16. The same day, residents of the city of Sevastopol will hold a referendum about a possible move for the city to join the Russian Federation. ... _crimea-0/
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Re: The truth about what's happing in Ukraine.

Postby yialousa1971 » Thu Apr 24, 2014 9:09 pm

Civil war looms as fighting rages in eastern Ukraine Published time: April 15, 2014 14:19
Edited time: April 24, 2014 10:17
Kiev’s troops remain in eastern Ukraine as the OSCE mission starts its work on “de-escalating” the situation on the ground. Anti-government protesters are unwilling to leave the seized buildings, demanding that the troops are pulled out first.

Thursday, April 24

18:49 GMT:

Russian senators have drafted a proposal to send a “peacekeeping contingent” to southeast Ukraine to avoid bloodshed in the region, Izvestiya reports, citing Federation Council member Valery Shnyakin.

Shnyakin, who is the deputy chair of the council’s international committee, said that all countries interested in the peaceful resolution of the Ukrainian crisis should take part in talks on the proposed peacekeeping force.

“We must urgently put Russia, the US, the EU and Ukraine at the negotiation table and negotiate deploying a peacekeeping contingent to the southeast [of Ukraine]. We are now drafting this proposal and it will be brought up for discussion at the Federation Council session on April 29, and in case the situation escalates even more, it could happen earlier,” Shnyakin was quoted as saying.

18:34 GMT:

The German government has frozen military exports to Russia in connection with the situation in Ukraine, Germany’s Economy Ministry reportedly said in response to a request of the opposition Greens party.

According to German media, 69 export requests worth 5.18 million euro ($7.16 million) have been blocked.

“Because of the current political circumstances, no export licenses for defense goods for Russia are being granted. Furthermore, Germany has launched a study into what can be done about export licenses previously granted,” the ministry replied to the Greens’ request, Reuters reported.

17:56 GMT:

17:51 GMT:

War in eastern Ukraine must be prevented “at all costs,” Itar-Tass reported UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon as saying.

Ban’s spokesman told journalists that all sides involved in the conflict in Ukraine must stick to the Geneva agreements of April 17, refrain from violence, repression and provocative actions.

Saying that he is “deeply concerned that the situation could quickly spin out of control with unpredictable consequences,” the UN secretary-general said that “military action must be avoided at all costs.”

17:42 GMT:

The actions of the Kiev authorities in eastern Ukraine make the legitimacy of the upcoming Ukrainian early elections “questionable,” Russian President Vladimir Putin’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, told journalists Thursday.

“The way the situation is developing in Ukraine, such criminal actions ordered by those in Kiev, they a priori put the legitimacy of the elections set for May under a serious question mark,” Peskov said.

17:32 GMT:

National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine (SNBO) officials say the military operation in eastern Ukraine will continue “in stages.”

“The anti-terrorist operation will continue. It will be carried out in several stages. We cannot unveil these stages. Today one of those active stages took place. It fulfilled its objective,” deputy secretary of the SNBO, Victoria Syumar, told Hromadske TV on Thursday.

17:00 GMT:

American reporter Simon Ostrovsky, detained by anti-government activists in Slavyansk on Tuesday, has been freed, CBC journalist Jean-Francois Belanger has confirmed. According to Belanger, Ostrovsky is now with the CBC crew en route to Donetsk.
VICE News later confirmed Ostrovsky has been set free in a website statement:

"Vice News is delighted to confirm that our colleague and friend Simon Ostrovsky has been safely released and is in good health."
16:48 GMT:

Right Sector radicals have blockaded an administrative building in the western Ukrainian city of Kolomyya to protest the appointment of the new local administration head, picked by the coup-imposed acting Ukrainian president Aleksandr Turchinov, local media reports. The Right Sector and local self-defense say there should not be any city official named until popular elections. The city administration officials say they have not been able to continue their work and warn that the blockade of the building will affect the life of local residents.

16:17 GMT:
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Re: The truth about what's happing in Ukraine.

Postby Paphitis » Fri Apr 25, 2014 2:32 am

Well it looks like Ukraine is fighting back and the Russians don't know what to do! :lol: ... ggression/

Looks like Russia is going to be defeeated! :D
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Re: The truth about what's happing in Ukraine.

Postby Robin Hood » Fri Apr 25, 2014 6:47 am

Paphitis wrote:Well it looks like Ukraine is fighting back and the Russians don't know what to do! :lol: ... ggression/

Looks like Russia is going to be defeeated! :D

I never took you for a fool ................ until now!

The Russians are up against the US and its Allies who, if you go back a few months, without doubt they are the ones that instigated all this. The proof is overwhelming ......... that is if you don’t base your opinion on the Western Press and statements from Western leaders.

The US financed those opposing the elected government, allowed the genuine protestors to be overridden by Svoboda/Right Sector extremists both with National Socialist (NAZI) agenda’s and to overthrow the government in an armed coup. The US, contrary to UN Protocols, recognised this illegal government that they had installed, within hours, again against international law. This bunch of thugs within 24 hours announced that Crimea would lose its autonomy, the Russian base at Sevastopol agreement would be cancelled and they then set about closing down all Russian language radio and TV stations and news papers. The self appointed government put into power in the eastern regions, their US approved Oligarchs to rule these eastern principal regions/cities ............................ and in all that time not a single condemnation from the US! :roll:

At the request of the Russian majority the Russians bent the rules and used their military peacefully to successfully thwart aggression against the Russian majority in Crimea. The population made a free and fair decision (confirmed by EU observers) to hold a democratic referendum, and some 97% 0f the 83% that voted made a self determined decision that they wished their ties to be with the Russian Federation. It was only then that pratt’s like Kerry, Obama, Cameron, Hague and Hollande etc. decided to express their ‘horror’ and jacked up the propaganda .................... which the sheeple swallow hook-line-and-sinker because they are too stupid to read up the facts, they just believe the western mouth pieces.

Strange how when it was the US backed right wing extremists Svoboda/Right Sector taking over government buildings in Kiev, killing people and using an armed revolt to impose a coup d’etat...... as far as the US was concerned that was fine. But, when the people of eastern Ukraine rise up to thwart these right wing thugs ........ the US calls them terrorists and threatens the Russians. :shock:

Unless this situation is calmed down, which is what I see the Russians trying to do, this is going to end in a conflict of such proportions that are NO WINNERS! The full blame for this sits squarely on the shoulders of the US Administration ............ the Russians, through Lavrov have proved themselves to be the peace makers it is the US and its puppets that are war mongers!

The following sums it up .......... I'm confused, can anyone help me? By Neil Clarke

I'm confused. A few weeks ago we were told in the West that people occupying government buildings in Ukraine was a very good thing. These people, we were told by our political leaders and elite media commentators, were 'pro-democracy protestors'.
The US government warned the Ukrainian authorities against using force against these 'pro-democracy protestors' even if, according to the pictures we saw, some of them were neo-Nazis who were throwing Molotov cocktails and other things at the police and smashing up statues and setting fire to buildings.
Now, just a few weeks later, we're told that people occupying government buildings in Ukraine are not 'pro-democracy protestors' but 'terrorists' or 'militants'.
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