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What Russian threat?

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What Russian threat?

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Jan 24, 2018 4:04 pm

Another sound analysis of the West’s rather strange view of the World we live in and the reason it is all so screwed up? If all the money that is spent on the military went into our social fabric and benefitted the majority of people ..... what a wonderful world this could be! :D

Cunningham puts it into words what I see but is so much better at it. :wink:

Russia is a Threat to Western Societies? - West’s Fatal Intellectual Poverty By Finian Cunningham

British Prime Minister Theresa May glibly accuses Russia of "sowing division”; French President Emmanuel Macron alleges that Russian news media interfered in his country’s elections last year. The EU’s Commissioner on Security Sir Julian King last week casually smeared Russian news media outlets RT and Sputnik as "Kremlin-orchestrated disinformation."
All these claims are never substantiated with hard evidence or credible analysis. They are simply asserted in the realm of speculation and fantasy.

Surely, if there were any standard of intellectual and journalistic integrity, the claims made against Russia should be tested for objective credibility. But they never are tested or challenged. They are simply mouthed, echoed and amplified by politicians, think-tanks and media.

Of course, that’s not to say the West is devoid of intelligent thinkers. Russian scholars like Stephen Cohen, media analysts like Ed Herman and journalists like John Pilger are indeed there and admirably outspoken in their dissent. But their voices of sanity are drowned out by the cacophony of nonsense that dominates public discourse.

US-based political analyst Randy Martin says that Washington’s political class is especially bankrupt in intelligence.
He says the American narrative of accusing Russia "has become exhausted" from lack of credibility. "It has become so tired from lack of facts and credibility, ordinary common-sense citizens have become weary of it. The official Washington description of the world has no longer any relevant application to international relations."

Martin asks: "How can any country chart a viable direction when its strategic thinking is so fundamentally false and, in effect, based on paranoid delusion?" He adds: "It is inevitable that if a nation or group of nations construct policies and allocate resources based on a fundamentally erroneous assessment of the world then such a direction is bound to result in disastrous failure and collapse."

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Re: What Russian threat?

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Jan 25, 2018 4:37 am

...what is the threat, it is not the country, it is the ideas created to advance military-industrial complexes which cannot survive without growth.

Russia, like the USA, are no different in this regard.
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Re: What Russian threat?

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Jan 25, 2018 7:16 am

repulsewarrior wrote:...what is the threat, it is not the country, it is the ideas created to advance military-industrial complexes which cannot survive without growth.

Russia, like the USA, are no different in this regard.

I don't think Putin WANTS to spend vast amounts of the military but I can't see he has much choice. When compared to the sums of money the US spends on its military machine for 'defence' ..... what Russia spends is chicken feed. Wasn't the Russian defence budget reduced recently by 20%, just as the US increased its budget by as much as Russia spends in total?

Why is it called defence in the US? They have never been attacked or even really threatened in their history which does not apply to Russia ..... they know the cost of war, the people of the US don't and are deluded and misinformed into believing they are invulnerable.

But you are right, it's not the country that is the problem but the people that run it and they are tightening their grip every day. The same in the UK and even Europe and they are pushing the idea that Russia is THE threat! Are they really ....... I don't see that at al? . The threat seems to be the US and its partners and going by recent polls it seems the majority of people in most countries feel the same, even in the US. Hence the need to censor information ..... the one thing a powerful elite can't allow is an informed population that can make its own mind up. :x
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Re: What Russian threat?

Postby boomerang » Thu Jan 25, 2018 7:30 am

you do not seem to understand RH...and I am more surprised since you are English...did the english, the romans, the ottomans, the greeks did anything different?...

it's an empire doing it's best in expanding and in prolonging it's existence...nothing that has not be done since the dawn of civilisation...
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Re: What Russian threat?

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Jan 25, 2018 8:07 am

boomerang wrote:you do not seem to understand RH...and I am more surprised since you are English...did the english, the romans, the ottomans, the greeks did anything different?...

it's an empire doing it's best in expanding and in prolonging it's existence...nothing that has not be done since the dawn of civilisation...

That has always been my failing ...... I thought we had become sensible and informed enough to become civilised, at least in Western society. I may wish for a Utopian World ....... but so far I see no real changes except that instead of bows and arrows, a handful of Nations can annihilate the Global population in a matter of minutes ...... and history will then stop on this lump of rock we all call home! :roll: :wink:
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Re: What Russian threat?

Postby boomerang » Thu Jan 25, 2018 9:01 am

Robin Hood wrote:
boomerang wrote:you do not seem to understand RH...and I am more surprised since you are English...did the english, the romans, the ottomans, the greeks did anything different?...

it's an empire doing it's best in expanding and in prolonging it's existence...nothing that has not be done since the dawn of civilisation...

That has always been my failing ...... I thought we had become sensible and informed enough to become civilised, at least in Western society. I may wish for a Utopian World ....... but so far I see no real changes except that instead of bows and arrows, a handful of Nations can annihilate the Global population in a matter of minutes ...... and history will then stop on this lump of rock we all call home! :roll: :wink:

I know what ww3 will be fought with but its certain ww4 will fought with bows and arrows, maybe then as a civilisation might have a chance, to learn from the past, but I highly doubt it...we will be back to square 1 in no time...
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Re: What Russian threat?

Postby Sotos » Thu Jan 25, 2018 10:01 am

Did you mean: "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." ?
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Re: What Russian threat?

Postby boomerang » Thu Jan 25, 2018 10:07 am

Sotos wrote:Did you mean: "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." ?

on the contrary we all know what weapons will be used in ww3 and ww4 with be fought with bows and arrows because we know how to make them... lol...

that saying is outdated... lol...
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Re: What Russian threat?

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Jan 25, 2018 10:28 am

IF there is a WWIII ..... there will be no WWIV ..... there will be no one left to fight. The Planet will be just another chunk of lifeless rock floating in the vacuum of space ! :cry:

But, whilst the Russians seem to be aware of this, the US population still believes that having spent all this money on defence ...... they can stop anything anyone else fires at them and America will survive unscathed to reign supreme. Putin has said that there will never be another war fought on Russian soil! I believe that we have nothing to fear and we are safe all the time we take heed of that statement and stop trying to create an enemy of Russia to justify massive military expenditure on our 'defence'. :x
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