Trump Vomits Hatred All Over The United Nations General Assembly - Video & Transcript.
"US may 'have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea"
Posted September 19, 2017
Does anyone believe that Trump wrote this speech or any other speech for that matter? Trump is a ventriloquist dummy, delivering words scripted by the military industrial complex. It is difficult to imagine how far we have fallen when the president of our nation threatens to savage and destroy 24 million people and the UN applauds this ignorant savage. We should all be appalled and ashamed as our country slips further into fascism. Tom Feeley
One of the first of what I expect will be many more articles commenting on his speech ............ I can't wait to see the Russian, Chinese, Korean, Japanese and Iranian response!

Korea Solution Needs US to Sign a Peace Treaty - By Finian Cunninham
September 19, 2017 "Information Clearing House" - Germany and France have backed the stance of Russia and China for negotiations to avert the Korea crisis. South Korea and Japan also seem to be amenable to recent calls by Russian President Vladimir Putin for exclusively diplomatic efforts. Any other option in the alarming standoff with North Korea over its nuclear weapons program portends disaster.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel has endorsed the P5+1 nuclear deal with Iran as a model for possible negotiations.
That puts the United States on the margin of international consensus, with its repeated threats to use military force as an option against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea).