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Maybe why Trump is having a hard time?

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Maybe why Trump is having a hard time?

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Mar 11, 2017 8:10 am

In this video Noam Chomsky describes our society going back millennia and IMO he makes a lot of sense. You need to watch it before jumping to conclusions. :wink:

Even though this video appears to have been produced some time before the US Presidential elections, it also explains, well indicates, why Trump is having such a tough time! He explains how the US Constitution was created to keep power in the hands of the wealthy and how the same applied in ancient Greece. But both tackled the problems that caused in different ways and Trump appears to be following the Greek example .......... which is why the Deep State are trying to bring him down. The last thing the wealthy and powerful want is a democracy as it puts the power into the hans of the people.

I found it very informative and it opened up a reasoned view of the structure that is our society in a way I had never thought about it before.

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Re: Maybe why Trump is having a hard time?

Postby Tim Drayton » Sat Mar 11, 2017 9:20 am

Here is an interesting talk by Chomsky about tactics for resisting the Trump presidency:

In case you didn't know it, Chomsky is on the left and people on the left detest this far-right retard.
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Re: Maybe why Trump is having a hard time?

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Mar 11, 2017 9:56 am

Tim Drayton wrote:Here is an interesting talk by Chomsky about tactics for resisting the Trump presidency:

In case you didn't know it, Chomsky is on the left and people on the left detest this far-right retard.

I said: "You need to watch it before jumping to conclusions." :roll:

Chomsky covers most of this in the video. He does not mention Trump because he is an irrelevance anyway, it is some of what he proposes that is the threat. He got in because of the disillusionment of the masses, who rebelled against the established order and he explains how that order works. Trump talked about creating jobs, putting America First, bringing jobs back to the US etc. ..... basically proposals that will return power to the people. He mentioned in your link, Bernie Sanders and that Trumps votes from the younger people would most likely have gone to him, if they had got rid of Clinton the way they got rid of Bernie.

So watch Chomsky's video and listen to what he says about the way the structure of our society works. Whether Chomsky is left or right, again is of no relevance as he is mainly quoting facts from history. He just puts them into some order.
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Re: Maybe why Trump is having a hard time?

Postby tsukoui » Sat Mar 11, 2017 3:36 pm

I'm sorry RH but for some reason the link didn't work, technical or spiritual, do I need to watch it?
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Re: Maybe why Trump is having a hard time?

Postby tsukoui » Sat Mar 11, 2017 3:55 pm

To show you that I know what I am doing, here is a post explaining exactly what Communists like me do: Just the same as the Tories don't you think :lol:
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Re: Maybe why Trump is having a hard time?

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Mar 12, 2017 8:08 am

tsukoui wrote:I'm sorry RH but for some reason the link didn't work, technical or spiritual, do I need to watch it?

The link is from 123movies web site .... I am subscribed, maybe that makes a difference. I found what he said a very pragmatic explanation of how the fabric of our society works. He wasn't making political comments just putting the various aspects into perspective. For instance:

He said that the US Constitution was developed by the Elite and that it was intended to remain under the control of the Elite. First thought, sounds ant-establishment? Then he explains that The Senate was originally not a voted assembly, but one more like The House of Lords in the UK ..... unelected members with power, who were given that power by other un-elected members. It was actions by the people that changed that and made The Senate and Senators subject to election.

Also he touched on the Industrial revolution which through the combined efforts of the people (workers i.e. Unions) forced the wealthy factory owners to reward their workers rather than treat them like slaves. Certainly in the UK we know from history the workers were greatly abused and lived in poverty. People gained more wealth as time progressed and this led to the 'blue collar, white collar' concept and gradually the gap between the rich and poor closed.

This reached a peak in the US in the 50's and 60's, which is when the American Dream became a reality for many. I think the similar thing happened all over Europe. We can all see that since the early 70's that trend has reversed and we are now in a situation where the gap between rich and poor is greater than ever and the chance of 'making it' has disappeared for many.

He then explains why and how this has happened ...... I could relate to much of what he was saying through my own experience of life. I realised something was not right in the 80's and could see in the UK that a gap was widening, jobs were getting scarce and the idea of buying your own house was becoming more of a dream. My reaction was to take jobs abroad that paid well and then transferred myself out of the UK as it was obvious even then what was coming.

So, if you subscribe to 123 movies, you will be able to watch the video, that is, if you can't find it on YouTube somewhere. The site also streams all the latest and also a lot of older movies for free.
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Re: Maybe why Trump is having a hard time?

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun Mar 12, 2017 9:48 am

Tim Drayton wrote:Here is an interesting talk by Chomsky about tactics for resisting the Trump presidency:

In case you didn't know it, Chomsky is on the left and people on the left detest this far-right retard.

Playground politics! :roll:

I don't think you can appropriate Chomsky for your view of 'the left' - nor generally make such sweeping, unrealistic labels any more.
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Re: Maybe why Trump is having a hard time?

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Mar 12, 2017 10:09 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:Here is an interesting talk by Chomsky about tactics for resisting the Trump presidency:

In case you didn't know it, Chomsky is on the left and people on the left detest this far-right retard.

Playground politics! :roll:

I don't think you can appropriate Chomsky for your view of 'the left' - nor generally make such sweeping, unrealistic labels any more.

You would find what Chomsky said on Greece interesting .... although he was referring to ancient Greece.

The US has now the situation that the Greeks had thousands of years before them. The wealth was drifting to the wealthy and the people were getting poorer. This led to discontent and the rumblings of rebellion.

Chomsky pointed out that the US response was more oppression, more privilege for the rich and more control over the people and I think that is obvious from what is going on today in the US.

The Greeks saw the problem and increased taxes on the rich, to pay for improvements for the daily life of the people such as food on the table, free education, free healthcare, a roof over their head and more freedom and the atmosphere of rebellion subsided. The same applied to the Industrial revolution in the UK .... once the people got a better deal they were prepared to let those rule that wanted to rule but by democratic routes not dictatorial.

Again I thought it was a well presented lecture. :wink:
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Re: Maybe why Trump is having a hard time?

Postby Get Real! » Sun Mar 12, 2017 10:26 am

When Chomsky came to Nicosia in 2006 to the U.Cy, it was so packed there were people hanging out the windows! :)
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Re: Maybe why Trump is having a hard time?

Postby yialousa1971 » Sun Mar 12, 2017 11:48 pm

Chomsky/Trump both members of the tribe. :wink:
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