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Alexander Blackman: refuttal

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Alexander Blackman: refuttal

Postby Londonrake » Wed Feb 22, 2017 7:52 pm

On an OP regarding the dual standards employed regarding International Law, wrt to Syria and the Ukraine, the following (which had absolutely nothing to do with the OP) was posted:

"A classic example of his (my) double standards is calling for the release of a British NCO accused of murdering a seriously wounded/dying prisoner. The NCO was composed enough to tell colleagues to keep their mouths shut because he had committed an offence under the Geneva convention. So he was well aware he had committed a war crime.

LR was incensed and very vociferous at such a 'miscarriage of justice' when the NCO was jailed for his crime. He and his military colleagues and supporters were outraged and demanded the NCO be released as he was obviously suffering from PTSD and this needed to be given 'understanding'. His offence and his comments were recorded on his body cam and later leaked by one of his colleagues."

At no stage was I "vociferous at such a miscarriage of justice". That's a blatant lie.

I did though think that his life sentence was disproportionate. Blackman had an exception career as a Royal Marine SNCO. He had acquitted himself honorably over several tours in the ME. Royal Marines don't get much in the way of cushy jobs in war zones.

At the time of the incident he was actually in charge of a checkpoint (Omar) which was officially considered highly vulnerable and was under a lot of sustained pressure. He'd just heard of the death of a close family member. Previously he had friends who had been tortured, killed by the Taliban and their body parts hung up in trees.

Blackman killed a Taliban, injured by an Apache, in his Op area. Nobody "grassed" on him. The act came to light during a routine download of his helmet webcam.

I read a couple of weeks ago about a man who beat his baby to death and got a 6 year sentence. Subject to a significant discount for good behaviour

Some time ago there was an attack on Iranian border guards by a group of - whatever. The next day they dragged 14 members of the same group out of jail and hanged them. Publicly proclaiming that it was in revenge. The man who here calls himself "Robin Hood's" comment was "Seems fair enough".

Trust me. The man is the best/worst hypocrite you are ever likely to meet. More to follow..................... if necessary.
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Re: Alexander Blackman: refuttal

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Feb 22, 2017 8:08 pm

Londonrake wrote:On an OP regarding the dual standards employed regarding International Law, wrt to Syria and the Ukraine, the following (which had absolutely nothing to do with the OP) was posted:

"A classic example of his (my) double standards is calling for the release of a British NCO accused of murdering a seriously wounded/dying prisoner. The NCO was composed enough to tell colleagues to keep their mouths shut because he had committed an offence under the Geneva convention. So he was well aware he had committed a war crime.

LR was incensed and very vociferous at such a 'miscarriage of justice' when the NCO was jailed for his crime. He and his military colleagues and supporters were outraged and demanded the NCO be released as he was obviously suffering from PTSD and this needed to be given 'understanding'. His offence and his comments were recorded on his body cam and later leaked by one of his colleagues."

At no stage was I "vociferous at such a miscarriage of justice". That's a blatant lie.

I did though think that his life sentence was disproportionate. Blackman had an exception career as a Royal Marine SNCO. He had acquitted himself honorably over several tours in the ME. Royal Marines don't get much in the way of cushy jobs in war zones.

At the time of the incident he was actually in charge of a checkpoint (Omar) which was officially considered highly vulnerable and was under a lot of sustained pressure. He'd just heard of the death of a close family member. Previously he had friends who had been tortured, killed by the Taliban and their body parts hung up in trees.

Blackman killed a Taliban, injured by an Apache, in his Op area. Nobody "grassed" on him. The act came to light during a routine download of his helmet webcam.

I read a couple of weeks ago about a man who beat his baby to death and got a 6 year sentence. Subject to a significant discount for good behaviour

Some time ago there was an attack on Iranian border guards by a group of - whatever. The next day they dragged 14 members of the same group out of jail and hanged them. Publicly proclaiming that it was in revenge. The man who here calls himself "Robin Hood's" comment was "Seems fair enough".

Trust me. The man is the best/worst hypocrite you are ever likely to meet. More to follow..................... if necessary.

I really don't think there are many on this forum that have the enthusiasm you do for justifying the murderous actions of a British soldier who let both his country and his colleagues down ........... that's why they shopped him!
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Re: Alexander Blackman: refuttal

Postby Londonrake » Wed Feb 22, 2017 8:27 pm

Robin Hood wrote:I really don't think there are many on this forum that have the enthusiasm you do for justifying the murderous actions of a British soldier who let both his country and his colleagues down ........... that's why they shopped him!

Where did I "justify his murderous actions". I simply put it in context, for us "armchair warriors".

