Cunningham puts it into words what I see but is so much better at it.

Russia is a Threat to Western Societies? - West’s Fatal Intellectual Poverty By Finian Cunningham
British Prime Minister Theresa May glibly accuses Russia of "sowing division”; French President Emmanuel Macron alleges that Russian news media interfered in his country’s elections last year. The EU’s Commissioner on Security Sir Julian King last week casually smeared Russian news media outlets RT and Sputnik as "Kremlin-orchestrated disinformation."
All these claims are never substantiated with hard evidence or credible analysis. They are simply asserted in the realm of speculation and fantasy.
Surely, if there were any standard of intellectual and journalistic integrity, the claims made against Russia should be tested for objective credibility. But they never are tested or challenged. They are simply mouthed, echoed and amplified by politicians, think-tanks and media.
Of course, that’s not to say the West is devoid of intelligent thinkers. Russian scholars like Stephen Cohen, media analysts like Ed Herman and journalists like John Pilger are indeed there and admirably outspoken in their dissent. But their voices of sanity are drowned out by the cacophony of nonsense that dominates public discourse.
US-based political analyst Randy Martin says that Washington’s political class is especially bankrupt in intelligence.
He says the American narrative of accusing Russia "has become exhausted" from lack of credibility. "It has become so tired from lack of facts and credibility, ordinary common-sense citizens have become weary of it. The official Washington description of the world has no longer any relevant application to international relations."
Martin asks: "How can any country chart a viable direction when its strategic thinking is so fundamentally false and, in effect, based on paranoid delusion?" He adds: "It is inevitable that if a nation or group of nations construct policies and allocate resources based on a fundamentally erroneous assessment of the world then such a direction is bound to result in disastrous failure and collapse."
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