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Lloyd George's Christmas Present

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Lloyd George's Christmas Present

Postby Londonrake » Wed Dec 13, 2017 10:40 am

Today in the CM. WW1/Jerusalem/Balfour. An interesting article. ... sh-people/

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Re: Lloyd George's Christmas Present

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Dec 14, 2017 12:37 pm

Peace to the World.

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Re: Lloyd George's Christmas Present

Postby Paphitis » Thu Dec 14, 2017 3:47 pm

Jerusalem was always going to be Israel's capital from when it was captured by the British in 1917.

The highest ranking allied military officer in charge of the Western Front was the President of The National Zionist Federation and best friends with Herry Chauvel (Battle of Besheeba) and respected by Murdoch senior who became the owner of the biggest Media Empire in the world.

Hence why the say the media has an Israeli bias. Bean, Monash, Chauvel and Murdoch (Gang of 4) or so the theory goes. Murdoch and Monash were great Australian compatriots when in those days were fighting the British Chain of Command over Gallipoli. At one time Monash was about to be charged for refusing to execute an order to charge Turkish trenches as he didn't want to send fine men to their death. Murdoch when to White Hall and confronted British PM and basically nearly got arrested as well. He was actually charged at one point of espionage because he was carrying papers from the Australian High Command at Gallipoli. The documents were given to him by Monash.

Already, the Zionists had their eyes on Jerusalem.

Chauvel and Monash were also academics together at Melbourne University. Both very highly acclaimed academics as well. These guys were basically working together for their entire lives.
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