Lordo wrote:i am told by a very trusted friend that his grandfather originates from akincilar hence his name. now then lets take what he says one by one shall we.
are you saying that he is wrong in what he said regarding international agreements and how they have to be honoured and one side cannot just say i no longer agree with what i have signed. do you agree or disagree reh charlomahismenuimmu.
lets take the second one regarding who was party to it. are you saying the roc that signed that agreement is the same roc of today. yes or no.
I will go through them all for you:
GUARANTEES are the result of international treaties and cannot be terminated with a unilateral statement, newly elected Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci has told the Turkish paper Star.
Since its birth in 1960, the independence and constitutional order of the Republic of Cyprus has been guaranteed by Greece, Turkey, and the United Kingdom, under the Treaty of Guarantee.
Even though Greece and the UK are not interested in the slightest!
“There is Turkey, Greece, Great Britain, South Cyprus [the internationally recognised Republic of Cyprus], and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus [the breakaway regime in the Turkish-occupied areas],” he said.
“Therefore, one side saying guarantees should be ended cannot end guarantors’ rights. Greece saying that unilaterally is of no consequence.”
But he had some disapproving comments in store for the Cypriot government, especially with regard to its willingness to share power in post-solution Cyprus.
In reference to this week’s tripartite summit between Egypt, Greece, and Cyprus, as well as the ‘Nicosia Accord’, Akinci said the initiative is “indicative of the Greek-Cypriot mindset, that they are the only sovereign power”.
Yeh well Turkey wants to dissolve this. We know very well what is in store for us in the future.
“The Greek Cypriot side operates under the assumption that it is the only sovereign country and the sole protector of citizens’ rights,” he said.
It's not an assumption. IT IS FACT!
“I believe this is wrong. Natural gas is wealth belonging jointly to both communities. And I believe that this resource can fund the solution. It is wrong for it to be turned into a point of friction, even before it is unearthed.”
No solution, no gas for the TCs exempt the methane gas from Akincis Golo!
“The Greek Cypriot side, arguing that ‘I am the state, the entire world recognises me as the state’ has been extremely tight on the issue of sharing power,” Akinci said.
Well duh! Why would the GCs sign away their Statehood?
“If they accept that on this island they are politically equal with us, then we will have overcome the most important obstacle. Agreement on all other issues will become easier.”
Yes one man one vote EQUAL. Is this what he has in mind?
Akinci also had some criticism with the confidence-building measures unilaterally announced by President Nicos Anastasiades earlier this week, saying they are not enough.
He got that one right!
It ain't enough for us to recognize you for the return of a derelict city under UN control.

“It is noted that maps to minefields on the Pentadaktylos mountains will be handed over. And yet, this is an issue that concerns public safety and should have been announced much earlier.”
He can stick the maps up his bumhole!
“I don’t wish to react negatively, but much more needs to be done, like lifting the embargo [against Turkish Cypriots],” he concluded.
Why? For recognition? I don't think so.