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Trump Vomits Hatred All Over The UNGA.

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Trump Vomits Hatred All Over The UNGA.

Postby Robin Hood » Tue Sep 19, 2017 7:58 pm

I watched Trump give his speech to the world and I don't think I have ever seen a worse example of US arrogance, open aggression and stupidity. The only applause Trump got was from Netanyahu and the Israeli's, who could have written the script for him ! For the sake of world peace he should be arrested and put on trial along with the rest of his war mongering administration.

Trump Vomits Hatred All Over The United Nations General Assembly - Video & Transcript.

"US may 'have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea"

Posted September 19, 2017

Does anyone believe that Trump wrote this speech or any other speech for that matter? Trump is a ventriloquist dummy, delivering words scripted by the military industrial complex. It is difficult to imagine how far we have fallen when the president of our nation threatens to savage and destroy 24 million people and the UN applauds this ignorant savage. We should all be appalled and ashamed as our country slips further into fascism. Tom Feeley

One of the first of what I expect will be many more articles commenting on his speech ............ I can't wait to see the Russian, Chinese, Korean, Japanese and Iranian response! :evil:

Korea Solution Needs US to Sign a Peace Treaty - By Finian Cunninham

September 19, 2017 "Information Clearing House" - Germany and France have backed the stance of Russia and China for negotiations to avert the Korea crisis. South Korea and Japan also seem to be amenable to recent calls by Russian President Vladimir Putin for exclusively diplomatic efforts. Any other option in the alarming standoff with North Korea over its nuclear weapons program portends disaster.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has endorsed the P5+1 nuclear deal with Iran as a model for possible negotiations.
That puts the United States on the margin of international consensus, with its repeated threats to use military force as an option against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea).
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Re: Trump Vomits Hatred All Over The UNGA.

Postby CrookedRiverGuy » Tue Sep 19, 2017 8:56 pm

Adolf was more sane than this moron
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Re: Trump Vomits Hatred All Over The UNGA.

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Sep 19, 2017 9:56 pm

...frankly, i think the American position was delivered rather eloquently.

He asked the rest of the world to step up, to put their money where it is important to them. To allow Americans the same respect they should have for each other, to work together, where there is a common interest without the expectation that America will lead them whatever the cost, to pay their fair share.

They must make clear their self-interests, America will, with Trump as its President this is without doubt.

...and what of "North Korea" if they escalate for war, what is it for? Trump will not back down if what is left is everyone else sitting on their hands expecting something different, from him; only reason, and a good reason, will "stop" Trump, you forget that he is full of bluster as a deal maker looking for his best choices. Action is needed, from anyone but Trump, if there is a credibility to the world's convictions toward Universal Principals; "show me", says Trump.

...much as i would like to say that this man is dangerous, he may be the best President yet; kismet has a role to play in this one.
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Re: Trump Vomits Hatred All Over The UNGA.

Postby Get Real! » Wed Sep 20, 2017 12:52 am

What I find funny is that every time Trump opens his mouth about N.Korea he seems to be moving the goalposts:

First it was… “if you fire another missile”

It then went to… “if you threaten our allies”

And now it’s gone to… “If you fire at the US”

And if this continues by next week he’ll probably be saying… “If you destroy two or more American cities” :lol:
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Re: Trump Vomits Hatred All Over The UNGA.

Postby Schnauzer » Wed Sep 20, 2017 5:49 am

Kim Jong Un has got America by the bollocks and is giving them a good squeeze, it's about time somebody did. :lol:
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Re: Trump Vomits Hatred All Over The UNGA.

Postby CrookedRiverGuy » Wed Sep 20, 2017 9:19 pm


uh - there's still life in Raqqa?

repulsewarrior wrote:...frankly, i think the American position was delivered rather eloquently.
...much as i would like to say that this man is dangerous, he may be the best President yet; kismet has a role to play in this one.


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Re: Trump Vomits Hatred All Over The UNGA.

Postby Linichka » Wed Sep 20, 2017 11:35 pm

Initially, I had hopes that so-called 'Rocket Man' would fire off another smack in the middle of Blowfish Trump's absurd and embarrassing speech.
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Re: Trump Vomits Hatred All Over The UNGA.

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Sep 21, 2017 6:30 pm

A few more articles each expressing a more in depth view of Trumps ‘speech’ to the UN, for those that have an interest. The response from China and Russia have been muted and they will not lower themselves to respond to his tirade of threats against sovereign states.

Compare Rouhani’s speech to Trumps! Where do you see the road to peace? Iran has not attacked another nation for over 300 years. Who is the civilised nation and who is the aggressor? :roll:

Rouhani’s speech to the UNGA. Video and transcript:

....... also from the international legal aspect:

Descent into Barbarism: Trump Makes Virtue Out of War And Genocide at The UN. - by Finian Cunningham

International war crimes lawyer Christopher Black said Trump’s speech amounted to a stunning self-indictment. The Canadian-based attorney said the American president’s words were a shockingly explicit repudiation of UN principles and international law on several counts.

With regard to North Korea, Black said: “The US president is threatening aggression under the false guise of ‘defense.' By openly stating the US will act alone to use military force is a violation of the United Nations’ Charter. Such unilateral use of military force is also a violation of the Nuremberg principles which condemned Nazi Germany for promulgating similar baseless justifications for its aggression.”

The lawyer also added that Trump’s warning to “totally destroy North Korea is advocating the genocide of an entire people.” Says Black: “Any military response to any attack has to be proportional – just enough to stop the attack. Trump’s stated objective to wipe the North Korean state and its people from the face of the earth is the crime of genocide under international law.”

