Lordo wrote:Why do I need to balance anything. This threads is about what the Swine have done to UK for the last 13 years and continue to do.
They have sat by and watched energy corporations scam thousands off poor people and have done nothing for them. All they have done is capped the prices in some form and borrowed on our behalf and paid them huge profits.
In the meantime they have implemented an austerity policy which was supposed to reduce debt and instead they have gone from 1 trillion debt and this figure includes what 500 billion Brown gave the banks back in 2008 which most they got back after 2010 to 2.6 Trillion now. And before you say but what about the pandemic, don't. The debt was 1.8 Trillion, never mind how much money they wasted during the pandemic and since. But of course the Chief SwineCunt had forgotten the passcode for his mobile so he could not pass over the whatsup messages. I wonder if he forgot it was recorded and could be found.
Lets face it, if you object to the Tories being called Swine or any other variation, you must have sympathies with them, just like your friend with the bucket on his head.
Welcome to the Swineland.
BTW you don't have to actually read what I post.
Nobody is ofrcing you are they?
And yet - in your alter ego - when asked how you reconcile such views with your support of Russia murdering 9000 Ukrainian civilian men, women and children, your response was "They deserved it".
That, despite:
Lordo wrote:I don't know how many times it has to be said. Killing of all civilians and prisoners of war is a crime. It makes no difference who does it. You can contest the information as there is a lot of false info around, but you cannot justify it under any circumstances.
I'm sure even somebody as thick skinned and dogmatic as you can spot the problem with those conflicting views. Let me help. It's referred to as - H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-S-Y.
As far as the Conservative Party are concerned, as I have said on many occasions, I have no allegiance or sympathy with them at all. They are not Conservative in any sense and will deserve their fate. Having said that, nobody really wants Sir Keir Starmer as PM. It's all about revulsion at the Tories and having no other alternative.
As long as you keep referring to my country as "Swineland" and my people as "Swine" I am going to continue to come after you.
Nothing's said but I can't believe, despite all your sheepish sycophancy on the Ukraine thread, that most folk don't think you're a complete twat. Not only that, but one who strides across the forum with twatish post after post on just about every OP every day. Don't you have a life? FFS.

WTF is "ofrcing"? Is it some sort of LGBTQ+ thing?