Tsipras is getting very cosy with Australia - very close indeed.
Every year now, the Greek Government is sending the Greek Presidential Guard (Evzones) to Australia in order to participate in the ANZAC Day commemorations. And The Australian Defence Force are visiting Greece every year on the 28 October - Ochi day.
This year is also the first year where veterans of The Cyprus National Guard are allowed to march. Cyprus National Guard vets of 1974 will be marching under the Cyprus Flag as will Greek Veterans from Korea, The Australian Defence Forces and The Greek Presidential Guard (Evzones) in full uniform.
And for information, every year the Greek Evzones are honoring Australia with their presence from before 25 March until after 25 April - to commemorate Greek Independence Day and participate on ANZAC Day.
Just incredible.
My daughter is so impressed with the uniforms, she was posing for photographs with all of them and she caught the attention of the overseeing Officer from the Hellenic Navy.
Here is the conversation that was had between a 7 year old and and 41 year old officer of the Hellenic Navy.
Daughter: The Turks have taken over Cyprus and now they taking over the Aegean and want to take our islands.
Greek Officer: They will never succeed because The Hellenic Armed Forces will never allow it.
The conversation was long and interesting but my daughter eventually asked him for his number in Greece to put in her diary and asked him if she could call him next time she is in Athens...

And the Officer did. He gave her his number and said to my daughter, please do. Please make sure you give me a call kobellara mou. Then he hugged her and so on. The Greek officer got emotional too.
The Evzones are a real big hit too with the Australian People. They really do love them. Behind them are the Hellenic RSL and Greek Vets and this year to include Cyprus National Guard vets too.