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Is now a good time to turn to the (original) Constitution?

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Is now a good time to turn to the (original) Constitution?

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Feb 24, 2018 12:35 am

Hidden in the NAVTEX are a few words that Erdogan only recognises the Cyprus of 1960.

I suggest it is a good opportunity to prepare the empty seats of Turkish Cypriots, in the Legislature to be filled, by them. I propose that the Communal Chamber can be opened, and that Turkish Cypriot representatives are invited to take their seats there, too.

...could this be an opportunity to rock that boat, so to speak, so that the reform of the Constitution could be a Cypriot affair, and that from a Communal Chamber, Constituencies may evolve. Can it be that a solution will be found if as Cypriots we start, re-start, from common ground?

I suggest that what may be good for Cyprus, is good for Turkey. That what has divided Cyprus for decades, and what is dividing Turkey now, can be defeated.

By "being" Cypriots, by uniting for Cyprus, in Turkey, those Turkish would have hope in their own struggle with Erdogan, and his "Turkishness". can we return, is it possible?
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Re: Is now a good time to turn to the (original) Constitutio

Postby Get Real! » Sat Feb 24, 2018 9:18 am

Canadian geezer, just get lost!

Go do some curling… go take more drugs… go chew on some maple leaves, but steer clear from Cyprus and the CyProb.

That you’re a crypto-Turkophile is obvious, even to a 12 year old!

I never liked you one bit from the onset... now fuck off you treacherous Turko-scum! :evil:
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Re: Is now a good time to turn to the (original) Constitutio

Postby miltiades » Sat Feb 24, 2018 9:46 am

I suppose you still think that we can take Turkey on and !!!
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Re: Is now a good time to turn to the (original) Constitutio

Postby Get Real! » Sat Feb 24, 2018 9:56 am

miltiades wrote:I suppose you still think that we can take Turkey on and !!!

Let me put it to you this way Miltiades… I’d rather die trying and killing as many of my enemies as possible, than surrender to filthy backwards Turks.
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Re: Is now a good time to turn to the (original) Constitutio

Postby miltiades » Sat Feb 24, 2018 10:15 am

Ok , you go ahead mate, who's stopping you !! The fact of the matter is that Turkey is a ....touch more powerful than we are, or for that matter Greece. We need diplomatic efforts to intensify, I wish the USA or Russia would take a stand against the mad sultan and teach him a lesson.unfortunately we do not have the military might and neither does Greece. As for the Brits they are not interested!!!
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Re: Is now a good time to turn to the (original) Constitutio

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Feb 25, 2018 12:35 am

...i don't know if it is a good idea, but it may be, i am asking for some reasoned thought; times change and now might be a good opportunity to consider that it is a starting point that neither party can deny, exists. Furthermore it may be a starting point that Erdogan cannot refuse, now that it is clear on what he has based his objection.

Beside your knee jerk behaviour GR, you could educate us; i know how smart you are, i would have hoped for Cyprus you would do better.

...i wish i had a plain solution to getting a vote organised for Turkish Cypriot representatives in the occupied north; it would not surprise me that there are Cypriots who would run in such an election if they could. Divided as "Greeks" and "Turks", dismisses the fact that Cypriots are Cypriots. Sener Levent is one who i would wish to be elected. There are others who would raise the Flag of Cyprus, if they had a good reason, despite the danger such an act invites.

Unlike you GR, i cannot rest, (at least some of my missing have been found). And it seems i am a better Cypriot than you, in any case, because i remain a loving person, the way, even, a better Greek, who despite my own grief, i serve.

...just the other day i was thinking how nice it will be to sit by the harbour in Kyrenia, with good friends, like milti, DT, Dhavlos, Kiks, Tim, billc, and Cap, just to name a few, you won't be there i know, of course you will have been invited; who cares.

...give us facts, anybody?
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Re: Is now a good time to turn to the (original) Constitutio

Postby Get Real! » Sun Feb 25, 2018 10:59 am

Just kill yourself you Canadian heap of uneducated Turkish cock-sucking terrorist shit!
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Re: Is now a good time to turn to the (original) Constitutio

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun Feb 25, 2018 11:30 am

miltiades wrote: The fact of the matter is that Turkey is a ....touch more powerful than we are, or for that matter Greece.

What do you mean by "we"? The answer will prove you too are stuck in the 60s.

What you ignore is that the "we" now includes 508 MILLION members of the EU - and, they are not going to stand by and let Turkey get her hands on one of the most geopolitically significant land masses of its Union nor lose out on the desperately needed gas finds.
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Re: Is now a good time to turn to the (original) Constitutio

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun Feb 25, 2018 11:46 am

From Repulswarrior's own source on the other thread:

For its part, the European Union not only signed the 1982 UNCLOS but also ratified it on 1 January 1998, which strengthened its competence in all areas where Part V of the Convention provides rights and obligations to coastal States. So, today, the Cypriot EEZ is also an EU EEZ. It is therefore an obligation for the EU to defend its EEZ today, because a challenge to the EEZ of the island is also a challenge to the European Union’s EEZ. The EU has already warned Turkey on February 12th by European Council President Donald Tusk to “avoid threats or actions against any EU member and to commit to good neighborly relations, peaceful settlement of disputes and respect of territorial sovereignty “.

Πηγή: The Turkish Challenges in the Cyprus Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and the Law of the Sea ... f-the-sea/

I ask you, RW, why in the face of such evidence, from an article you posted, do you still take such a backward stance?
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Re: Is now a good time to turn to the (original) Constitutio

Postby miltiades » Sun Feb 25, 2018 12:52 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
miltiades wrote: The fact of the matter is that Turkey is a ....touch more powerful than we are, or for that matter Greece.

What do you mean by "we"? The answer will prove you too are stuck in the 60s.

What you ignore is that the "we" now includes 508 MILLION members of the EU - and, they are not going to stand by and let Turkey get her hands on one of the most geopolitically significant land masses of its Union nor lose out on the desperately needed gas finds.

I dont , as yet, see any one from our....508 million European brothers coming to OUR aid. Reality is this. Turkey is powerful, we Cypriots, are not. Greece wouldn't dare on its own to challenge Turkey.
Israel, well, only if it served their interests, same goes for Russia the USA and of course our old mates soon to be referred to as ....the United Islamic Kingdom. Not in their interest.
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