Where did they "shop him"?

Any comment on your attitude to the Iranian hangings?

IIRC, when they were stringing people up ad hoc on cranes in the main streets of Tehran your comment was "Well, just settling old scores". Hypocrisy.

Seriously. I am absolutely, genuinely interested. Why do you hate your country so much?
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Re: Alexander Blackman: refuttal

Postby Londonrake » Wed Feb 22, 2017 8:38 pm

IIRC your solution at the time was that "they" should conjour up a conspiracy which enabled Blackman to escape prison.

I can look it up............ if that's what you want.

More hypocrisy.
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Re: Alexander Blackman: refuttal

Postby Londonrake » Wed Feb 22, 2017 9:23 pm

Robin Hood wrote:I really don't think there are many on this forum that have the enthusiasm you do for justifying the murderous actions of a British soldier who let both his country and his colleagues down ........... that's why they shopped him!

I have more faith in human nature.

Sgt Alexander Blackman, Royal Marines. 3 ME tours. Distinguished and clean record. Murdered a wounded Taliban insurgent, part of a group targeting his VP. Lost a number of his colleagues who were tortured then murdered by the Taliban.

Indignation. "LR was incensed and very vociferous at such a 'miscarriage of justice' when the NCO was jailed for his crime. He and his military colleagues and supporters were outraged"

A blatant lie.

Did Blackman deserve a life sentence though? He's finished whatever happens to him.

14 men hanged by Iranian militia out of revenge for an attack on their border guards. The man who here calls himself "Robin Hood", "Seems fair enough".

People hanged in the streets of Tehran from cranes. The man who here calls himself "Robin Hood", "Just settling old scores".

I appreciate there are many here of different races/cultures/opinions. However, does that seem the balanced opinion of somebody who presents a fair appraisal. Or, somebody who intensely hates his own country and supports absolutely anybody who opposes it? No matter how barbaric and unjust.
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Re: Alexander Blackman: refuttal

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Feb 23, 2017 7:36 am

Londonrake wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:I really don't think there are many on this forum that have the enthusiasm you do for justifying the murderous actions of a British soldier who let both his country and his colleagues down ........... that's why they shopped him!

Where did I "justify his murderous actions". I simply put it in context, for us "armchair warriors".

Just look at your own posts on this thread ..... you hardly express any condemnation of his actions!

Where did they "shop him"?

Who released the video then ....... Putin? ..... Assange? ..... Chelsea Manning? No , his own military colleagues did!

Any comment on your attitude to the Iranian hangings?

Exactly what that has to do with Blackman, I fail to comprehend. You pick Iranian hangings, that do take place as they have a death penalty. The US also has a death penalty I believe? Any comment on electrocution and lethal injections ..... where the victim can take as much as 20 minutes to die?

IIRC, when they were stringing people up ad hoc on cranes in the main streets of Tehran your comment was "Well, just settling old scores". Hypocrisy.

That was in 1979 in the midst of a revolution, so yes, much of it WAS settling old scores....... like Blackman? :roll:

Seriously. I am absolutely, genuinely interested. Why do you hate your country so much?

I don't hate my country or any other country I just hate what people like you have done to it with your endless warfare ....... oh, I forgot, you call it 'humanitarian warfare' so that makes it good and justifiable? It is just a shame for the millions YOU and your colleagues, murder and the millions of lives you destroy ..... to ensure they get your leaders message. You fight for Queen and Country ? What threat was Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan and Syria to either Queen or Country? YOU created that threat on behalf of ......THEM! :evil:

Take the hint, you have been rumbled already ...... :arrow: :x
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Re: Alexander Blackman: refuttal

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Feb 23, 2017 7:45 am

Londonrake wrote:IIRC your solution at the time was that "they" should conjour up a conspiracy which enabled Blackman to escape prison.

I can look it up............ if that's what you want.

More hypocrisy.

Had his colleagues though he was not in control of his actions and suffering stress, they WOULD have found a way to cover it up! They didn't ..... nuff said. Maybe when he gets out he could join the IDF, he appears to meet their standards ....... :roll:

You even have the Paphitis habit of multiple consecutive posts .... boy you must really be seething inside .... just like he is.

Take the hint ....... :arrow: :x
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Re: Alexander Blackman: refuttal

Postby Londonrake » Thu Feb 23, 2017 8:17 pm

Firstly in answer to :

Any comment on your attitude to the Iranian hangings?

Robin Hood wrote:Exactly what that has to do with Blackman, I fail to comprehend. You pick Iranian hangings, that do take place as they have a death penalty. The US also has a death penalty I believe? Any comment on electrocution and lethal injections ..... where the victim can take as much as 20 minutes to die?

