Robin Hood wrote:Paphitis wrote:Cap wrote:Netanyahu said. “Anyone who occupies northern Cyprus, invades the Kurdish strip and slaughters citizens in Afrin, should not lecture us about values and ethics.”
That's an excellent comment from Netanyahu.
I like how he mentioned Cyprus and Afrin. Well done and Thank You.
I don't like Erdogan ..... but what he says about events in Gaza is more in line with mainstream opinion than Netanyahu's.
I thought you had a problem with mainstream opinions?
IMO: It would be rational and perfectly honest to say that Netanyahu's actions against Gaza are exactly the same as the Nazi's applied against the Jewish population in Warsaw. You must have heard about the 'Warsaw Ghetto'?
Yes, and I don't think it's a valid comparison. Does anybody?
But Netanyahu is just like you, quick to point out the abuses of others but ignores those his own country enacts against thousands of civilians in The Gaza Ghetto! Or in the annexation and occupation of the lands of others, (That sounds familiar) which is contrary to both International Law and The Geneva Conventions. But dare to mention this and ...... you are instantly branded as anti-Semitic!
There have always been a lot of anti-Semitic people around. Obviously, it's a topical subject at the moment. Nowadays though, anti-Semitic prejudices tend to be cloaked. Principally in a supposed hatred only of the actions of the State of Israel, or Zionism. "I have no problem with Jews. It's the Israeli Government/Zionists/Bankers/Media Moguls, etc, etc." It all boils down to the same thing though. The old rabble-rousing wind-up myths still prevail in certain quarters. If you Google "Jewish Conspiracy Theories" you're spoiled for choice.
It seems an odd situation though. Israel/Cyprus. There appears to be a lot of cooperation, in all sorts of fields. It was screaming overhead only last week.