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istanbul ellection

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Re: istanbul ellection

Postby Maximus » Mon Jun 24, 2019 11:30 pm

Lordo wrote:
Maximus wrote:Turkey still has 4 years of him at the helm right?

you still dont get it. his hands are tied as he no longer wil have access to the corruption money to be able to brime the terggish people with packets of pasta and doll distribution. now he can loose the next election especially when all his scams come to light and off to court he will go.

his wings are clipped. as stupid as he is hew appreciated that who ever wins istanbul mayor vote wins terggy

Re bordo,

The only people who's hands a tied are the people Erdogan wants to throw in jail.

Turkey still has 4 more years of him at the helm. At least.

Imamoglu is like his admin guy for one city. He is a mayor!

This election has been blown out of proportion.

Even that leader of the grey wolf fascist party says, its done, lets focus on the real agendas and get back to work. Like its nothing.

I will say for the people, it might be a precursor for a yearning for new leadership. mainly because of the economic problems the country is facing.

But they have another 4 more years of Erdogan, where he can still keep f things up.

The debt filled expansions and erdogans consolidated powers wont go away now that imamoglu is a mayor.
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Re: istanbul ellection

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Jun 25, 2019 3:46 am

I noticed not a word was said about Erdogan's conflict on the Eastern Med. That is a good thing, and yet, if there is conflict, as distractions go, this is one that's sure to cause everyone anxiety.

...indeed, it is a happy day, but Turkey is split, more than ever, a Rural/Urban divide. How Erdogan will use this distinction is to be seen. He may have lost his "majority", he is still a Leader supported by half. It is interesting times in Turkey. ... y%20Turkey ... ion-agenda

...two more differing views. Cyprus plays a role in their scenarios. (and yes the S-400s are pointed at "us".)
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Re: istanbul ellection

Postby Maximus » Tue Jun 25, 2019 5:12 am

Doesn’t matter who is at the helm,

Turkey will still be the sick man of “Europe”, the pirate of the med and creating more problems with neighbors through its illegitimate unstrategic depths.
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Re: istanbul ellection

Postby Lordo » Tue Jun 25, 2019 2:36 pm

you see it just goes to shows that you really do not understand what you re reading. if this was just mayor and had no real power, then why did erdogan only cancel the mayor election in istanbul and did not cancel the council elections. you don't really understand what mayor does, or how erdogan used the role when he was mayor to accumulate a lot of wealth through corruption.

should i expalin how it works................. nope to hell with you boximouimmu.

erdogan actually said he who wins instanbul wins terggy. it means imamoglu wil challenge him in the next presdiential elections and he will win. after all imamoglu defeated erdogans right hand man.

do you understand the consequences, probaply no. stay ignorant like the rest of the likes of you.
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Re: istanbul ellection

Postby Maximus » Tue Jun 25, 2019 3:39 pm

Lordo, honestly, I am not really that bothered and erdogan is still running turkey for another 4 years.

If his days are numbered, and he knows it, then either he will leave gracefully when the time comes or he will use this time for more selfish and sinister purposes. In other words, He’s got 4 more years to consolidate more power and bunker himself up to prolong his reign as supreme ruler of the Turks.
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Re: istanbul ellection

Postby B25 » Tue Jun 25, 2019 3:59 pm

Lordo, should change the title of this post to 'Constantinople Erection'. It is more fitting. :)
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Re: istanbul ellection

Postby Lordo » Tue Jun 25, 2019 6:08 pm

B25 wrote:Lordo, should change the title of this post to 'Constantinople Erection'. It is more fitting. :)

naaaaaaaaaaaaaa not all that, that was 1453. we have come along way since it had an erection thanks to small memet second
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Re: istanbul ellection

Postby Cap » Tue Jun 25, 2019 8:14 pm

Nah Lordo.
Let's spell it out. You know it aint gonna go away.


Repeat after me.

Constantinople Elections. :D

The Greeks are almost as pathetic... just not there yet.
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Re: istanbul ellection

Postby MR-from-NG » Tue Jun 25, 2019 10:00 pm

Cap wrote:Nah Lordo.
Let's spell it out. You know it aint gonna go away.


Repeat after me.

Constantinople Elections. :D

The Greeks are almost as pathetic... just not there yet.

I'm going to put my stupid "cap" (no pun intended) on and join you in this silly game of yours. Now you repeat after me.........

I could list over a hundred more places and they're all on Google Maps for all to see, they all EXIST. Now your constantifuckingnople is just in your imagination, no such place :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: istanbul ellection

Postby Maximus » Tue Jun 25, 2019 10:10 pm

All those are Turkish translations of Greek places.

Same as instabul, it is the Turkish translation for Constantinople.

Like saying fire in English and Fuego in Spanish.

You can’t say it don’t exist.

You are only trying to monopolize the label,

Which is stupid because you didn’t think of or invent or establish the name place., you just translated it.

So every time you say instabul, you are also saying Constantinople.

To the city - ist-in-poli - istanbul. :lol:
Last edited by Maximus on Tue Jun 25, 2019 10:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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