It should be deeply troubling that the supposed leader of the world’s most powerful country so openly and disgustingly makes a virtue of barbarism. As American writer Tom Feeley succinctly described Trump’s diatribe at the UN: “An ignorant savage who spewed hatred all over the nations of the world.”

.....just what were the Nuremberg war crimes trials all about? Why now does the POTUS feel these potential crimes he has expounded, should not put HIM in the dock?

Trump’s “Mein Kampf” Tirade at the United Nations - By Bill Van Auken

The speech delivered Tuesday by Donald Trump to the opening session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York was without precedent either for the UN or the American presidency.

Speaking before a world body ostensibly created to spare humanity the “scourge of war” and founded on the principles elaborated at the Nuremberg trials of Nazi leaders, the American president openly embraced a policy of genocide, declaring that he was “ready, willing and able” to “totally destroy” North Korea and its 25 million people.

The fact that nobody in the assembly moved for Trump’s arrest as a war criminal, or even told the fascistic bully to sit down and shut up, is a measure of the bankruptcy of the UN itself.

....... an analysis of the main points:

Unmasked: Trump Doctrine Vows Carnage For New Axis of Evil
- By Pepe Escobar

North Korea, Iran, Venezuela are targets in "compassionate" America's war on the "wicked few." It's almost as though Washington felt its hegemony threatened?

This was no “deeply philosophical address”. And hardly a show of “principled realism” – as spun by the White House. President Trump at the UN was “American carnage,” to borrow a phrase previously deployed by his nativist speechwriter Stephen Miller.

One should allow the enormity of what just happened to sink in, slowly. The president of the United States, facing the bloated bureaucracy that passes for the “international community,” threatened to “wipe off the map” the whole of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (25 million people). And may, however many millions of South Koreans who perish as collateral damage, be damned.

..... and a view of today’s Wars from a reasoned military perspective:
Where Are the Brave Military Voices Against Forever War? - By Maj. Danny Sjursen

It is my favourite moment. Of World War I, that is, the one that stays with me.

Christmas, 1914: Nearly a million men are already dead, and the war is barely four months old. Suddenly, and ultimately in unison, the opposing German and British troops begin singing Christmas carols. At first light, German troops emerge unarmed from their trenches, and walk out into “no-man’s land.” Despite fearing a ruse, the Brits eventually joined their sworn enemies in the churned earth between the trench lines. Carols were sung, gifts of cigarettes exchanged—one man even brought out a decorative tree. It only happened once. Though the bloody, senseless war raged across three more Christmases, the officers on each side quashed future attempts at a holiday truce. And yet, for that brief moment, in the ugliest of circumstances, the common humanity of Brits and Germans triumphed. It must have been beautiful.

Ultimately, nearly ten million men would die in battle. For all that, little was settled. It rarely is. The ruling classes still ruled, the profiteers profited, and Europe went to war again not twenty years later. So it went, and so it goes.

Nonetheless, World War I boasted countless sceptics and anti-war activists both in and out of uniform. Their poetry and prose was dark, but oh was it ever powerful. Siegfried Sassoon and Wilfred Owen from the Brits; Erich Maria Remarque for the stoic Germans; and our own Ernest Hemingway. A lost generation, which sacrificed so much more than youth: their innocence. They call to us, these long dead dissenters, from the grave.
They might ask: Where are today’s sceptical veterans? Tragically, silence is our only ready response.
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Re: Trump Vomits Hatred All Over The UNGA.

Postby Schnauzer » Thu Sep 21, 2017 8:36 pm

R/H........ Many thanks for drawing attention to the speech made by President Hassan Rouhani (and let us dignify him by respecting his title) in response to the belligerent delivery of his American counterpart.

It was noticeable that, when the speech was broadcast on television (news), it was cut short as soon as criticism was made of Israel's position and allegiance to the US, in fact, the commentator even stated as he cut short the coverage that :- "It is becoming a little too personal".

That is the kind of reporting we are up against folks, how then may any reasonable person gain knowledge of that which is really taking place in the world ?.

Thanks once again R/H...........some may even take note. :wink:
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Re: Trump Vomits Hatred All Over The UNGA.

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Sep 23, 2017 5:21 pm

Schnauzer wrote:R/H........ Many thanks for drawing attention to the speech made by President Hassan Rouhani (and let us dignify him by respecting his title) in response to the belligerent delivery of his American counterpart.

It was noticeable that, when the speech was broadcast on television (news), it was cut short as soon as criticism was made of Israel's position and allegiance to the US, in fact, the commentator even stated as he cut short the coverage that :- "It is becoming a little too personal".

That is the kind of reporting we are up against folks, how then may any reasonable person gain knowledge of that which is really taking place in the world ?.

Thanks once again R/H...........some may even take note. :wink:

There have been a whole host of opinions of the rather embarrassing Trump speech to the UN, far too many to post here. Very few have supported what he said and, with a few exceptions, even the MSM have not been overly impressed.

I do not see how the US can be allowed to have a seat on the UNSC, let alone a permanent seat! How can a country whose leader openly threatens at least four countries with military action be allowed to remain as a member of the SC when what he says is the absolute antithesis of what the UN was founded to avoid. I think it just shows one thing ....... The United Nations needs to be completely reformed ...... this is something that Trump was pushing just before he made his speech. The problem I have with that is that any reforms the US has in mind will be to enhance and strengthen the US position.

You said "...........some may even take note?" I doubt it very much! :roll: :wink:
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