Lonewolf, I will tell you a story, it is personal, so no matter, at any rate, you see...
I went to university with a Yugoslavian whose mother, sorry father, nay grandmother, let me get this right, yes grandmother, was in the Yugoslav central committee...
His name was Duro, and he was a little mad...
He told me that Tito was well known for cowering in a cave whilst the fighting was going on, and was a million miles away from the real action
But to return, if I may practice yet more self harm, my South African comrade was introduced to him by me and Mad Duro said, can you believe it, that the socialist government of Yugoslavia claimed it was not racist, but whenever the students wanted to stay, they sent them home.
I had to correct the fool, you do not buy a good education to waste it on the local talent, why? Because your family will suffer.
I have already killed my grandfather, my uncle and my aunt. All on my Scottish side. Now all that is left is my grandmother's grave which I piss on by voting SNP.
My name is Rob like my Bapou before me, is that what you want?? Or should I address the President directly