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EU; that's gotta hurt. Turkey unhappy.

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EU; that's gotta hurt. Turkey unhappy.

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu May 30, 2019 4:28 am

Cyprus on Wednesday described the European Commission’s annual progress report on Turkey as “the most critical” since Ankara opened accession negotiations with the bloc in 2005. ... ss-report/

...a litany of condemnations, yet not a word about the Property issue, or the IPC.
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Re: EU; that's gotta hurt. Turkey unhappy.

Postby B25 » Thu May 30, 2019 8:27 am

Its just hot political air RW, don't raise any hopes on this. If the EU really meant business they would have already cancelled Turkeys Application and imposed economic sanctions like they did to the Russians. They are just pure hypocrites.

The property issue is deliberate, because they don't really have the balls to do anything about it and want to keep the GCs under the thumb.

The EU needs to be disbanded, since we joined we have nothing but gypsies and refugees come to our shores.
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Re: EU; that's gotta hurt. Turkey unhappy.

Postby Lordo » Thu May 30, 2019 11:51 am

if erodhan had any intention of joining the eu it woul be rw but he is not. he is happy with his customs union where very little tax applies to terggish exports and he also gets billions for helping out with stopping the refugees from coming accross the land bridge.

the eu is happy and so is erdogan. the only people unhappy are the sheepriots who believe babakantoboullos that once in the eu you would be able to use eu to get leverage and compromises from terggy. not a word about akinci as if if terggy wants something akinci will say how much. like hell he will.
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Re: EU; that's gotta hurt. Turkey unhappy.

Postby Maximus » Fri May 31, 2019 3:12 am

Every one of these reports has new condemnations to add to the list. The funny thing is, is that it’s all true and turkey always denies and rejects it. :lol:

24 years, billions of euro and the closure of one chapter later. Turkey is closer towards putting a Muslim on mars than it is of joining the eu :lol: :lol: :lol:

When will those Eurocrats learn that they are wasting time and money and they shouldn’t take turkey seriously any more.
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Re: EU; that's gotta hurt. Turkey unhappy.

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri May 31, 2019 8:03 pm

Why Turkey's President Erdogan Wants Those Russian Missiles ... 504a9a79fa

...they are planned to be located in the south of Turkey.

...i find it ironic that, in effect, these missiles will be pointed toward the sea, at the planes that come from Akrotiri, and Cyprus; bitterly ironic perhaps because Cyprus' S-300 do not point toward Turkey.

...while the scenario the author describes is also compelling, let's not forget that in Turkish warplanes at present, they can turn off the NATO "friendly fire" mechanisms.
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Re: EU; that's gotta hurt. Turkey unhappy.

Postby Maximus » Fri May 31, 2019 9:21 pm

That is a compelling article rw.

Erdogan is so motivated to get these missiles that he would risk sanctions and turn turkey in to another Iran, Venezuela or even Syria. Why?

For the US, there is a real risk that turkey will share the f35 with Russia so they can deconstruct the tech and neutralize it. For Russia, they just want to help the break up of nato to the south. Selling incompatible military hardware to the Turks seems to be helping push things along in that direction.

Perhaps erdogan thinks that theses s400’s will help him dominate in the eastern med and Cyprus’s Eez. Or fend off a western plan to break turkey up or a another coup. Russia wouldn’t mind. Either way, the Turks can only be relied upon to be unreliable and create problems.

In any case, in about a weeks time, it looks like the US will start implementing their sanctions. If the EU follows up with their own, a double whammy, then it is likely going to be crippling.

These shenanigans and the belligerence of the Turks can’t go on on their current trajectory. It’s in no ones interest.

Erdogan has opened up resistance and conflict on too many fronts that he won’t be able to handle and Turkey is financially fragile as it is.

I don’t see this working out well for erdogan or Turkey.

Deconstructing and restructuring of the Ottoman Empire 2.0.
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Re: EU; that's gotta hurt. Turkey unhappy.

Postby B25 » Fri May 31, 2019 10:11 pm

The EU need to cancel the Customs Union and sanction this terrorist state to bring it to bear.

Only economically can Erdocunt be controlled because no one has the balls to do it militarily.
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Re: EU; that's gotta hurt. Turkey unhappy.

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Jun 01, 2019 12:03 am

...he needs things to boil, so that he can blame "them" (what/who is not "Turkish").

a very dangerous time indeed...
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Re: EU; that's gotta hurt. Turkey unhappy.

Postby Maximus » Sat Jun 01, 2019 8:08 pm

Anyway guys,

Some of you should be preparing for the next lira currency crisis.

I am looking in to buying some USD and selling the TRY next week.

The lira has been weakening again since the start of the year but it is potentially providing a pull back from some short term strength to potentially buy in to. I am anticipating a new low in the lira and the US sanctions that will most probably come in to affect after next weekend will probably be the catalyst to send it spiraling.

Overall, the economy is shrinking, unemployment is rising and holding steady there and the balance of trade is on a downtrend. The last thing erdogan should want now is sanctions from the US and then potentially from the EU. But you can be sure that the odds are stacked in your favor by selling the TRY over the medium to long term. I dont see the current trend reversing, erdogan goes from one blunder to the next. Worse for Turkey is probably to come.

5.50 lira ( or close) to the dollar is looking like a good buy price. Currently trading at around 5.83.

8 or 10 lira to the dollar is my predicted target and we might see that before the end of the year.
Last edited by Maximus on Sat Jun 01, 2019 8:46 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: EU; that's gotta hurt. Turkey unhappy.

Postby Maximus » Sat Jun 01, 2019 8:36 pm

The currency pair has gone / is going parabolic over the last decade.

The climax has not been seen yet.
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