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An open letter to the Greek People .........

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An open letter to the Greek People .........

Postby Robin Hood » Tue Mar 14, 2017 1:08 pm

Not Cyprus related but near enough .......... banks create debt ...... to people who cannot afford to repat it ....... and then strip them of their assets. Greece is not the only country in this quagmire! :roll:

Open Letter to the People of Greece: You Are Being Slaughtered - By Peter Koenig

You are being slaughtered right in front of the world’s eyes and nobody says beep. Least the Greek elite. Your Government. A few, but a few too many, allow the slaughter because it doesn’t concern them. They are blinded by the false glamour of the euro and of belonging to the ‘elite class’ of the noble Europeans (sic!).

They apparently live well enough, including the caviar socialists of Syriza. They let their country bleed to death literally, morally, socially and psychologically. Medical care is no longer available or privatized and unaffordable. Pensions were reduced five times. They were never more than a survival kit. By now they have been slashed in some cases by over 50%. Hordes of people live on food handouts. Most social services, including to a large extent education have been sold out, privatized. Gone with a flicker. Gone, by order of Germany – and the holy troika – the criminal gang of three, IMF, European Central Bank (EIB) and the European Commission (EU); the latter a mere bunch of unelected corrupt puppets, deciding the fate of some 800 million Europeans – with YOU, the Greek people, accepting carrying the brunt end of the stick.

In September 2016, the unelected European Commission sent Greece a Brussels-drafted legislation of over 2,000 pages, in English, to be ratified by the Greek Parliament within a few days – or else. – Nobody asked: ‘What is else’?

Brussels didn’t even bother translating this unreadable legalistic heap of paper into Greek, nor did they allow the Parliament enough time to read, digest and debate the new fiscal legislation. Most parliamentarians could not read them, either because of language or due to the imposed time limit. The Parliament ratified the legislation anyway.

Under this new law, Greece is transferring all public assets (public infrastructure, airports, ports even public beaches, natural resources, etc.), unconditionally, for 99 years, to the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) which is free to sell (privatize) them at fire sales prices to whomever is interested – supposedly to pay back the Greek debt. The fund was originally estimated, certainly under-estimated – at about 50 billion euros. In the meantime, the value of the Greek assets has been further downgraded by the troika to between 5 and 15 billion euros, as compared to Greece’s debt of more than 350 billion euros. The ESM is a supranational undemocratic apparatus, accountable to no one.

Continued ..................

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Re: An open letter to the Greek People .........

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Mar 14, 2017 9:11 pm

...Varoufakis, has been telling Europeans that they must make their Government transparent, accountable to them, and he resigned based on this Principal; it is not the first time that Greeks are at the vanguard, the fight, a right to live, to work to live, against the prospect that to live is to work without a life. Fate again brings this prospect to a People who live on what is scraggly rocks.

Is this not what "being" European is about?

...i ask is this an issue of Greek indebtedness, or the crass end of an elite who see their integration into a class that is larger than themselves as security, for them?

The word class-warfare, comes to mind.
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Re: An open letter to the Greek People .........

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Mar 15, 2017 9:14 am

repulsewarrior wrote:...Varoufakis, has been telling Europeans that they must make their Government transparent, accountable to them, and he resigned based on this Principal; it is not the first time that Greeks are at the vanguard, the fight, a right to live, to work to live, against the prospect that to live is to work without a life. Fate again brings this prospect to a People who live on what is scraggly rocks.

Is this not what "being" European is about?

...i ask is this an issue of Greek indebtedness, or the crass end of an elite who see their integration into a class that is larger than themselves as security, for them?

The word class-warfare, comes to mind.

IMO: The Greeks were stitched up by their own elite establishment's self interest. To me this is down to the ignorance of the masses when it comes to the way the financial and banking systems operate. All these bail-outs the EU/IMF keep handing them just go straight back to the very same banks ..... who then charge them interest. The Greeks see nothing (or very little) of this bail-out money. Very sad. :cry:
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Re: An open letter to the Greek People .........

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Mar 15, 2017 12:32 pm

Maybe had the Greeks know this they could have solved their problem before this ‘banking secret’ destroyed their country? By experience I can say it is very, very, very difficult to get people to accept this. :roll: If you have the time and are interested in the creation of money i.e. Where does it come from, then this is a good read?

The banking secret, which makes the fat cat’s richer, while destroying the real economy, that neither economists nor laypeople know..........

Private Banks – Not the Government or Central Banks – Create 97 Percent of All Money

Who creates money? Most people assume that money is created by governments … or perhaps central banks.

In reality – as noted by the Bank of England, Britain’s central bank – 97% of all money in circulation is created by private banks. Bank Loans = Creating Money Out of Thin Air

But how do private banks create money? We’ve all been taught that banks first take in deposits, and then they loan out those deposits to folks who want to borrow.

But this is a myth …………..

The Bank of England the German central bank have explained that loans are extended before deposits exist … and that the loans create deposits:
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