You erroneously raised the subject of Blackman in the "Russian and the Ukraine (International Law position)". It was a typical act of spite (yes, we've seen a few of those, haven't we?) Supposedly to demonstrate something about me. So when you say "Exactly what that has to do with Blackman, I fail to comprehend." Don't you think you're being somewhat hypocritical? His case had absolutely nothing to do with the Russia and Ukraine OP.

US executions? I wish I had a Euro for every time you've introduced the USA into just about any and every post, no matter what the context. "Exactly what that has to do with Blackman, I fail to comprehend." FWIW, those men, in their Iranian prison, weren't given any sort of hearing. They were simply dragged out of their cells and hung. The Iranians quite openly telling the World that it was an act of revenge. The point of raising it is quite obvious. You shrugged your shoulders at that event and said "seems fair enough". Now you talk about Blackman's crime like an indignant, bleeding heart liberal. Hypocrisy.

"Where did I "justify his murderous actions". I simply put it in context, for us 'armchair warriors' ".

Robin Hood wrote:"Just look at your own posts on this thread ..... you hardly express any condemnation of his actions!"

That hardly counts as some sort of justification, does it? I haven't justified anything. Moreover, did I not say that he had murdered a wounded Taliban insurgent? My view is that a life sentence was disproportionate, given the stress he had been under almost continuously for a number of years. As an example I earlier pointed out a recent case where a Father who was convicted of murdering his own baby got 6 years.

IIRC, when they were stringing people up ad hoc on cranes in the main streets of Tehran your comment was "Well, just settling old scores". Hypocrisy.

Robin Hood wrote:"That was in 1979 in the midst of a revolution, so yes, much of it WAS settling old scores....... like Blackman?"

Thousands were murdered in Iran during that period of the "revolution". What sort of excuse is that? AFAIK those actions were widely celebrated there. Certainly I have no recollection of anybody being tried and jailed for their actions. Blackman was sentenced to life. When he eventually gets out he's probably looking at being a shelf-stacker in Tesco. Does anybody regard that as a reasonable analogy?

Robin Hood wrote:"I don't hate my country or any other country I just hate what people like you have done to it with your endless warfare ....... oh, I forgot, you call it 'humanitarian warfare' so that makes it good and justifiable? It is just a shame for the millions YOU and your colleagues, murder and the millions of lives you destroy ..... to ensure they get your leaders message. You fight for Queen and Country ? What threat was Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan and Syria to either Queen or Country? YOU created that threat on behalf of ......THEM!

IMHO. those are the words of somebody who has a mental problem. In 5 or so years, over 3 different Forums, I've never heard you express anything but utter contempt for the UK, usually laced with admiration and support for absolutely anybody who might wish it harm.

I think in your next post I'm accused by you of "seething". I don't. Nothing you've ever said has had me awake at night. However, I ask people who are reading this to go through the previous paragraph by RH and reach their own conclusions about the mind-state of the man who wrote it and judge for themselves who is "seething" .

You're not right in the head mate. You're a keyboard warrior with a distinct tendency to make enemies on or through these Forums. So far you've had a couple of off-Forum close shaves. Both originated by yourself. Both ending in tears. One day somebody else will happen along and you'll run out of luck.

BTW. Section Leaders on active duty carry head mounted video cams. They're downloaded for assessment by Intelligence after patrols or engagements. It was during that routine process that Blackman's crime came to light, when a number of personnel became privy to it. AFAIUI he was a very experienced and respected Marine. He was not "shopped" by his men.

Now, given that this was actually just your spiteful response (I can do that) to the Russia/Ukraine OP perhaps we can put it to bed and move on? Or do you have some more rants about all the people I have enjoyably murdered over the years?
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Re: Alexander Blackman: refuttal

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Feb 23, 2017 9:02 pm

Out of seven posts five of them are yours! As I said I doubt you will find many on this Forum that will agree with you. For somebody who claims "Nothing you've ever said has had me awake at night" you sure spend a lot of time digging up the past.

As previously advised us all a favour and ......... :arrow: :x
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Re: Alexander Blackman: refuttal

Postby Londonrake » Thu Feb 23, 2017 9:12 pm

Robin Hood wrote:Out of seven posts five of them are yours! As I said I doubt you will find many on this Forum that will agree with you. For somebody who claims "Nothing you've ever said has had me awake at night" you sure spend a lot of time digging up the past.

As previously advised us all a favour and ......... :arrow: :x

But you don't speak for "us". Maybe you should get up a poll? :roll:

You brought up the subject of Blackman. You did it for malicious reasons. It's backfired. Go fish.
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