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Expansionist Neo-Ottoman Turkey

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Re: Expansionist Neo-Ottoman Turkey

Postby Lordo » Tue Oct 04, 2016 10:22 am

Maximus wrote:
Lordo wrote:i can smell it from here gavole stop it.

I hope you are proud of yourself.

this is the defence of every criminal. you made me do it, it is your fault. assikdir len esshek push pezzevvenk
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Re: Expansionist Neo-Ottoman Turkey

Postby Tim Drayton » Mon Jan 30, 2017 3:13 pm

Yesterday a ship carrying Turkey's Chief of the General Staff sailed close to the disputed Kardak/Imia rocks in the Aegean Sea in a provocative move. Sign of worse to come? ... -standoff/
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Re: Expansionist Neo-Ottoman Turkey

Postby supporttheunderdog » Mon Jan 30, 2017 3:24 pm

and ass usual the debate degenerates, despite the efforts of some to prevent ad hominom attacks..

Regrettably there is little sign to me that Turkey (or rather the Islamist AKP Erdo regime) is about to implode: the guy is in my view a nutter and should be treated with caution. I would not rule out anything.
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Re: Expansionist Neo-Ottoman Turkey

Postby Tim Drayton » Mon Jan 30, 2017 4:14 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:the guy is in my view a nutter and should be treated with caution.

I would agree there, and it is the kind of madness verges on genius, unfortunately.
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Re: Expansionist Neo-Ottoman Turkey

Postby Tim Drayton » Mon Jan 30, 2017 4:27 pm

Of course, most observers think that this is part of a strategy to pressurise Greece into extraditing the eight coupist soldiers there.
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Re: Expansionist Neo-Ottoman Turkey

Postby Paphitis » Tue Jan 31, 2017 2:21 am

Tim Drayton wrote:For some reason that mystifies me, quite a few Greek speakers on this forum seem to think that having an Islamist regime with Neo-Ottoman leanings in Turkey is a good thing. I would advise them to rethink that position. Following the dispatch of Turkish troops to Syria within the 'Euphrates Shield' operation, a couple of days ago Turkey's president Erdoğan publicly criticised the treaty of Lausanne, in particular referring to what he described as the loss of islands so close to Turkey's coast that 'if we shout loud enough, people there can hear us.' Now the mayor of Ankara, Melih Gökçek, a close ally of Erdoğan, has posted the following tweet, whose message translates as 'Brainbox Lausanne supporters. Look, we gave these dark blue islands right beneath our nose to Greece under Lausanne. You unashamedly call Lausanne a victory.' One of the key doctrines of Kemalism which has guided the foreign policy of the Republic of Turkey since its inception has been the unquestioning acceptance of the country's borders as negotiated under the Treaty of Lausanne. In my view, the true goal of the Islamist AKP has always been to reverse the achievements attained by the secular Republic of Turkey under the aegis of Kemalism and to revert to an Islamist state with Neo-Ottomanist leanings. These latest attacks on a further key tenet of Kemalism do not in my view bode well for Turkey's neighbours or for peace and stability in the region. It is not only Putin who is salivating at the prospect of the EU weakening thus giving rise to the prospect of recapturing once subordinated territory.


I love how they also claim Evia, which is connected to the mainland by bridge. Amazing.

Who are the forumers who support a NEO-Islamist Turkey?

Erdogan, like Pootin are going to bring the globe to the brink of war and possibly go all the way. And right now, Pootin is trying to pull the wool over Trump's eyes.

It's very important for the EU, NATO, and allies stay focused.

We are in for a very rough 4 years. It's not going to be a good 4 years. but it will eventually end and pass. In the meantime, we need to have a united front as hard as this may now seem with Trump.

The dangers posed by Pootin and Erdogan are there for all to see.

Turkey is much better served by the Turkish military (Kemalists). Even when Ciller was in power, at least we had some common sense from turkey as opposed to now and she nearly caused a war with Greece over Imia so that is saying a lot.

Greece is going to have a lot of trouble and probably find itself at war very soon. I predict this will happen within Trump's term. :(

This is Turkey best opportunity to invade some Greek islands while America is having a semi meltdown mode with Trump. America could get caught napping and Greece will definitely get caught out napping and very vulnerable.
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Re: Expansionist Neo-Ottoman Turkey

Postby miltiades » Tue Jan 31, 2017 8:40 am

The name is PUTIN, this thread is about Neo Ottoman Turkey, NOT PUTIN.

Your obsession with PUTIN is unhealthy and demonstrative of your shortcomings in regards to presenting a logical perspective on practically anything.
You have allowed your self to restrain your logic and direction by this immense emotional hatred you bear against PUTIN. Nobody on this forum takes your pronouncements or predictions even remotely seriously, on the contrary you are perceived as rather childish and ineligible to offer any substance to any of your utterings.
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Re: Expansionist Neo-Ottoman Turkey

Postby Tim Drayton » Tue Jan 31, 2017 9:05 am

Paphitis wrote:Turkey is much better served by the Turkish military (Kemalists).

The Islamists have now succeeded in ousting the Kemalists (or most of them) from the millitary - that was the purpose of number of bogus trials held in the 2008-2013 period such as Ergenekon, Sledgehammer etc., and even if these trials have now clearly been revealed to have been a travesty of justice and I think absolutely everybody who stood accused has now been cleared despite most of them doing prison time, they have all been removed from the armed forces, which was the real goal. For some time now, they have carefully vetted entry the military academies to make sure that only people with Islamist views enter - the sons of former officers are all automatically barred. The military now, just like the whole apparatus of the state, is at the beck and call of one man, Erdoğan.

Not that I supported the old system known as the 'Military Tutelage' backed up by the murky, murderous entity known as the 'deep state', either.
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