If you could take a short break from throwing self-perceived, smart assed insults at people. Would you be kind enough to define "declined"?
Everything is relative, depends where you set the bench marks and what ‘facts’ you include ..... or don’t include.
DT's common sense comment is a classic example ..... what looks like growth is in fact a decline in real terms!
“Better than forecast growth (IMF updated projection). Better actually than the USA, Germany, Japan and France” ...... see above, where do the figures come from, what do critics say about the figures.
“Employment at a record high”. ..... But mainly zero hours or minimum wage level jobs and in the service sector. Jobs in industry, engineering and manufacturing are at an all time low.
“Interest rates cut to a record low”...... good thing for borrowers but has caused private debt to soar to all time and unsustainably high levels, whilst pension schemes are in trouble due to low returns on safe investment. SME’s still cannot get the financing easily form the banks to create growth ...... banks can make more money at less risk by funding assets.
“House prices soaring”........ it is a 'bubble' ..... house prices are assets and are in the main funded by cheap loans. i.e. debt, and often given to those that cannot afford to repay them. Sub-prime ring a bell? ..... well you are looking at sub-prime II.
“The FTSE at record highs”....... again the FTSE and other financial market valuations are assets, actually asset bubbles, driven by banks and their purchase of bonds, they contribute virtually nothing to the real economy.
“I'm just confused about your concept of the UK "declining". “..... and I think you are just confused .......... period!

“Come on, be honest, you never actually look into any of this stuff, do you? Far too much trouble. It's all just constant one-liner remarks.” ..... that’s rich coming from you

Basically, nobody has a clue what will happen with any degree of certainty ...... and those that do have a clue what they are talking about, are only found on loony right-wing, anti-American, conspiracy theory and independent information sources. People like Werner, Keen, even Max Keiser - (RT- Keiser Report) are never listened to because they don’t have a message people want to hear!

IMO: I still think Brexit was the right decision. What comes of it will be up to ...... well, take your pick!