I would expect Putin to be wealthy but so far I have seen nothing but speculation as to how wealthy. Figures vary as they do with all the speculative claims against the Clintons, Bushes, Obamas etc. It is ALL speculation. What is a fact is that the Pentagon cannot account for 6-5 TRILLION dollars!!! Maybe they have been paying Putin to interfere with the US elections and that is how he has got so wealthy?

But this has sod all to do with the likelihood of a nuclear war kicking-off between the US and Russia.
Today, Teresa May decides to jump on the band wagon with more anti-Putin speculation, making a lot of accusations without a shred of fact. As usual she leaps in with Russian aggression in Crimea (
what happened to the peoples democratic right of self determination the West keeps shouting about?) but conveniently overlooks all the numerous acts of aggression by the UK/NATO. Like the bombs the RAF are dropping on Syria every day .....I hear them flying out ...... all illegal of course and contrary to acceptable international standards.
The NATO Commander (
Stollenberg?) has warned Europe to prepare for a Russian invasion ...... where TF does he get this information from? The only place you will find an imaginary Russian threat is in the Western Media and the US Senate ..... with the UK/EU poodles following on behind.
Can any body actually name a recent event where Russia has illegally carried out any acts of war or even military aggression against another Nation? Compare the acts of aggression they accuse Russia of, even if they are truly acts of aggression, they pale into insignificance compared with Western acts of aggression. I am afraid that in my book Putin has infinitely more of my respect for his actions and his diplomatic efforts than I could possibly credit even a fraction of for the pathetic and supercilious attitude of any Western government.
If they pay Putin for results ..... then he has every right to be fabulously rich! If May was paid for her results she wouldn't get the bus fare home, she and most of her colleagues would be paupers.